[Update] New wallet v1.2.2.1 (not hardfork): Downloads:Windows:
http://coinmagi.org/files/magi-release/m-wallet- OS X:
http://coinmagi.org/files/magi-release/m-wallet- code:
https://github.com/magi-project/magi/Updates:- Updated checkpoints
- Compilation with Berkeley DB v4.8.30.NC
Starting from v1.2.2.1, we will use Berkeley DB v4.8.30.NC in any future release (http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz). The DB concern was raised by feldenthorne. We will stick to the version 4.8 for compatibility. For this reason, you may need to do setup in case you are running wallet with a higher DB version:
# Windows: not affected since all prior wallets were built using the same DB version.
# Mac OS: you have to perform DB migration as detailed below.
# Linux: you have to perform DB migration as detailed below.
The Linux wallet now was built statically enclosing most of libraries. The current release was built by Linux Mint, and has been tested under my Xubuntu VB box. Let me know your linux version if it doesn't work for you.
I found one issue when building statical linux wallet that is the Qt font which I haven't managed to embed it statically. You need to set this up manually: 1)
create a folder: /usr/local/Qt-5.4.1/lib/fonts; 2) copy a TTF font file into this folder, e.g., DroidSans.ttf as enclosed in the "fonts" folder, or any others you can find elsewhere.
Note to Mac OS compilation: I was only able to build db-4.8.30.NC by applying patch as specified here:
https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/databases/db48/files/patch-dbinc_atomic.h?rev=104994DB migration:If you ran the wallet with a higher DB version, you will have to re-sync the whole blockchain and convert the wallet to db4.8 version.
1) Make sure to backup wallet.dat. Delete everything (blockchain) except wallet.dat. If you don't want to spend much time to download everything through the wallet, I have uploaded an existing chain here:
http://coinmagi.org/files/m-blockchain; download and unpack the files into the magi folder.
2) Rename wallet.dat to, say wallet.dat.db6 (assume your prior db version is 6), and then do the following:
/opt/local/src/db/db-6.1.19/release/bin/db_dump wallet.dat.db6 | /opt/local/src/db/db-4.8.30.NC/release/bin/db_load wallet.dat
I have two DB installed respectively in /opt/local/src/db/db-6.1.19/release/bin/ and /opt/local/src/db/db-4.8.30.NC/release/bin.
3) Rund Qt wallet.
4) If you have issue with wallet db conversion, I could do it for you. Alternatively, you can simply start over a new wallet (through the above wallet) and transfer your coins into it (through your prior wallet).
A side note: you are free to use any DB version and build the wallet; it works just fine, though we recommend to use the official wallets which are built with DB4.8.
Let me know any questions you may have.