White Paperhttps://www.payservices.com/backoffice/?uid=backofficeTOMAHAWKCOINMa numesc Horia Cretan, cu domiciliu in SUA de 23 de ani, citiva dintre voi ma stiu de Eroul Roman din New York, sau pre-numit Ambasadorul Roman din New York, vreau sa introduc o oportunitate comunitatii Romane de monede virtuale.
Sint Director si partener la compania Tomahawk Exploration LLC stabilita in California, cu contracte de sondaj la petrol in Kern County, California.
Tomahawk Exploration LLC are 100 sonde in total valabile.
Presedintele companiei si fondatorul este David Laurance cu experienta extensiva de 40 de ani in industria de petrol si rafinerie nu numai in 11 state in SUA dar si in Canada, Colombia, Indonesia, si Oman.
http://www.tomahawkcoin.com/about-usPt. ca sint un entuziast de monede virtuale din 2011, cind mi-sa oferit pozitia ide Director in companie, am decis sa aduc investitori din jocul virtual, la o oportunitate unica sa beneficieze din jocul real cu sanse de profit in industria petroliera si actiuni la bursa Americana prin investirea in Tomahawkcoin, care este o moneda virtuala creata pt acest scop.
Am decis cu patenerii sa oferim 10 sonde incorporate la Tomahawkcoin, dupa care v-om incorpora Tomahawk Exploration LLC intr-o companie publica cu actiuni la bursa duna aproximativ un an si jumatate sau 18 luni, in acel timp, Tomahawkcoin va fii schimbat in bursele de monede virtuale ca Bittrex Poloniex, YoBit etc.
Tomahawkcoin este un Token creat pe platforma Waves
si este stabilit la un pret exact de $0.05, poate fii cumparat pe Dolari, Ethereum, Bitcoin si Litecoin, deasemenea poate fii cistigat gratis dar cu conditia de a implini Bounties sau recompensa pt obiective implinite de jucatori.
Regulile jocului pt Tomahawkcoin TOM sint afisate la pagina de internet officiala si pe pagina de forum la Bitcointalk, iar daca urmariti Twitter facebook, etc..
Sper sa va vedem activi in acest proiect si sper sa luati avantaj ca Romanii, la acest profit, iar daca aveti servicii de adaugat sau de oferit, sugestii, va rog sa va implicatii, daca avetii nevoie de mai multe informatii si detalii, sint valabile aici jos:
http://www.tomahawkcoin.com/https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.19756116https://www.facebook.com/Tomahawk-Exploration-LLC-1927771204126457/https://twitter.com/tomahawkcoinhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgsLbh0VjuIg3X-l2O5oSWAhttp://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=Tomahawkcoinhttps://join.slack.com/tomahawkcoin/shared_invite/MjA3NjAxOTUxNzE5LTE0OTg5NTEzNTQtNzg0MmVlMjIwNQhttps://cryptocurrencytalk.com/topic/84904-tomahawkcoin/http://tomahawkcoin.blogspot.com/?zx=75d2d90366b39acaBounty Rules and payouts.
Work required for Bounties, Rules and Regulation.1 Tomahawkcoin= $0.05
20 TOM for Positive Trust submitted to Tomahakcoin DEV on Bitcointalk profile account = $1 (I'll return the favor for FREE)
10 TOM Coupon found on the main site @
www.Tomahawkcoin.com =$0.50
20 TOM for Tomahawkcoin Slack Room following and sign up=$1
20 TOM for YouTube like and subscribe=$1
20 TOM for Twitter following = $1
20 TOM for Facebook following and like =$1
20 TOM for coin request at exchanges=$1
100 TOM for the creation of your country's official flag with Tomahawkcoin Logo incorporated in it (copy transparent background LOGO from main site)= $ 5
300 TOM write a post on your personal Blog or social media account, one post limited per account=$15
1000 TOM for PROMO News letter=$50
1500 TOM for 2 professional GIF's Designs= $75
1000 TOM for sharing Tomahawkcoin GIF's on your site=$50
1000 TOM for T-shirt Design Contest 1st place=$50
500 TOM for T-shirt Design Contest 2nd place=$25
300 TOM for T-shirt Design Contest 3rd place=$15
4000 TOM Video presentation for Tomahawkcoin uploadable on Youtube, CONTEST 1st place =$200
3000 TOM Video presentation for Tomahawkcoin uploadable on Youtube, CONTEST 2nd place =$150
2000 TOM Video presentation for Tomahawkcoin uploadable on Youtube, CONTEST 3rd place =$100
To collect bounties all addresses must be submitted to
[email protected], for verification of work in relation to tasks performed.
Facebook and Twitter must be valid accounts with more than 50 friends or followers.
All personal information received during Bounties will be confidential, and after successful Bounty collection anyone is welcomed to post their transactions either on this forum or any other social media.
A list of Bounty Payout Records is available for download bellow.