

Activity: 140
Merit: 0
well, no answers from the device means that this ANN is a replica or something like that to other batman ANNs on this forum)

We are always there why you did not contact us through our social media ?
Activity: 140
Merit: 0
If we'll invest in this ICO, can we get as rewards Batman and Robin costumes? For example, if you invest more than 100k$ you get Batman costume if less you get Robin costume, what do you guys think?

We decided sell 275,312 Token BMN in 1 stage on ForkDelta and even shorten the time, and All buyers, even if they are few, can sell at the price they want for all people when opening the store online. This will be their right because they supported the project from the beginning....
the Token BMN Available to buy on ForkDelta for Price 0.0005 ETH :!/trade/0xafb4fe1315504c92c3ed3657cd600712a8938aac-ETH
Activity: 140
Merit: 0
your project is like any other of thousands.
 which particular qualities will you create?
and why people will use you platform?

                                                                                           ❖ What is your project ?

In fact, everyone in the Web needs such a project, We have seen many platforms and online stores that allow sellers to sell on their platforms like : Fiverr , Freelancer, khamsat, etc but impose many restrictions on sellers to sell and also charge high fees on sellers and buyers, also Many countries are banned from selling and buying online and buying in many stores,They are all factors that lead to a lack of interest in buying and selling anything in any online store.
But we are different in all respects, how? :

• We will be the only store on the internet with the lowest fees.

• Anything and everything will be provided Not found on public internet.

• We will not impose any restrictions on the seller, we will make him sell anything he wants To anyone.

• The store itself will completely hide its identity In order to keep the identity and privacy of all customer data.

• Payment will be in the store through BTC and ETH and our BMN tokens, we will not accepted PayPal or Visa or MasterCard or any payment method that
  may disclose the identity of the seller or buyer.

• market will not control us in the prices of our BMN token, whether in the decline or rise like the rest of the currencies or like the rest tokens in the
  market, Because we will have a real project that enables you to use our token to buy and sell for everything in our platform, Therefore demand of our
  token and height in price will be strong and real with very low total supply and Circulating Supply Which is 300,000 BMN.

                                                                             ❖  But what forces the user to do this ? :

• Everyone must use our store because he won't see the products or even our features we will offer anywhere on the internet, they will buy our token
  BMN from any exchange at any price so that he can buy from our platform, And in order to force users to do that, we will provide security and privacy
  and all services that he does not have access to.

                                                                      ❖ What are the objectives of store project ?
• Trust and safety as a platform acts as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, and this will not like any store online but it will be something completely special and completely different, Our store He will have very special programming In order to maintain the privacy of all customers and hide all their data while protecting their accounts at the highest level of security with Giving them the freedom to sell and buy As they wants .

• We want to people Make the largest financial transactions on the web through our store online By providing everything in our store what you can not find it online.
• The other goal is to create a high value for our Token BMN Through the provision of several means of payment and purchase from our store so that customers get used to the purchase and until sellers are accustomed to selling in our store and they find confidence with security with us, and after this we will accepted our Token BMN Only.

Also It has been canceled our ICO from since a long time ago, and We decided sell 275,312 Token BMN in 1 stage on ForkDelta and even shorten the time, and All buyers, even if they are few, can sell at the price they want for all people when opening the store online. This will be their right because they supported the project from the beginning....
the Token BMN Available to buy on ForkDelta for Price 0.0005 ETH :!/trade/0xafb4fe1315504c92c3ed3657cd600712a8938aac-ETH
Activity: 206
Merit: 21
well, no answers from the device means that this ANN is a replica or something like that to other batman ANNs on this forum)
Yep, I've seen 3 BatmanToken threads. I wonder, will all superheroes get there own token??? Or maybe a coin...
Activity: 177
Merit: 88
well, no answers from the device means that this ANN is a replica or something like that to other batman ANNs on this forum)
Activity: 85
Merit: 0
Total supply is 1.6 million tokens only? 300k tokens for sale?
Sound strange! Have you got bounty campaign?
Activity: 177
Merit: 88
I saw 3 similar ANN on a similar name about batman this week. Are those projects the all the same and have different ANN? or i'm mistaken....
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
If we'll invest in this ICO, can we get as rewards Batman and Robin costumes? For example, if you invest more than 100k$ you get Batman costume if less you get Robin costume, what do you guys think?
Answer is here :
Activity: 69
Merit: 20
If we'll invest in this ICO, can we get as rewards Batman and Robin costumes? For example, if you invest more than 100k$ you get Batman costume if less you get Robin costume, what do you guys think?
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
It looks good  Wink
Activity: 3808
Merit: 7912
DC comics had a legal battle with a south American football team over their use of a batman-like logo... see below

 and you guys are even using the name Batman.

This is a terrible idea for a commerce token... and probably a scam as well given your lack of concern about copyright violation.  I predict this doesn't end well for anyone involved.

 Recommendation - AVOID

Activity: 58
Merit: 0
It s great project
full member
Activity: 298
Merit: 106
I am not entirely sure you can legally use the brand of Batman to sell your tokens. You may end up with some trouble by doing that and investors are quite likely to lose their investment.
full member
Activity: 322
Merit: 100
The All-in-One Cryptocurrency Exchange
your project is like any other of thousands.
 which particular qualities will you create?
and why people will use you platform?
Activity: 204
Merit: 0

What makes us different to the rest?

We will never put a hold on your crypto, if you decide you no longer want to be involved in our ICO, simply click the withdraw button and an outgoing transaction will be generated for you immediately.

Total Supply is 1600000 Token only, and we will be sell 300k tokens, 50,000 Token will be set aside for referrals.

Our Total Supply Batman is very low, so With Very low supply and increased demand, with our support activities and marketing campaigns Which We will provide to reach all people, and with development of our tokens, and this will create a very good value of our token.

We will not wait long time to listed Our Tokens on external exchange after the completion from all stages our ICO like other ICOs because This bothers us before harass shareholders, So We will be discussed with external exchanges After the sale of the first round is completed immediately.

Join BatmanToken Eco-system. This is the future of the commerce industry.

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