After many tests we are ready to launch our ponzi with 100% proprietary script!
It's a really speed ponzi!
1. Send BTC and get paid back 125% when next payment progress-bar will full.
2. We are taking 5% transaction fee from the out transactions.
3. 100% fully automatic system.
4. We need only one confirmation to show your transactions on our site.
5. Please, dont send from a Website Wallet! wallets are OK.
6. Deposit between 0.001 and 1 BTC (if you want to invest a larger amount you can make multiple deposits). Any deposits UNDER the minimum or OVER the maximum will be counted as DONATIONS!
7. Public and transparent transactions list (blockchain link inside).
8. SpeedPonzi new round restarts every 24 hours, new round starts (and ends...) everyday from 1:30 PM (GMT +1) or (examples):
LONDON: 1:30 PM (UTC +1)
BERLIN: 2:30 PM (UTC + 2)
MOSCOW: 3:30 PM (UTC +3)
NEW DELHI: 6:00 PM (UTC +5:30)
BEINJING: 8:30 PM (UTC +8)
TOKIO: 9:30 PM (UTC +9)
Welcome to SpeedPonzi
i think this site and its programm already and start to go to SCAM
in percentage its around 90%
whatch out !!!