A Breakout Coin já está funcional e é possível minerar a SisterCoin veja algumas perguntas/respostas. Está em inglês e eu não garanto a tradução, mas irei tentar, mas para não perder tempo.
Everything you ever wanted to know about SiS
Q: Can someone explain
Sistercoin to me a little more clearly, I have read all the information provided and am still confused about it.
From what I can gather PoW rewards SIS but you only earn transaction fees if there are any in that block which seems like a very small reward for running my gear. What can you do with Sistercoin? do they stake like BRX?
A: The transaction fees you earn are BRK and only POW earns these. As for sistercoin, there is just a hope it will be use in the future for something. It is not the primary reason to POW
Q: So to run my gear and burn hydro I get "rewarded" with something with no inherent value and dust. that doesn't seem like a fair trade to me. That can't be the system they designed I hope they add Sis somewhere in the game betting platform.
A: We won't add SIS in the gaming platform, although we will fully support it. Obviously, mining SIS is not for everyone.
Q: Ok, so what is the intended purpose of SIS? From what I have inferred from the white paper it appears that it can be used to pay fees which would then reward a miner with BRK converted from SIS, is that its only function? On the webpage SIS is described as a POS coin, so does it stake? Information about this part of the chain is quite vague so I just need some clarity.
A: SIS is a Proof-of-Work (PoW) coin. It in no way can be interconverted with any other currency. SIS is rewarded to miners for finding blocks and provides PoW security for the chain. It is actively being mined and has been since launch was announced.
Currently mining SIS is the only way the chain moves. SIS is the only PoW currency on the chain. Only 21M SIS will ever be in existence. Just like Bitcoin, a SIS block is mined on average every 10 minutes and starts with a 50 SIS per block reward. SIS can also be minted via Proof-of-Stake (PoS) by playing cards. Staking playing cards is the only way PoS can mint SIS. Playing cards mature after about 48 days and mint just over twice the PoW block reward. All told, the cards mint a very small fraction (a little more than 1%) of the SIS and do so just to make the cards a little more interesting.
Why would you want to mine SIS? SIS will be fully supported by infrastructure that supports Breakout Chain, which is the blockchain carrying BRK,BRX, SIS, and the Deck of cards. Also SIS is required to pay transaction fees for sending cards. Other than that, SIS does not interconvert or interact with BRK or BRX and is not integral to the adoption strategies of the Breakout Coin company.
One incentive to mine SIS is that only PoW miners can collect transaction fees in any currency on the chain. PoS miners can not collect any fees, and any fees paid on transactions that enter PoS blocks are locked until a PoW miner collects them. This deferral of fee collection for PoW miners is called
"fee scavenging".
It is possible that SIS could be like many other cryptocurrencies and acquire a community around it, be listed on exchanges, or accepted by some vendors. Such uses will not be actively pursued by Breakout Coin, however, but may be facilitated if these efforts align with our goals to support the infrastructure, brand building, and adoption of Breakout Chain in general.
Q: Do you ever plan on telling us how to mine SIS? Many people have posted here asking how to do it. We're clearly interested, but aside from "coming soon" in the OP we have no information. I'm sure some people just naturally know how but I'm not one of them.
You Can Mine This ChainCPU Mining Sister CoinVery brief mining instructions using
./minerd -a sha256d -u breakoutrpc -p YOURPASSWORD -o
Conf for mining (in Windows roaming folder "Breakout", or OS X home folder "Library/Application Support/Breakout"), named "breakout.conf":