
Topic: [ANN] Wallify - fast, easy web bitcoin wallet (Read 1488 times)

Activity: 33
Merit: 0
December 30, 2013, 05:10:18 PM
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
Bernie Madoff opening a bank I'll deposit all my money ASAP
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
I can give you 99,9% chance that you not being hacked.
And I can give you 100% chance that you will not have all your bitcoins if your computer is infected by formgrabber with injects and it'll catch your password (I am talking about all web-wallets) Smiley
Our most security imporevement in future - it is sha512 hashing password before sending it when you are login to the website.
If formgrabber catch it and your password is not 123456, and like 'SBXiQ87!*^#9' hacker will be unable to grab your coins, I can give you 1000% proof.
I think I am best in security features about web wallets, so I will create security wallet.
But if your computer is infected with formgrabber, it may grab your blockchain password Wink I can give you 100% chance Wink
I dont say to all "Stop using other wallets, go to Wallify.", if you dont want try this wallet, - so dont do that.
In 2-3 days we plan to re-design it to the eye-like design and add some good features!
Just test it now, or if you dont want, use other web-wallet and get hacked asap. Wink
hero member
Activity: 1582
Merit: 759
Tы мeня тaк yжe зaeбaл, oтвeчaю, дoлбoeб, cъeбиcь нaxyй oтcюдa
You see one thread in all forum?
Why are you so big idiot?
If you are so brainly - build your own Wallet and we will troll it as you do it.
If you have skillls only to poop, I please you exit from forum, throw pc/laptop thru the window, and never enter world wide web.
I know more than you in web developing.

So you ask him why he is being an idiot, for stating legitimate statistics about web wallets, and then blatantly say you know more than he does in web development.

If only web developers just "knew" every error every web developer makes, then there would be no exploting within the world. If only...

But seriously and all sarcasm aside, you cannot possibly know every exploit that is going to be available within weeks/months/years to come. I am not saying there is 100% chance you are going to be affected by "hacking". However, Web Wallets are the main targets for many "hacks" related to Bitcoin because they are simply the easiest to exploit. You cannot deny this.

Some people won't even use Coinbase, a venture backed company with developers dedicated to security and prevention of exploits. What makes you think people will be okay with a one-man group with little to no reputation. It's our opinions; this is a forum. Learn to take opinions which you may not like, or don't create software that may be objectionable.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy

I am intelligent enough never to create something, or fund the creation of something, that will be hacked/"hacked" (aka stolen by operator). It is not possible to create a secure web wallet. To claim you are capable of doing the impossible is to imply you are above all of humanity, that you can bend the laws of physics to your will.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Tы мeня тaк yжe зaeбaл, oтвeчaю, дoлбoeб, cъeбиcь нaxyй oтcюдa
You see one thread in all forum?
Why are you so big idiot?
If you are so brainly - build your own Wallet and we will troll it as you do it.
If you have skillls only to poop, I please you exit from forum, throw pc/laptop thru the window, and never enter world wide web.
I know more than you in web developing.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
also, i know all mistakes which other developers' can do when writing code, so i dont do them!

I know most popular mistake's which can be used by hacker Smiley

What next? You only know a few mistakes?

And finally, you actually know nothing except how to code yet another intrinsically insecure web wallet?
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
December 27, 2013, 05:38:45 PM
Looks solid.

Most negative feedback user starts a wallet...

I mean if people really pay you, they deserve it Grin
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
December 27, 2013, 03:37:57 PM
Transaction's are signed on Wallify
No I am not God, but I know most popular mistake's which can be used by hacker Smiley
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
December 27, 2013, 03:31:16 PM
Transactions from the wallet are signed, where?

also, i know all mistakes which other developers' can do when writing code, so i dont do them!

God complex?
full member
Activity: 179
Merit: 100
December 27, 2013, 03:25:36 PM
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
December 27, 2013, 06:37:44 AM
you dont know features of this wallet, so be quiet.
your wallet is encrypted by Blowfish with key (your password)
then your password is stored in database in SHA512, if it is hard - then hacker cant brute it (or it will take's much years to crack, but hacker dont know your wallet balance, if he will wait 1-2 years:) and successfully crack it, he can receive ZERO btc)
also, i know all mistakes which other developers' can do when writing code, so i dont do them!
if you are so unique, i can give you 5BTC bounty if you'll tell me my password on Wallify Smiley
if not - please stop flooding and adding bad trust to my profile Smiley
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
December 27, 2013, 06:21:10 AM
Of course it will be hacked if admin is idiot Smiley

Every single web wallet operator is an idiot then? What does that make you? Criminally negligent, when you INEVITABLY get hacked, or "hacked".
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
December 27, 2013, 06:17:49 AM
Of course it will be hacked if admin is idiot Smiley
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
December 27, 2013, 06:14:05 AM

Activity: 33
Merit: 0
December 27, 2013, 05:58:01 AM
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