I love translating and free to do it recently if you need a good Chinese translation please don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be here!
Here in the altcoin section I'll be able to accept mainstream altcoin for payment.
For more details about my service this is a duplicate of my service thread you may check it (https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/since-2014-referral-bonus-weis-english-chinese-translation-services-1005465):
Local Chinese offering E-C translation service
*Bitcoin/Ethereum are accepted as payment.
*Negotiable price.
*PM me for further detail.
*Quick responses: I'll receive notifications email when receiving new PM on the forum account so that I could give you a quick responses.
*The marketing effectiveness is not Guaranteed.
Marketing samples:
1. Chopcoin.io ANN thread on 8btc.com: http://8btc.com/thread-25083-1-1.html
2. Chopcoin.io AD banner on 8btc.com homepage
3. Yabtcl.com ANN thread on 8btc: http://8btc.com/thread-25995-1-1.html
Translation samples:
2. https://x-value.com/cn/
4. https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/holytransaction-syscoin-added-636821
5. https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/annelm-element-coin-866786
6. http://nicehash.com/
7. [CIRC] CryptoCircuits 中文: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/please-delete-1152373
8. [Chopcoin] Chopcoin press : http://chopcoin.io/press/Chopcoin_press_release_cn.pdf
9. [NiceHash] New Software Page: https://www.nicehash.com/index.jsp?p=software
10. [NiceHash] News Page: https://www.nicehash.com/?p=news
11.[NiceHash on Weibo]:http://weibo.com/NiceHashMining
12. [Chopcoin]: http://Chopcoin.io
13. [YABTCL]: https://yabtcl.com
14. [FancyHash.io]: http://fancyhash.io/?locale=cn
15. [Buy-Ether]: https://www.buy-ether.com/cn
16. [Myriad]: http://myriad-web.nutty.one/zh/home
17. [NiceHash 2th ANN Press]: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/nicehash-1431131
18. [vDice]: https://blog.vdice.io/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/vDice_Business_Plan_Chinese.pdf