where is coin support??? price falling to ground

do not sell cheap guys
Look into the mirror. The coin support can be you. The market seems very thin lately. Seems that there are less than 5 buyers and a little more dumpers. Dumps get also smaller every day.
With the price of one 4 TB HDD you can rise the price more than 100 sats with that low volume.
At Bittrex it looks even worse with the volume. Normally a coin gets delistet with fewer than 1 BTC volume a day...
What we need are some news articles and a interview of dev in at least a decent crypto-website. With that we get more miners and buyers.
You can write articles when you have features.
All altcoin world know about burst (500) thread in 1 months.
But investors need features. If investors wants to throw several btc in a coin, they don't give a f++k about the algorytm (scrypt,sha256,x1,x13,x15,x80,poc etc etc). They look a coin, read features,future plans,etc etc and they choose.
Is like what's is happening to STELLAR. 10 billion coins(1 billions already out) and price is 1k each. Cause they have a great future program. This is the way to collect investor.
In my opinion you can fill at least one page with explaining the algorythm how it works, how the dev carried out hdd mining faster than microsoft, the advantages of mining with HDD, everybody can mine this coin with average hardware, the idea as a whole, the intentions of the dev, future plans and potential.
The coin is 6 weeks old, nobody wants to read about unreal great future program that never gets developed. There is no need for empty promises here.
I think there are many interested investors and Miners that turned their back on ALT-Coins because there are disgusted by all these shit-, copy- and scamcoins. There is too much burned soil. On a crypto website there are people who are also only interested in bitcoins - who will get aware of a new way of mining similar to litecoin.
Maybe you're right. But altcoin market is not more as 2 years ago with litecoin.
Now it moves fast. A coin could vanish in a matter of weeks,until a new coin cames out with better features.
Remember when the first Scrypt-jane coin cames out (ULTRACOIN). It was a must, the future,the new litecoin. After some months, DEAD. Cause first X11 cames out. X11 was the future,less stress for GPU etc etc. Then X13,KEKKA,Scrypt-N...now HDD. Within some months cames out the first RAMcoin or anything else that capture altcoin attention.
Or better...algorytm apart. Some months ago, the future was countrycode(remember AURORA), then numbercoin(remember 42 coin and it's value),Then ANON coin(darkcoin,blackcoin). Within some months noone will talking anymore about anoncoin. As is now about countrycoin,numbers coin etc etc.
So, market moving fast. And altcoins will survive if they are in costant motion,progress,feature,releases etc etc.
If darkcoin,blackcoin are still on the waves is cause of theyr development. Theyr mining code is the last of the problem regarding price.
I remember when on coinwarez there were only 2 algorytm to choose for profitability: SHA e SCRYPT. Now there are 8!!! Maybe they will add HDD when more coins cames out. Then, other new algorytm. So,no, it's not a new algorytm that makes coins success. Maybe at beginning there will be an HYPE as was for burst. But then we have to see features to remain on boat.