

jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin

currency investment movement: TRADER CASH

Trader Cash: buy link:
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Today we are introducing the project to the reddit BTC community, and I was very happy with a comment about the project I would like to share, that kind of person with a lot of help to continue.

Thanks not only to him, but to the whole community.

I explained in great detail the idea of ​​the project and how it is being developed .. and with the objectives that we are focusing on, every tool developed is having a vision, of what it can add in education in this cryptocurrency sector, the same courses that can already be found on the site, are made with great care and attention even those who have never heard of cryptocurrencies, exchanges, operations and advantages .. will have the opportunity to understand better.

An example is the Learning Center , which has already been developed.

Centro da aprendizagem

The video course I developed for when the member is at Level 2 :

He talks about the beginning, how the cryptocurrency trader and market works, that the cryptocurrency market does not suffer from state regulation or central bank interference and its guidelines, where in the end this is the real free market , which anyone can invest, because besides not needing high investment, on the contrary, you can invest really tiny amounts, like 10/15/20 dollars, you can still withdraw the capital anytime you want, there is no deadline fixed to leave your money there, that if one wants even the whole amount can be withdrawn at once, I also give practical examples of the operation within the exchange platform, and the operation of the exchange itself.

in the learning center the member moving to Level 4 :

He has access to a video explaining what are the currency exchange services and bureaux de change, where Cryptocurrency Money Exchange brokers mediate the buying / selling relationship of digital currencies through an online platform where transactions and negotiations are made. I also give practical examples, such as: "Imagine you want to trade a few dollars for cryptocurrencies, it is in a currency exchange that all this trading takes place." I also explain that at a currency exchange you can still withdraw what you have in cash in cash in your local currency. We suppose you live in the United States, your withdrawal will be in US dollars, in Brazil the withdrawal will be made in accordance with the current state currency, ie the real.

in the learning center the member moving to Level 6 :

He will have access to a video explaining, What is an exchange, which exchanges are digital platforms that allow the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies among users, that Exchanges do not make direct sales of cryptocurrencies, their responsibility is to facilitate contact between the buyer / seller user, that Exchanges' main goal is to make every process that involves the trading of cryptocurrencies as safe and transparent as possible, in order to succeed both the buyer and seller goal, I also talk about the negotiating fees.

There are 16 levels and video courses, teaching with great care and attention to the smallest details, seeking to answer the main doubts of this market.
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Hello everyone, everything good?

some new designer and ideas of evolution within the game.

Trader Cash

With the image of a real processor, we based on what we could bring to the game.

In 1st level, where it will cost a low value in "POINTS" we have a very simple processor, with the idea of ​​making the member look for improvements, the final would lose all the fun if it started with "TOP", so we could not identify those who bring more content and quality to the site, as well as involvement and knowledge about cryptocurrencies.

The first part we will call "H-502 BASIC" I searched for some parts, and computer parts usually bear that name.
this first piece will produce "2 Coins Points" in a time of "10 seconds" you will be able to collect these "Coins Points" and these "Coins Points" will be sent to a ranking where you will be able to track your qualification.

At 2nd level, we have some improved aspects, and your production of "Coins Points" also improved.
The 2nd piece we will call "H-402 PLUS"
The "H-402 PLUS" will be a piece that will produce "3000 Coins Points" in 9 seconds.

at 3rd level, even more piece quality and even more "Coins Points" production to be among the best in the rankings.
The 3rd piece we will call "H-302 ULTRA"
The "H-302 PLUS" will be a piece that will produce "7000 Coins Points" in 8 seconds.

4th levell has even more detail in the designer and his even more advanced production in "Coins Points"
the 4th piece, let's call it "H-202 PRO"
The "H-202 PRO" will be a piece that will produce "10000 Coins Points" in 7 seconds.

At 5th level, we have a lot more quality in the designer and a lot of production of "Coins Points" here will be the best so far, and we will hardly see new members.
The "H-102 CARBON" will be a piece that will produce "24000 Coins Points" in 6 seconds.

jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Hi guys, how are you?

Today was our first contact with a partner .. I am very happy that people understand the importance of education in our cryptocurrency community and that being an indie project we need support to continue.

thank you all.

jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Hello friends, how are you?

so look at how the partner idea went, I've developed an area where you can add the affiliate name "partner" and you can create a contest for that partner ..

The idea of ​​the contest is what? Let's imagine it ... trader cash wants to gather "quality" news from the cryptocurrency market, as well as cryptocurrency articles and analysis.

