Asset Id 3501237268087927815
Hi guys/gals my name is LooTz! If you are on SuperNET slack, then you most likely know me. I run SuperNET Radio (
www.Supernetradio.com). We have shows weekly with more to come. We have our very own DJ, Prints, who plays a diverse scheduled assortment of music. We are currently accepting all independent and other music from talent that would like to be heard and many that have not been discovered yet. We are currently distributing our asset which will assist in getting us to a more self sustaining station. The asset includes many perks which you can read on
www.SuperNETRadio.net and will also act as a method for donations if you like what we do. I invite ALL to come on air to introduce any technology, service or innovation as this will allow for a more audible method of discerning investments and a good method for educating people on how they work. You can e-mail me with your idea/interest at
[email protected].
We have held off for a long time on the distribution of the asset because I wanted to not just give promises but actually have it up and running with some good history so you can get an idea of what we do. This is our idea to help lift crypto off the ground. Interesting and meaningful interviews, shows, and updates as well as community interaction by taking callers during the shows and communicating in chat. We currently air on 30 websites with more to come such as
www.vericoinradio.com, opalcoinradio.com, etc. Please go easy on me as I am also the designer of the sites (My strength is in SEO) and also work a full time job 14 hours a day from 7am to 9pm as a network engineer for a fortune 30 company in NYC. I have more to work on such as blocknetradio, counterpartyradio.com, Bitsharesradio.com, maidsaferadio.com and many many more that will all be airing SNRN (SuperNET Radio Network). This is just one method for me to combine communities with each site sharing a linked chat to speak with each other or comment while we are on air. We also broadcast through many other communities such as Shoutcast, Icecast, Mixlr, Soundcloud, etc. I will keep expanding this and funds come in from advertising revenue streams that we already do have off and on monthly (being honest). I know as we get bigger revenue will be more stable.
We currently get anywhere from 500-1500 listeners a week, with so many broadcasting solutions and replays it may be a lot more. We held off on donation addresses because instead of donating to our cause we figure it would be better to distribute the asset once we we're better established, and we're at that point now. This way we can give back dividends as a thank you for your support. The asset will be issued on the first of every month in very very small blocks that will reflect expenses. I understand this could take years, and that is a reflection of my commitment to SuperNET Radio and to all of you.
I hope to one day make this niche in crypto a full time job so I may leave corporate slavery and do good for the crypto cause. As you get to know me you will find I am not the type to comply with any gov. regulation and because I have a tech background I can understand what is going on. In the past I have been a support tech, (my younger years), and would regularly speak with over 40 customers a day for 5 years. That has given me the ability to know how to handle most situations, and I'm a problem solver (just a brief background of myself). I have owned/run a bakery business and know the inner workings of management. I also build sites for mom and pop shops that need help like
www.bellaromagourmet.com. I have many ideas lots of additions planned for the website, I promise to build this and never leave you guys hanging. Join us on SuperNET slack as that is where I normally chillax. If you would like to check out our past shows you can see them on the website supernetradio.com and soundcloud
https://soundcloud.com/supernetradio. Have a wonderful weekend and contact me for anything
Thank You