When I changed from 1 to 8, it stopped declaring that I had any denominated finds. It just shows the balance.
Not denominating. Won't let me send a single duff...
Had to send precisely the exact amount minus the fees. No more and no less... There is a failed "greaterthanorequaltoo" somewhere demanding "equalto" exclusively, somewhere in there... Also, could only do it from "any available funds" Any other combination of choices and it refused no matter what amount.
Still not denominating...
I tried to delete the TX that might be offending, but as you can see, client refuses to acknowledge it's own TXID...
Do you use static peers(using connect) ?
How about delete peers.dat and try again ?
It did absolutely nothing until I attempted to send the coins out to a new wallet. The wallet.dat did not increase in size. There was no denomination happening, I was watching tail -f debug.log like a hawk.
The exact INSTANT I tried to send out to a new wallet, bam, all this shit started happening. Payments to self, denom fees, showing denom coming in, then failing... It just sat there doing not a damn thing until the exact moment I tried to send out.
I'm pretty sure this TX is causing the issue, but I can't get rid of it... Client tells me the TXID, then immediately claims that it doesn't exist...