congratulations - you all were listed on CoinMarketCap today!
so because of that, I've added a slot for your coin to the voting page for my book. I'm writing a book called Altcoin Investigation 2019-08, and the contents are determined by votes. People vote on which coins they want to be included in the book, and then I try to include as many as I can that get the most votes, because there's no way I could possibly find the time to cover them all. Anyways, I try to update the book every day, and it is currently free. Every time I update it you can go back and download the latest at no charge.
you can vote for xEUR here : just find the button that correspond to xEUR and click on it to cast a vote - you can vote as many times as you like. the download link for the book is on the same page. If you choose to download the book, you will see a price slider after clicking on the link - just slide it all the way to the left to get it for free. (or if you are feeling generous, you could always pay whatever you want for it