The member who brings "quality" news, articles, and analysis to that particular partner to the site, suppose it is an exchange where it has several currencies listed .. will "earn points" where those points will be ranked.!/ranking

at the end of the date stipulated for that contest and ranking .. the partner will be able to give prizes to the members, also stipulated by the partner, but who will give the prize is the trader cash, with the support of the partner.

Thus, the idea is to stimulate cryptocurrency learning, information and first-hand news, which makes it clear that the volume of trading within the partner exchange increases, it will also be possible to analyze cryptocurrencies either graphical or sentimental, articles about how to trade, articles on what a particular cryptocurrency is, articles on how to register with the partner exchange and etc

Here is an example of what I created in admin ..

so I'm looking for a partner to bring this, all my life I've been a gamer and wasted a lot of time just having fun, and I see it happening a lot, so now I'm trying to find ways to make us have fun now too acquire knowledge, this I also believe that many parents who have their children in games will understand.
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Hello everyone, everything good? showing a little more of the Items panel that will be added to Trader Cash soon.

The new panel will contain slots where it will be possible to purchase and add parts like motherboard, hd, processor, ram.

each piece has its production number, followed by the time it takes to produce "coin points"

In the example of the photo, we have a motherboard that produces 1 Coins points every 2 seconds, but within the "Buy Items" session you will have the option to purchase higher production motherboards.
It will also be possible to make upgrades in the parts, making that same motherboard in the photo can have greater production power!

the ranking session is also being produced and the one with the most coin points will be in the hall of fame of the month.
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Overview Project


Twitter - 1,780 members

Facebook - 650 members

Telegram - 124 members

Website Official - 128 members

Hello friends, new project overviews. thank you all
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Hello friends, how are you? As development continues, let's see if poor people want to create something new, can make a place in this market and can deliver something of value to new users of quality cryptocurrencies.

After a lot of work I am drawing the designer of the pieces that will be evolved within the game.

Trader Cash

At the beginning the member will start with simple parts:
An example is this piece:

Hd level 1 - Quite simply, the idea is to show that the member needs to interact and learn on the site and thus create value and earn points to level up their pieces.
where each piece mines "points" and you will get a ranking for those "mined points"

Hd level 2
Here things are starting to get better, but nothing much in particular.

Hd level 3

Oops things are getting better, now you can get a top 100 ranking!

Hd level 4
your pieces are getting beautiful!

Hd level 5
Now you show that you really understand the subject, your piece shines!
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Hi guys, how are you?

To make things more fun, I'm developing a kind of clicker game, where with your points it will be possible to buy new equipment, and each equipment will have an amount x points production, where these points will be counted in the mining ranking.

More production details:

details of some equipment that can be purchased

memory level 5:

jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin

Instagram page created

new designer gamers being developed for the site.

Member: Ranulfo, giving full support and volunteering 24-hour project support.
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
follow print of members confirming receipt of monthly awards:

1º Ranulfo Dias - 1000 TRC

2º Will Alves - 500 TRC

3º Lucas Inahra - 250 TRC

We are struggling every day to show proof of quality and respect that trader cash has with its members, and as a result we print out our conversations and sending the TRC and the monthly prize.
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
A little more of our work will soon be added in game and upgrade form at



support our work, get our currency:
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
new game functions are being developed to add to the site

jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Today you can access tutoring in math and physics by paying in Trader Cash Token!

For more details go to:
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Overview Project


Twitter - 0 members

Facebook - 0 members

Telegram - 0 members

Website Official - 0 members


Twitter - 838 follow

Facebook - 478 members

Telegram - 107 members

Website Official - 114 members

New trader: Finexbox

New Charts: Coingecko, Coincodex

Hello friends, new project overviews. thank you all
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
When I go to linked website I got this info:

Erro 404
Não encontramos
essa página!
Parece que a página que você está procurando foi movida ou nunca existiu, certifique-se que digitou o endereço corretamente ou seguiu um link válido.


Hello budy, how are you? which page is accessing?
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin

Trader Cash (TRC) has just been approved on the Stex Exchange.
soon to be listed,
buy your TRC before listing and enjoy the best price.
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
new feature on our site now allows real-time tracking of new information about the project!/mural
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Hello everyone, the platform has a video in Portuguese, however you can add subtitles in youtube video, follow the information and video link on the platform:
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
hello person, trc, has just been listed on the finexbox, remembering this is a differentiated project, as you can see,
are just 9,900,000 (million) token for a project that is already running.

in addition this currency already has applications running IOS and Android, in addition to a web already in operation
jr. member
Activity: 183
Merit: 6
Curso bitcoin
Trader Cash - ERC20

Hi guys, how are you?

