The aim of this site is to bring greater transparency regarding coin supplies as well as helping people identify hidden gems.
Please let me know if you have any thoughts!
the design isn't very beatiful and which are the innovative features of your site? Why have I to use your site and not coinmarketcap which is more organized? I think you should add something to give us a reason to visit your site everyday to track cryptos. You can consider to make a section where you give a news and users vote if it's positive or negative for the market or you can add a trollbox!
Hey! Thanks for your feedback. So this site actually pulls data from coinmarketcap and performs calculations on it, to discover the volume / marketcap ratio, available coins / total coins ratio etc. Therefore if you type in a coin ticker such as ZEC, you get a much faster overview of the coin's performance.
You can also filter the columns to look at coins with a marketcap no greater than 300K for example.
Finally, an article I used a lot when starting was this:
This is automatically inbuilt into the 'filter by microcaps' button.
Appreciate your feedback on the design!