DEVELOPMENT PHASE:STOCKScoin • BONDScoin • FUNDScoin • FUTUREScoin • COMMODITIEScoin (STX)Srocks Coin – Set to be the number 1 coin for trading global stocks and shares.
As Max Keiser and his guests on RT news have pointed out in recent weeks there will soon be coins for global commodity and currency trading. Discus.
I am about to start development on a family of financial and commodity 'trading' coins. Please feel welcome to join this thread.
As the world begins to embrace the crypto trade model new markets are opening up and very soon the big global players will be trading crypto-stocks and crypto-commodities. The portfolio which includes all the key generic stocks, financial and commodities dot coms is perfectly positioned to capitalise on this rapidly expanding crypto market. Its the new frontier of development and I welcome input and comment. My background is primarily branding and design and I am excited to be a part of this innovative phase of crypto. This project is at its embryonic stage so I welcome contact for anyone who feels they have the tech skills and experience to help launch this project and make it a success. If you are passionate, have a creative visionary streak or you are a DEV genius and wish to be part of this exciting project please PM me..
The current portfolio of domains I am looking to develop (STX) (SHC) (BND) (FND) (FUT) (CMD)
You are welcome to input ideas and feedback both positive and negative. (If negative I would ask you to to give measured response to your arguments) If you are an experienced coin dev. an angel investor or you represent a financial institution wishing to back this project pleae PM me personally for more info on partnering in this exciting project which is currently at its embryonic Dev phase.
REQUEST:I have noticed that there are many threads on this site where people with 'vested interests' waste a lot of forum space simply kicking the hell out of each other, planting disinformation and rather than putting their heads together and using common sense. Therefore please avoid terms such as 'Trolls' and 'Flaming' etc and leave these for the other threads. Let's face it, we're all here to do business and form life rewarding connections and partnerships.
This is a creative discussing on how global commodity exchange can be integrated into the crypto-model. Many thanks for taking time to read my thread and participate. -Steve-
I have also begun a thread for tips and advice on branding your ALT coins which you may find useful if you are a developer or entrepreneur.
BRANDING YOUR ALT COIN - Tips, Advice and discussion