WTS @ 1540 Via.
Rather stay off market, I just don't trust exchanges anymore. Will trade for BTC or ETH. Nothing against Via... I'm just getting out off most alts, just too much to follow and worry about. Current seems to be about .0004 BTC. But, make offer, we'll need to find trusted escrow of course.
You are gonna regret selling these VIAcoins

but what's wrong with exchanges? Bittrex is trusted, I never had any problem over there, you can sell them quick for BTC and send those to your BTCwallet.
Don't have a bittrex account. Have a polo one, but have heard really bad things happening over there recently.
But, if I end up having to do that, I will. Just don't want to go through KYC stuff again for 1 transaction. That's the main reason.
Will I regret it? Maybe. No one knows what the future will bring. Via activated segwit and there wasn't even a blip in the price even though the value is now theoretically higher.