I'm developing an indie production game about cryptocurrency education.
The beginning of the development was to see that many other sites are using a game to educate their members through quality and fun, an example is the
with this if I start the project, this project is already a few years old because its production is indie and 95% I am doing it, because I find that many times teenagers lose hours playing games to level up their character I added a system level to site:

Member Level:

Trader Cash

Then also due to seeing which members like to interact through ranking with other users, I added a points system, ie every action made within the site gives its members points, examples of actions:

-introduce yourself in the forum
-welcome - forum
-post new topics reply to topic - forum
-forum posts
-create an article
-receive tanned in your article
-invite friends
-create cryptomedas news
-receive tanned in your news
-participate in contests

Ranking Trader Cash

These actions are sent to a ranking where members can compare with other members within the site:


Educational Video Trader Cash:

Then to bring more content, I produced videos manually on each subject to get started in this branch:

Level 2 - How does the cryptocurrency trader work?
Level 4 - Buying bitcoin to start the cryptocurrency trader
Level 6 - Sending bitcoin to exchange and starting the cryptocurrency trader
Level 8 - At what exchange should I trade my cryptocurrencies?
Level 10 - Modalities of Cryptocurrency Trading
Level 12 - Banking Management in the Cryptocurrency Market
Level 14 - Capital Control Using Stop Limit in Cryptocurrency Exchange
Level 16 - Capital control in the bitcoin, usdt cryptocurrency market
Level 18 - Bitcoin Influence on Other Cryptocurrencies
Level 20 - Simple Tips to Get Started with the Cryptocurrency Trader
Level 22 - How to Analyze and Increase Earnings Rates

All of these videos have been produced by me, but in order for the member to watch them, they need to have a certain level, determining which level is best for them to watch at that time.

Reporters Trader Cash:

To make it even more complete, I developed a mechanism where you can check where the point you received from within the platform came from, so it was necessary to create an area about reports:


News Trader Cash

so that members can interact more within the site, an area has been developed where he can create news about cryptocurrencies, ie news he is interested in he can share with his friends through the site, and he creating this news he gets points that are also added to your ranking.


Articles Trader Cash

so that it also has content, and specific articles about cryptocurrencies, it was also developed an area for articles:


Analysis Trader Cash

We often seek from members to know about analysis of a particular cryptocurrency, so a specific area was also developed on the site:
In this analysis he has a like system, because if your analysis has been approved by other members of the site, you get points for its quality, and those points will lead you up the rankings.


Ranking Trader Cash

in the ranking session I tried to make it well organized so that I have each member record, that is, I wanted everything the member has already done on the site to be very well recorded, so this session counts, with the general ranking of everything the member has done on the site, also has a monthly ranking that records everything the member did only that month, in addition to the team that had the most points.


Team Trader cash

looking to make things more fun I developed a team session, ie you can create a team and invite your friends to chat, these teams also participate in a ranking, ie the team gets a total score from all members participating in it, the team that has the most members with points limit of 20 members is in the first positions:


On every page of the site I added the translation option, so to improve understanding you can select your language:

Trader Cash Token Awards:
In addition, a low-supply Erc20 token was developed to award the most participatory members of the site:



Contract Address: 0xdb52a87cda28eda00f8add1c79c9db4a50a70457

Total Supply   : 9,900,000 TRC

Token Name   : Trader Cash
Symbol      : TRC
Decimals   : 18












Raony Santos
CEO and founder Trader Cash

Willians Alves Dos Santos
Developer, Designer

Felipe Queiroz
International contacts

Eduardo Bruck Basso
Digital marketer















Exchange Trading Pair:




ANN (Indonesian)

ANN (Portuguese)






General Queries
[email protected]

Overview Project


Twitter - 0 members

Facebook - 0 members

Telegram - 0 members

Website Official - 0 members


Twitter - 838 follow

Facebook - 478 members

Telegram - 107 members

Website Official - 114 members

New trader: Finexbox

New Charts: Coingecko, Coincodex, Coingolive


Twitter - 1,780 members

Facebook - 650 members

Telegram - 124 members

Website Official - 128 members


Today you can access tutoring in math and physics by paying in Trader Cash Token!


instagram page created

new designer gamers being developed for the site.

Member: Ranulfo, giving full support and volunteering 24-hour project support.








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