
Topic: [ANN] Viacoin (VIA) - Safe | Segwit | Lightning Network | Auxpow | Fast - page 72. (Read 382342 times)

Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Hm, segwit activation should really have boosted the value of this coin. Perhaps the community needs to be more active in promotion. I've got a few VIA so I'm willing to contribute in any way that I can.

I was expecting big things after Segwit activation at least 2 dollars but the price keeps falling. Anyone know whats going on, VIA is having a hard time holding its price
Stable is Ok while BTC is rising. It should shoot up when btc stabilizes. Pick up more on drops and you will be the wiser.

Its not stable tho :/ its dropping slowly down to 1 dollar range, maybe it needs more marketing so more people know about it? I am holding a decent sized bag hopefully one day it shoots to the moon
Activity: 97
Merit: 10
Look forward to the new wallet. Smiley
hero member
Activity: 691
Merit: 907
Yeah Romano from twitter

Segwit got activated for Viacoin on Thursday

But a new Core wallet will be released.
With A sync time Faster Than Ever

Viacoin Core

sr. member
Activity: 728
Merit: 251
I admit, i was relying on segwit too much.
Despite, i am still via tifozi..
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1001
Hm, segwit activation should really have boosted the value of this coin. Perhaps the community needs to be more active in promotion. I've got a few VIA so I'm willing to contribute in any way that I can.

I was expecting big things after segwit activation at least 2 dollars but price keeps falling. Anyone know whats going on, VIA is having a hard time holding its price

Everyone is deep concerned into BTC:BCH scenario
and holding BTC, investing less in alts
plus there is very less marketing from team for segwit activation...
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Will it be available on Linux?  Or will  I compile code ?
full member
Activity: 616
Merit: 145
Yeah I don't like polo anymore, first trollbox shutdown because they need more people in support department, second change of ToS, third several servers problems, I'm glad I transfered my via to bittrex
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
WTS @ 1540 Via.

Rather stay off market, I just don't trust exchanges anymore. Will trade for BTC or ETH. Nothing against Via... I'm just getting out off most alts, just too much to follow and worry about. Current seems to be about .0004 BTC. But, make offer, we'll need to find trusted escrow of course.

You are gonna regret selling these VIAcoins  Grin but what's wrong with exchanges? Bittrex is trusted, I never had any problem over there, you can sell them quick for BTC and send those to your BTCwallet.

Don't have a bittrex account. Have a polo one, but have heard really bad things happening over there recently.

But, if I end up having to do that, I will. Just don't want to go through KYC stuff again for 1 transaction. That's the main reason.

Will I regret it? Maybe. No one knows what the future will bring.  Via activated segwit and there wasn't even a blip in the price even though the value is now theoretically higher.
Activity: 2210
Merit: 1109
WTS @ 1540 Via.

Rather stay off market, I just don't trust exchanges anymore. Will trade for BTC or ETH. Nothing against Via... I'm just getting out off most alts, just too much to follow and worry about. Current seems to be about .0004 BTC. But, make offer, we'll need to find trusted escrow of course.

You are gonna regret selling these VIAcoins  Grin but what's wrong with exchanges? Bittrex is trusted, I never had any problem over there, you can sell them quick for BTC and send those to your BTCwallet.
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
WTS @ 1540 Via.

Rather stay off market, I just don't trust exchanges anymore. Will trade for BTC or ETH. Nothing against Via... I'm just getting out off most alts, just too much to follow and worry about. Current seems to be about .0004 BTC. But, make offer, we'll need to find trusted escrow of course.

Activity: 3570
Merit: 1959
What is  "Via" coin working on now. Do we have anything in the works that would get coins in wallets and off exchanges?

Not sure, but there is a great wallet for 64 bit windows along with a blockchain download a few pages back - got all my coins off the exchange days ago. Cheesy
Activity: 1393
Merit: 1001
What is  "Via" coin working on now. Do we have anything in the works that would get coins in wallets and off exchanges?
hero member
Activity: 506
Merit: 510
Hm, segwit activation should really have boosted the value of this coin. Perhaps the community needs to be more active in promotion. I've got a few VIA so I'm willing to contribute in any way that I can.

I was expecting big things after segwit activation at least 2 dollars but price keeps falling. Anyone know whats going on, VIA is having a hard time holding its price

Welcome to alt-coin investing. Patience is a virtue.  Wink
Welcome to crypto exchange
all need time
Activity: 1393
Merit: 1001
Hm, segwit activation should really have boosted the value of this coin. Perhaps the community needs to be more active in promotion. I've got a few VIA so I'm willing to contribute in any way that I can.

I was expecting big things after Segwit activation at least 2 dollars but the price keeps falling. Anyone know whats going on, VIA is having a hard time holding its price
Stable is Ok while BTC is rising. It should shoot up when btc stabilizes. Pick up more on drops and you will be the wiser.
Activity: 3570
Merit: 1959
Hm, segwit activation should really have boosted the value of this coin. Perhaps the community needs to be more active in promotion. I've got a few VIA so I'm willing to contribute in any way that I can.

I was expecting big things after segwit activation at least 2 dollars but price keeps falling. Anyone know whats going on, VIA is having a hard time holding its price

Welcome to alt-coin investing. Patience is a virtue.  Wink
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Hm, segwit activation should really have boosted the value of this coin. Perhaps the community needs to be more active in promotion. I've got a few VIA so I'm willing to contribute in any way that I can.

I was expecting big things after segwit activation at least 2 dollars but price keeps falling. Anyone know whats going on, VIA is having a hard time holding its price
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
ok, I tried viaelctrum with my seed again, and it still shows 0 balance.

When I put in my clearwallet seed, it shows "seed type old". Do I leave it like that. Am I supposed to go to options and do something?

The address it generates is not on the block chain when I search in the block explorer.

Any ideas?  Short of coming back, I have not access to my Via. Is there anyway I can use the clearwallet code to get the PK/Addresses? I'm stuck here.
clearing house is not my project. That project is halted.
I took over in summer 2016. You can't use your clearinghouse seed for vialectrum.
You had to export your Viacoin private key. People used it dangerously as an online wallet.

Edit: I'm glad you found your private key. Don't bother about the XCH. XCH is worth $0

I'm glad too. I don't have a lot, but enough to cry about. Wink

I'll not worry about XCH then if it's been abandoned. 

Thanks for resurrecting this BTW. Great work.
hero member
Activity: 538
Merit: 500

If you haven't already, please take a moment to vote.
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 250
Also voted for viacoin. Hope for an agreement and a rosy future for this coin.

Voted for Viacoin, too!
hero member
Activity: 1068
Merit: 523
ok, I tried viaelctrum with my seed again, and it still shows 0 balance.

When I put in my clearwallet seed, it shows "seed type old". Do I leave it like that. Am I supposed to go to options and do something?

The address it generates is not on the block chain when I search in the block explorer.

Any ideas?  Short of coming back, I have not access to my Via. Is there anyway I can use the clearwallet code to get the PK/Addresses? I'm stuck here.
clearing house is not my project. That project is halted.
I took over in summer 2016. You can't use your clearinghouse seed for vialectrum.
You had to export your Viacoin private key. People used it dangerously as an online wallet.

Edit: I'm glad you found your private key. Don't bother about the XCH. XCH is worth $0

Is there a tool to extract priv keys from clearwallet seeds, can you make that available for download so people can get their VIA?

I understand running an online wallet is not cool, but what about making the tools available, even letting people run your last version of clearwallet on their local PC
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