OK... So, as I originally suggested, the investment itself does not represent any type of hedge whatsoever -- and, on the contrary, represents an entirely unhedged short position in Bitcoin, relative to the value of real estate. The 'hedge' that you're referring to is merely that you're eliminating currency risk for the duration of time it takes to convert Bitcoin to fiat and then conduct a purchase in fiat. This would be like me offering to sell you a bag of apples for .01 Bitcoins and telling you that buying my apples would be a great Bitcoin hedge, because although you could go and convert your Bitcoins to fiat to buy my apples, in fact I'm saving you that extra step and thereby enabling you to avoid exposure to potentially volatile fiat valuation.
You have said that there are very few non Bitcoin investments that can actively produce reliable, safe income in the Bitcoin world. Do you mean to say that this investment does do that? Setting aside the elephant in the room -- namely, the short position in Bitcoins relative to real estate -- do you mean to say that you will actually be generating Bitcoin income?
For that to happen, the investment would at the very least either need to be receiving rental income which was itself denominated in Bitcoins, or it would need to be entering into futures or forward contracts to protect dollar-based rental income from changes in the value of Bitcoin versus the dollar. Have you described how you'll be doing either of those things, and I've just missed it?
Can you point out to me where I'm going wrong in my understanding? As far as I can tell, what you're describing is asking people to give you Bitcoins so that you can change them to fiat and use that fiat to set up an entirely fiat-based property rental business. You'll be taking on an undisclosed level of additional fiat debt (as you described in your other thread on the topic) and (hopefully) generating a fiat-based income stream. In what way is this anything other than a purely non-Bitcoin soon-to-be-business tapping into the Bitcoin economy simply because it's there, Kenilworth-style?