
Topic: [ANN][CRW] CROWN (SHA256) | Platform | Governance | Systemnodes | Masternodes | - page 68. (Read 317079 times)

Activity: 63
Merit: 10
The tried adjustment of the market by certain personOrutes has led to numerousOrmost/all potential CRW traders moving on, hence the massive price drop. The only investors left are the ones accountable who're now needing to purchaseOrmarket their own orders in order to keep CRW from becoming delisted because of lack of exercise.if Crowncoin devs put half just as much work into marketing the gold coin rather than trying to manage the trade price - CRW would prosper.

Don't buy shitt coins .. Be safe and HODL your Bitcoins
Fake team, Fake coins, fake alts , fake volume fake news .

Bitcoin is real coin ,...

according to your latest posts you're just posting shit all over this forum, if you're bored why dont you find a hobby to fulfill your needs?

BTW Bitcoin is a real coin, we all agree on that.

CRW is a legit altcoin with real team, real coins, real alts, real volume, real news

the red text is just for aamjanta to read, sometimes you have to use the same "english"  to make him/her understand Grin

CRW has fake low volume Team are self buying and selling .
No new exchnages list ..
Development in air nothing on ground
Volume 4-5 BTC since 2-3 months.

Soon Bittrex will delist this coin AND BooooooM  Cheesy

No other market for it.
This all shows how people interested ..good luck holders
Slowly Team dump their coins and  ...

Try to invest on good coin good volume with strong of exchnages .
BTC is still best and will be best .. Otherwise you are feeding CRW team. Wink

maybe you should check the facts before you speak?
Activity: 63
Merit: 10
The tried adjustment of the market by certain personOrutes has led to numerousOrmost/all potential CRW traders moving on, hence the massive price drop. The only investors left are the ones accountable who're now needing to purchaseOrmarket their own orders in order to keep CRW from becoming delisted because of lack of exercise.if Crowncoin devs put half just as much work into marketing the gold coin rather than trying to manage the trade price - CRW would prosper.

Don't buy shitt coins .. Be safe and HODL your Bitcoins
Fake team, Fake coins, fake alts , fake volume fake news .

Bitcoin is real coin ,...

according to your latest posts you're just posting shit all over this forum, if you're bored why dont you find a hobby to fulfill your needs?

BTW Bitcoin is a real coin, we all agree on that.

CRW is a legit altcoin with real team, real coins, real alts, real volume, real news

the red text is just for aamjanta to read, sometimes you have to use the same "english"  to make him/her understand Grin
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
The tried adjustment of the market by certain personOrutes has led to numerousOrmost/all potential CRW traders moving on, hence the massive price drop. The only investors left are the ones accountable who're now needing to purchaseOrmarket their own orders in order to keep CRW from becoming delisted because of lack of exercise.if Crowncoin devs put half just as much work into marketing the gold coin rather than trying to manage the trade price - CRW would prosper.

Don't buy shitt coins .. Be safe and HODL your Bitcoins
Fake team, Fake coins, fake alts , fake volume fake news .

Bitcoin is real coin ,...

Thank you for your wise words, you are so knowledgeable
full member
Activity: 167
Merit: 100
The tried adjustment of the market by certain personOrutes has led to numerousOrmost/all potential CRW traders moving on, hence the massive price drop. The only investors left are the ones accountable who're now needing to purchaseOrmarket their own orders in order to keep CRW from becoming delisted because of lack of exercise.if Crowncoin devs put half just as much work into marketing the gold coin rather than trying to manage the trade price - CRW would prosper.

Don't buy shitt coins .. Be safe and HODL your Bitcoins
Fake team, Fake coins, fake alts , fake volume fake news .

Bitcoin is real coin ,...
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 553
In Spain we are working on a partnership that will be announced formally in the next days. The partner is a company with years of experience in creation and management of  startups in the technological field. We will collaborate by providing services in our platform for their new product, which is a Personal Global Tracker called G-ME. They are recording in the next days a video campaign to present the product in Kickstarter, and we are going to be in it. It will be massive exposure for Crown as a leading blockchain platform used in a real use case. More info will follow as developing teams of both interested parties will start today. We are very excited so stay tuned for more!

