This project was developed by a group of volunteers with mixed skills set, from different fields of work, who got together because of their common goal: to use green energy on a planetary scale... more efficient.
WHY?Why did we start working on this project? Let's look at some facts:
1. More and more people decide to install solar panels on their house, looking to reduce their electricity energy bills and get closer to an energy independence status.
2. More and more electric vehicles (cars, scooters, bicycles) are hitting the roads, every day.
3. The main amount of solar energy is available during daytime hours, when the domestic demand is low (people being out for work, house lights and appliances turned off).
4. The highest road traffic is also during the daytime. Electric vehicles are more likely to need charging during this time too.
5. The number of public electrical chargers is low and it's unlikely that the national electrical grids will cope with the increasing demand for electric cars charging.
WHAT?What is this project's purpose?
We would like to see people being given an alternative option, regarding the way they generate and spend the electric energy which they produce (e.g. solar panels)
The VoltPotCoin concept offers the possibility to "store" the energy excess, in a digital, decentralised form so it can be used later on. Just like having a "Virtual Battery" available to you, anytime, anywhere...
Transforming Energy into products/services and vice-versa is another important thing to mention.
Minimising the energy transfer losses, decreasing the risk of national grids overloads, reducing the carbon footprint, are just some of the other targets VoltPotCoin project aims to achieve.
HOW?This is how we think it should work: we already managed to spark your interest, there is a bit more information available on VoltPotCoin White Paper ( ).VPC website:
https://voltpot.orgVPC Explorer:
https://vpcexplorer.voltpot.orgVPC Wallet (Windows): Wallet (MacOS): Projects/Proposals: Exchanges: STEX - & Forum: Github: Discord: Telegram: Promo: Please use renewable energy resources for this coin! Thank you.