2,000,000 KMC would be given out to the first set of our community members (5000 kemarmies) who are passionate about our project Via airdrops
Air Drop ParticipationOur goal is to create a strong loyal community of "5000" Kem Armies who are committed to the kemfe
vision of ‘’expanding knowledge through learning’’.
Our airdrop which started on November 25, 2017 to end on 31st December 2017
Only 10% (40KMC) of the total 400KMC were allocated for each member that participated on the first Airdrop Bounty.
Other 90% to be released via airdrops after the following Active participation from the
community (Kem Armies)
Promotional BountyA ten days social media campaign will be launched on 7th December within those 10days all who wish to participate on the bounty will
be required to complete some simple task that will unlock the remaining 360KMC of their tokens via air
Twitter CampaignAll 5000 kemarmies will be required to retweet all five tweets from kemfe official twitter handle.
It will unlock fifteen percent (15%) of your tokens. All retweets by each
member of the kemarmies should be screenshot and will be required to upload this screenshots during
the upcoming registration on 7th December 2017. (60KMC for twitter participation)
Reddit campaignAll kermarmies will be required to make a simple reddit post that will be announced by the kemfe
team and made available on our telegram channel and website. All reddit post made by each member of the kemarmies should be screenshotill be required to upload this screenshots during
the upcoming registration on 7th December 2017. This will unlock another fifteen
percent (15%) token (60KMC)
Facebook campaignThe kemarmies Facebook campaign will be one of a kind, Here in our Facebook campaign all member
of the kemarmies will be have to make a simple sentence about kemcredit or kemfe platform, upload
it to his timeline and share in two(2) cryptocurrency groups he or she belongs to .Same verification procedure will be applied and this will also unlock another fifteen percent(15%) of your token
Youtube campaignThis is the final lap of our Kemarmies social media takeover. Here all kemarmies will be required to
subcribe to kemfe youtube Channel. Same verification procedure will be applied and this will unlock fourtyfive percent
(45%) of your remaining token (180KMC)
Community Rewards
3,000,000 tokens will be reserved for the reward of our community memebers over the next 10 years for their active participation and contribution to the growth of our platform. The first five(5) years we will distribute 1,500,000KMC to community members for their exceptional participation and promotion of the platform while the remaining will be distributed over the remaining five years.