This is amazing news, looking forward for you guys to disclose details!  Wink

Top notch team and videos. Lots of value and options with this coin
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 101
Exclusive Member
Yes, I agree. There is still much to be improved on visibility wise. Other than that all seems well.
Activity: 61
Merit: 10
are there thoughts to run a awareness campaign to increase visibility?
Activity: 78
Merit: 10
Darkcoin Ya Bish! (Or Dash if you like)
The tried adjustment of the market by certain personOrutes has led to numerousOrmost/all potential CRW traders moving on, hence the massive price drop. The only investors left are the ones accountable who're now needing to purchaseOrmarket their own orders in order to keep CRW from becoming delisted because of lack of exercise.if Crowncoin devs put half just as much work into marketing the gold coin rather than trying to manage the trade price - CRW would prosper.

You are recommending our long term strategy should be ONLY buy and sell Air?

Sorry, but our priorities are:

1. Focusing strong on the development of our Atomic key registration platform
2. Participating personally on Crypto conferences worldwide / growing our ambassador base
3. Bringing in partners who are beginning to build their businesses on Crown - big announcement in Spain coming in days
4. Marketing our development efforts in order to grow our community - a professional marketing company is helping us starting early next week.

Glad to see these priorities being focused on at this stage! Can't wait for the big Spain Announcement. Thanks Crown team Grin
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
The tried adjustment of the market by certain personOrutes has led to numerousOrmost/all potential CRW traders moving on, hence the massive price drop. The only investors left are the ones accountable who're now needing to purchaseOrmarket their own orders in order to keep CRW from becoming delisted because of lack of exercise.if Crowncoin devs put half just as much work into marketing the gold coin rather than trying to manage the trade price - CRW would prosper.

You are recommending our long term strategy should be ONLY buy and sell Air?

Sorry, but our priorities are:

1. Focusing strong on the development of our Atomic key registration platform
2. Participating personally on Crypto conferences worldwide / growing our ambassador base
3. Bringing in partners who are beginning to build their businesses on Crown - big announcement in Spain coming in days
4. Marketing our development efforts in order to grow our community - a professional marketing company is helping us starting early next week.

Jan, that is a spam account trying to boost their post count. Just ignore.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
In Spain we are working on a partnership that will be announced formally in the next days. The partner is a company with years of experience in creation and management of  startups in the technological field. We will collaborate by providing services in our platform for their new product, which is a Personal Global Tracker called G-ME. They are recording in the next days a video campaign to present the product in Kickstarter, and we are going to be in it. It will be massive exposure for Crown as a leading blockchain platform used in a real use case. More info will follow as developing teams of both interested parties will start today. We are very excited so stay tuned for more!

A real use case is really nice! Well done!
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
In Spain we are working on a partnership that will be announced formally in the next days. The partner is a company with years of experience in creation and management of  startups in the technological field. We will collaborate by providing services in our platform for their new product, which is a Personal Global Tracker called G-ME. They are recording in the next days a video campaign to present the product in Kickstarter, and we are going to be in it. It will be massive exposure for Crown as a leading blockchain platform used in a real use case. More info will follow as developing teams of both interested parties will start today. We are very excited so stay tuned for more!

This is amazing news, looking forward for you guys to disclose details!  Wink
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
The tried adjustment of the market by certain personOrutes has led to numerousOrmost/all potential CRW traders moving on, hence the massive price drop. The only investors left are the ones accountable who're now needing to purchaseOrmarket their own orders in order to keep CRW from becoming delisted because of lack of exercise.if Crowncoin devs put half just as much work into marketing the gold coin rather than trying to manage the trade price - CRW would prosper.

You are recommending our long term strategy should be ONLY buy and sell Air?

