We started our ICO with a 100% bonus, initially open to investors, but released
to the public now in the final stretch of pre-game, enjoy while we do not start the
driven postings!
What is Sollida?
Sollida is the design of a crypto-currency, focused on smart solutions in micro
payments. Aiming to provide scalability, Smart API for integrations, APP for
management, Smart Bonus and the exclusive Credit Card Sollida
MASTERCARD where you can exchange Sollida for any other asset.
Smart API
In addition to Sollida Coin's normal Blockchain, Sollida developed a second
network, similar to the blockchain, where anyone, from anywhere, can make a
request into the network. In this way, applications, websites and many other
media that use the API will be able to interact with each other, sending and
receiving payments.
This is a major innovation in Real Time Payments for the Sollida network.
Smart APP
https://i.imgur.com/nzcfUV5.pngThrough the Smart App you can manage your Sollida wallet, your Sollida
MASTERCARD and also track all the accredited stores near your current
location. Sollida has several partner stores in various places in South America
and Europe.
Smart BonusThrough its own Smart API, the platform will pay rewards in SOLLIDA COIN for
users who keep Sollida Coin in your wallet. At the end of 30 days the entire
participating network will be verified (it will needed to participate through the
Smart APP) and a calculation will be made based on the amount of Sollida Coin
that the user has in his wallet, the result of this calculation will be deposited in
the user's Sollida wallet!
All this automated through smart contracts and self sustained through network
Sollida Card
https://i.imgur.com/eRU5382.pngSollida Card will be the great advantage of the Sollida Coin holder, with which it
will be possible to make purchases, or to make withdrawls in terminal all over
the world. Redeem your Sollida balance immediately, or purchase products and
services using the Sollida Card. It will also be possible to exchange other
currencies for Sollida, and use your Sollida Card.
Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Psu8GDL0kN0&
Characteristics:Aiming for speed and scalability, Sollida Coin was developed exclusively to
provide solidity for the Smart Payment network, among the main features, these
are some that stand out:
- Uses the scrypt function in its working proof algorithm (POW)
- It is minable
- Faster transactions, 2x faster than Litecoin
- Lower Fees, cheaper than Litecoin or Bitcoin
- Minor fees of Bitcoin or Litecoin
- Dozens of working nodes