
Topic: [ANN] [USDe] Unitary Status Dollar eCoin $$ IMPROVED Halving | KGW Fix Update!!! - page 363. (Read 578457 times)

full member
Activity: 602
Merit: 100
This is a cool coin, needs to get on an exchange like Cryptsy
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Well, this is a coin I want more of, and have so little to fix that!

The sell value atm for USDe is still very low, once this coin will hit cryptsy, it will go past the moon, together with the difficulty as well.
So for the meantime enjoy the still low prices and low difficulty.

Thanks for the hint. I'll buy me half a bitcoins' worth on coinmarket.
Activity: 1764
Merit: 1000
Well, this is a coin I want more of, and have so little to fix that!

The sell value atm for USDe is still very low, once this coin will hit cryptsy, it will go past the moon, together with the difficulty as well.
So for the meantime enjoy the still low prices and low difficulty.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
The dollar is dying, I'm getting me some USD-E!
hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 500
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1061
moon or where, moon is not enough for USDE...

we want it to go galactic, hope the new logo is good as well
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
moon or where, moon is not enough for USDE...
full member
Activity: 252
Merit: 100
Looking forward to mining this badboy!!

Looks great + 1 from me..
hero member
Activity: 768
Merit: 500
Yap great giveaways, thanks!
full member
Activity: 145
Merit: 100
Thanks for the trivia giveaways, really fun!
hero member
Activity: 832
Merit: 500
Activity: 1421
Merit: 1001
Come on to the moon USDe!!!
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Activity: 67
Merit: 10
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Well, this is a coin I want more of, and have so little to fix that!
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
lol. Some big traders are trying to raise the price. Not that i dont think its worth it, but by splitting up your money and raising the price yourself just to remove your lower bids. Lol, like we cant see thru your amateur trading ways.

Yesterday I bought for roughly 0.15 BTC at a price of 70-100 per USDE. Now it is already up at 170 and slowly rising.
So within a day I doubled up...... that is if I would sell now which of course I won't. Will keep my coins safe until the time is ripe.

Edit: 750 USDE for Twitter

At 170 it's half as profitable to mine as LTC right now. I think this coin should be 300+.
full member
Activity: 173
Merit: 100
devs or anyone.. please how much coins was mined already?

about 280,000,000?

131,696,850 USDe

thats not much.

with the actual price we're just above the CATCOIN on the


USDE most promising coin of 2014!
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
devs or anyone.. please how much coins was mined already?

about 280,000,000?

131,696,850 USDe

thx. thats not much.

with the actual price we're just above the CATCOIN on the

full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
lol. Some big traders are trying to raise the price. Not that i dont think its worth it, but by splitting up your money and raising the price yourself just to remove your lower bids. Lol, like we cant see thru your amateur trading ways.

Yesterday I bought for roughly 0.15 BTC at a price of 70-100 per USDE. Now it is already up at 170 and slowly rising.
So within a day I doubled up...... that is if I would sell now which of course I won't. Will keep my coins safe until the time is ripe.

Edit: 750 USDE for Twitter

full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
Crypto Enthusiast

Current status : 300USDE sakkosekk           TOTAL : 31250 USDE
                       1000USDE drumingspz
                       1100USDE def_ender
                       1000USDE Bachethead
                       1000USDE rozenbal
                       1000USDE Benjal
                       12000USDE USD-e
                       1000USDE bitWarrior
                       1000USDE Suporte
                       600 gorbash

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