It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Hello. I want to present unusual mining startup.
As you know SHA256 mining is almost “dead”, even with an ASIC, taking into account ASIC price, and difficulty.
Scrypt mining on GPU is almost “dead” too (Same reasons. In addition, a doubtful reputation of chip manufacturers. As it happened before (BFL, Avalon) most likely, that manufacturers will be the only ones who will take profits. And don’t forget about shipping time.).
Considering all this, I was looking for ways to make profit from mining last months. We have a small seam of former and present students. Unlike ASIC manufactures, our goal is not a loud statement or collection of pre-orders, but the actual mining in small scale. Here is our plan:
One of our members agreed to make his graduation project in collaboration with AMD, where he is going to work after university. This allows as to get limited access to AMD’s GPU production and documentation. (Under the AMD’s program of support of higher education institutions.)
We are going to get reference PCB design of 7990 card or any other suitable, remove all useless parts (HDMI, DVI, some logics) and request a small batch (15-25) of this cards. They will be as-is – without radiators and fans. Then we are going to mine on this “cards”.
Why this will be profitable?
That’s because without useless parts, warranty, package and taxes cost of each GPU will be 10-15% of stock prices. Also, we will get GPUs without cooling system. To solve this problem we’ve decided to use oil cooling system in the aquarium. I’ve done some tests by myself – this allows even better overclocking than with regular fans. Most of PSUs and motherboards will be used ones and we will get them at no cost.
It is certainly better than waiting for a new (possible unreal) Scrypt ASICs, especially knowing their prices. I think this project looks mostly like ASICMINER, but without shares (Because of small size of this project). I am nearly a director of this project, but this is real startup – everyone can influence decisions.
For example one of us (working programmer) want’s to fix well known “sgminer” core “” to mine SecureCoin (SRC). (Unfortunately, he wants money for it. Maybe we will collect funds for this idea too, but separately.)
Well, it is profitable. Why not to invest 100% by myself?
Thirst of all - University will pay a ridiculous amount of money for this diploma project (As you can see, this is a project of double purpose in fact :) ). Also, a small amount of money will be collected from our team. Anyway, we need much bigger amount. There will be no IPO or shares or so, as I said. (This project is just not up to it.). So, I offer you to invest and get good profit.
Why we can trust you (it’s personal loan despite that it is a group project)?
What about my reliability – I think it’s “A” grade (I don’t know why administration still didn’t change my grade. They speak about “machine learning system”… May be some politics in fact.)
1. Identity Verification - (Accepted).
2. Address Verification - (Accepted).
3. Phone Verification - (Accepted).
4. Income Verification - (Accepted).
5. PayPal (about 6 years) account connection - (Accepted).
6. eBay (about 6 years) account connection - (Accepted).
7. facebook account connection - (Accepted).
8. account connection - (Accepted).
9. Online Wallet (Coinbase) connection - (Accepted).
10. I heave 100% positive feedback and personal references.
11. I have More than 1 year of good history here. I have 73 followers I've made 55.12 BTC payments.
12. I had no overdue loans of even single payments.
13. I have 100.00% positive feedback on eBay, Amazon.
Who soon and how much we will get back?
Well, we think that we need 1 month to figure out organization and engineering problems and get boards. ROI of these boards will be less than 1 month. So nearly in 7 weeks, we will get profits. For security reasons this loan will be repaired in 3 months. We expect the yield of 120% per month, but there will be rise of difficulty and overhead expenses. I can’t promise you that we will pay more than promised in this loan, but if we decide to expand mining we will rise payments to get people interested.