Worse than a scam. A backdoor and the scammer just mocked everyone.
I thought I would check out a clone..... my bad. lol
This person is a known troll and even worse a known lying peice of shit. They campaigned on lies for months in an effort to cause confusion about darkcoin. Please enjoy a clip from their past.... He spread false information about darkcoin in this thread and multiple others knowingly for and extended period of time.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.7821573Quote from Shojay...
Don't pay the 20% tax levied by "The Man" Mine on one of these pools that don't subject miners to the unfair tax.
Total shithead. Worth of the toilet. Working on the long troll, dont buy it. Luckily I downloaded every comment he ever made a while back so all his trolling is on file, forever.
What does that have to do with me warning people not to install a virus infected QT?
I thought about engaging you in a war of words but I have no desire to clutter the Darkcoin thread with more of that nonsense. Please continue with your conspiracies regarding me and some alleged long troll.
Again... from shojay...
Darkcoin and it's largest holders in their greedy quest for masternode profits have become an entity similar to the banking Industry in the United States. The elite masternode operators are allowed to collect a 20% tax from the miners. But it gets better, they don't have to do anything to collect that tax. Darkcoin has it's own network of tax collectors that go around intimidating pool owners into compliance. These IRS Agents are very aggressive in their tactics. Using images of men with guns and talking about coming after you if you don't pay. Some have suggested disrupting their income by launching DDOS attacks.
Where are all the anarchists that were posting in this thread attacking me earlier? Is this what you envisioned with Darkcoin? An entity that is no different from Governments and the Big Banks?
Don't let the man bend you over and impose a tax on you. Cryptocurrency is supposed to be a currency for the people without the constraints of taxes and government interference. Darkcoin is none of those things. Some masternode operators boast of making 1 btc in a week. Where did that btc come from? A TAX on miners.
Don't pay the 20% tax levied by "The Man" Mine on one of these pools that don't subject miners to the unfair tax.