Sorry, but our priorities are:

1. Focusing strong on the development of our Atomic key registration platform
2. Participating personally on Crypto conferences worldwide / growing our ambassador base
3. Bringing in partners who are beginning to build their businesses on Crown - big announcement in Spain coming in days
4. Marketing our development efforts in order to grow our community - a professional marketing company is helping us starting early next week.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
In Spain we are working on a partnership that will be announced formally in the next days. The partner is a company with years of experience in creation and management of  startups in the technological field. We will collaborate by providing services in our platform for their new product, which is a Personal Global Tracker called G-ME. They are recording in the next days a video campaign to present the product in Kickstarter, and we are going to be in it. It will be massive exposure for Crown as a leading blockchain platform used in a real use case. More info will follow as developing teams of both interested parties will start today. We are very excited so stay tuned for more!
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
Wow, this is really picking up some speed! Ive seen several people get hired for fulltime, and lots of new people in the mattermost channel.
Videos are getting made. Tutorials, website being renewed. Alot of new media coverage on alot of platforms.

Good job crown team!
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
Site survey update

A big thank you to everyone who filled out our survey!
We've looked at the results, and put together a small summary of what suggestions came in, and what data we collected.
We are working on improving the website. For instance, it should be a lot quicker now to load - the animation of the knights helmet took quite some resources and has been made static now. Also, a UI/UX designer  from within the community (@luke6040) is privately hired, who will conduct an analysis of the website and bring out a report somewhere in the coming weeks.

In the mean time, please find the report here

The summary from the survey is:
Extracting the overall gist, the user experience can be enhanced.

  • A focus on the information (explain what Crown is, and what atomic is - but also keep news more centralized, for instance info on the Amsterdam meeting)
  • the information flow (menu structure), and used language (jargon like API & co)
  • as well as a more neutral approach to styling (less dark, less game-ish feel)

.. should solve most of the concerns raised in this questionnaire.

To be continued..

Activity: 83
Merit: 0
BlockMunch.CLUB has added CrownCoin to it's Multi-Pool!  Only 0.25% Fee's!
We are now a Multi-Pool!  We mine the most profitable coin always, and maximize your return!

Choose your payout style.  We pay out in this coin, BTC, and any coin we currently have listed on the pool!

Example Config is Below for CrownCoin Pay:
-a sha256 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1Ku4D5PC3Qf2e9rVRdJYQozRTtbxehZ6Ps -p c=CRW

Example Config Below for BTC Pay
-a sha256 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1JFx3fE462vMsTeYkNK5yvdWeg2wpmxvBD -p c=BTC

Block Explorer Link:

Peer List:

Welcome to the Block Munch Club!

Thanks for adding us! However CrownCoin is an old name, currently it's just Crown Wink
Activity: 728
Merit: 19
BlockMunch.CLUB has added CrownCoin to it's Multi-Pool!  Only 0.25% Fee's!
We are now a Multi-Pool!  We mine the most profitable coin always, and maximize your return!

Choose your payout style.  We pay out in this coin, BTC, and any coin we currently have listed on the pool!

Example Config is Below for CrownCoin Pay:
-a sha256 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1Ku4D5PC3Qf2e9rVRdJYQozRTtbxehZ6Ps -p c=CRW

Example Config Below for BTC Pay
-a sha256 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1JFx3fE462vMsTeYkNK5yvdWeg2wpmxvBD -p c=BTC

Block Explorer Link:

Peer List:

Welcome to the Block Munch Club!

Activity: 57
Merit: 0
For those who didn't know:
How to unlock your Master-/systemnode funds. A new video online - enjoy!

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Hi guys,
Crown takes part in Blockchain Summit Kyiv on the 25th of November.
2 streams (financial/technical), 30 speakers, 600 participants.
Join us Cool
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
Looking forward to the naming convention!

Well it looks like that the closest choice is between space missions and cloud names  Smiley

The suspense is killing me!
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