Your website's design closely resembles that of localbitcoins, a platform that has been around for years. The way the logos are designed too looks familiar. Is there any particular reason why you chose to do so rather than create a site using your own unique design from scratch.
I think you are already aware of phishing sites. You intentions could be genuine but for someone who has ever used localbitcoins, they might think to your site is phishing and may hinder people from joining and using your exchange.
This is just my critical review after having a look at your platform.
Hello, first of all, we thank you very much for your beautiful and purposeful evaluation. Yes, it is true that the world of bitcoins is somewhat similar in its system to the local bitcoins website, but in the internal structure, it is fundamentally different from it in terms of internal programming and also the technical team, as programming the world of bitcoins depends on the
two digital currencies system
bitcoins Also,
Ethereum, the user gets an effective Ethereum wallet in parallel with obtaining a Bitcoin wallet, as you know local bitcoins users have only ONE wallet BTC .
Best Regards
WB Team