Just to information, when contract is not done, we can found
Stop007.org content at:
https://archive.org/search?query=stop007.orgInternet Archive dot org, are a kind of history of all things in internet, so, Im dreaming to put it in Ethereum too, Its happen for fix the explosion of Purple Google Bubbles.
So for now its all.
Post Checksum:-
Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around The WorldHave a nice day!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at_f98qOGY0- The World Is Just Awesome (Boom De Yada) | Discovery Channel GenerationEnd of this topic.
- CYA:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giYvwLM-JEo- Nucleus - Alleycat (1975)Acigo.
Chain Checksum:
[SOS. KU Tower]+[Corporal Microship].
God morning,
Is anybody out there?
I need help to solve the White Paper.
Gift to welcome in checksum code:
Pink Floyd - The Division Bell (Full Album)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc7bHU6ylvMRegards,
♰Blue pen ink,
All rigth.
Alone in the
Dark again, because of my fucking name.
Topic Locked. Igor.
Im making my poor dinner, (I have 20 years of TI area and still in poor monetary situation) and this Journalists, Polices, and all Spies still doing politics in my House Area (with microwave sounds, KU Band Towers and all of this trash tech), to show respect to military, and whos know who in this **** ******.
This Cold War doesn't wanna **** fuck stop, and my dinner drops on the **** floor! ******
https://stop007.org/It's not funny, people are dying because of this!
Post Unlocked and Locked again.
To finalize, backup of this post(Print PDF file) if they delete it:
OMG, so sorry to unlock this post, but it's time to checksum(MD5: 6ab1a20761d8f09a5eaec249dc541659) to put in Ethereum at time of God order.
The history of that: Im getting my free launch, with my lovely pet over park, and Civil Police are looking with Devil in eyes. And I dont like Evil in launch. Okay, Sir?
Global Time cuted many times this morning.
Post Welcome =): Charlie Brown JR. - Not to Say I Didn't Talk About Flowers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM8Zwz2N7YYTopic Locked again, beacause like i speak in posts, It's here for many weeks, and Im Alone in, Guys.
So sorry to broke my silence.
Somebody knows anything(Programming for exploitation in Crypto Arena) at this virtual space to make a large damage, In this lovely Brazil. Without Ethereum and Blockchain's?
It's a black skull post, okay. I'm in good way, but here day after day I'm shoted because "File's Burn" methodology. "This guy know so much, and are in with cryptos".
Than, in my choise Jesus Christ, and Holy Bible has:
Checksum MD5 for this project: MD5 f348c4b65ac2d786ced5a80d7f8c7019
1 And I saw a beast ascending up of the sea, having seven heads, and ten horns; and on his horns ten diadems, and on his heads the names of blasphemy[a].
2 And the beast, whom I saw, was like a pard [was like to a pard, or a leopard], and his feet as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion; and the dragon gave his virtue and great power to him [and the dragon gave to that his virtue and great power].
Apocalypse 13 - Holy Bible
May be, this guy can help us:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-mitnick-697a53207Welcome Gift: Nyan Cat 10 hours HD 1080p - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIQ6UV2onyIThankill, Igor.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]