
Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency - page 4656. (Read 9723733 times)

Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245

i guess we can conclude from the above that trolls create anti-trolls.

I wish that were the case. Anti-troll implies that when the troll & anti-troll meet the would cancel each other out & cease to exist to the advantage of all reasonable people.

Alas... It seems that trolls mearely traumatise others who then also fall into trolldom.
Trolling is lose/lose as far as I can tell at this point.

It is the realm of the damaged & mentally ill, of that there should be no doubt.

so basicly a troll is some kind of virus ? hmmm, that does make sense.
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
quick question : how / where can you view the output of -printtoconsole ?

i'm trying to view the debug.log file on screen and constantly updating.
I have put a -printtoconsole in the shortcut that fires up the darkcoin-qt and it indeed stop debug.log from getting updated
but i'm not seeing any output on screen or in the console (not sure where to look for the output)

tail -f debug.log

i'm using a windows wallet .. how can i use this tail -f debug.log command / option ?
try copying the debug.log while it is still running and opening the copy

best i could do was downloading notepad++ and creating a macro to re-open the debug-log + jump to the end of the log and attaching that macro to a key.
so its a little bit better then the debugscreen (it now jumps straight to last line) but i still need to press the key manually.

I will google some more, simply put i need a windows program that can make windows textfiles automatically refresh
sr. member
Activity: 453
Merit: 261
Look Morty magic internet money
sorry if this been allready been answered but this tread is so long I dont know where to begin Tongue

I have some DRK but I'm wondering if I should buy a lot more since the price is low at the moment.

Can someone tell me why darkcoin is needed when darkwallet comes out?

I'm not fully informed about both so thats where the problem is, but if you can share your opinion it would help.

Thanks Smiley  
full member
Activity: 162
Merit: 100

i guess we can conclude from the above that trolls create anti-trolls.

I wish that were the case. Anti-troll implies that when the troll & anti-troll meet the would cancel each other out & cease to exist to the advantage of all reasonable people.

Alas... It seems that trolls mearely traumatise others who then also fall into trolldom.
Trolling is lose/lose as far as I can tell at this point.

It is the realm of the damaged & mentally ill, of that there should be no doubt.
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
Hi all can someone point me to a good explanation how to setup a second masternode on the same remote server. I can assign an extra ipaddress, but then what?


Not *exactly* what you're looking for but should help you out:

I had the same issue, I generated a new privkey and stuck it in the darkcoin.conf file, I was good to go after I bounced the service...
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 500
quick question : how / where can you view the output of -printtoconsole ?

i'm trying to view the debug.log file on screen and constantly updating.
I have put a -printtoconsole in the shortcut that fires up the darkcoin-qt and it indeed stop debug.log from getting updated
but i'm not seeing any output on screen or in the console (not sure where to look for the output)

tail -f debug.log

i'm using a windows wallet .. how can i use this tail -f debug.log command / option ?
try copying the debug.log while it is still running and opening the copy
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
Hi all can someone point me to a good explanation how to setup a second masternode on the same remote server. I can assign an extra ipaddress, but then what?


Not *exactly* what you're looking for but should help you out:
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
quick question : how / where can you view the output of -printtoconsole ?

i'm trying to view the debug.log file on screen and constantly updating.
I have put a -printtoconsole in the shortcut that fires up the darkcoin-qt and it indeed stop debug.log from getting updated
but i'm not seeing any output on screen or in the console (not sure where to look for the output)

tail -f debug.log

i'm using a windows wallet .. how can i use this tail -f debug.log command / option ?
Activity: 102
Merit: 10
When you guys get a chance - put a leash on your rabid trailer trash dog MasterMined710. He's going all across the internet on a Cloakcoin FUDpack smear campaign. Let's keep the debate technical. I doubt DRK wants to get into a shit tossing competition with Cloak. There's plenty of people we can recruit for the job. I was one of the first DRK miners/investors. Although I have moved my funds elsewhere, I haven't resorted to the level of shit that some of the newer DRK holders have gone to protect their investment.
Sorry, as a potential future cloak investor (not at current prices) and current investor in other anon coins i just want my technical questions answered.

I have NEVER posted anything in the official self moderated cloakcoin  ANN thread.
 I have NEVER  ad hominem attacked anyone either (rabid trailer trash dog).

 Y'all need to put a leash on bobssurplus and others in the cloak community who troll the (unmoderated) official DRK ANN thread.
The XC community has done a great job on that front lately and y'all could learn a thing or two from them (i'm not a current xc investor).
Have some respect and stay out of the ANN threads with FUD and trolling.
I will start a thread for civilized discussion/debate of all the anon coins. Tough questions will be welcome but trolling and name calling will not.


Mike Hearn said:

“The fact I use bitcoin isn’t a secret, but I don’t want all my transactions in an NSA database. When I use bitcoin in a bar, I don’t want someone on the local network to learn my balance. The way bitcoin is used today, both those things are possible.”

Thanks to IP tracking, it’s “possible that the NSA and GCHQ have de-anonymized most of the block chain by now,” he added.

So, pays your money and takes your choices.

You can buy Darkcoin now while its cheap, or you can wait until its worth $350 / coin.
Either way, you're a buyer. You can't fight fate, or the NSA/GCHQ - they literally have your number.

hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 500
The Buck Stops Here.
quick question : how / where can you view the output of -printtoconsole ?

i'm trying to view the debug.log file on screen and constantly updating.
I have put a -printtoconsole in the shortcut that fires up the darkcoin-qt and it indeed stop debug.log from getting updated
but i'm not seeing any output on screen or in the console (not sure where to look for the output)

tail -f debug.log
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
Wow just noticed there are 730 active masternodes!!!!!!!!

I hope we can get to around 1000 when RC4 is released, seems to be a nice solid number for de-centralization. And thats 1 million coins off the market!
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
quick question : how / where can you view the output of -printtoconsole ?

i'm trying to view the debug.log file on screen and constantly updating.
I have put a -printtoconsole in the shortcut that fires up the darkcoin-qt and it indeed stop debug.log from getting updated
but i'm not seeing any output on screen or in the console (not sure where to look for the output)

hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
Which anon coin will succeed? Vote reset:
Go Go Go!!!

Bump. Because it's a non-antagonistic way to promote the coin. And our lead annoys a certain other coin.
And that is a little bit fun.

Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
waiting for the liftoff.. must no forking...
I am worried if couple pools with over 51% of the hash rate of DRK together refuse/forget to update their darkcoind, will it cause a fork?

Yes, they will be wasting huge amounts of electricity mining worthless coins they can't exchange anywhere. Wink
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
waiting for the liftoff.. must no forking...
I am worried if couple pools with over 51% of the hash rate of DRK together refuse/forget to update their darkcoind, will it cause a fork?

You worry too much
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
waiting for the liftoff.. must no forking...
I am worried if couple pools with over 51% of the hash rate of DRK together refuse/forget to update their darkcoind, will it cause a fork?
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
What is the difference between what keycoin is doing right now and what darkcoin is trying in RC4? Is some of the thunder removed from RC4s release?

in priciple if i follow the short explanation from the keycoin thread they where using almost same type of method as darksend, but with that said, darksend+ is a step up from that.

they are basically using a joinswap. while the old darksend used a combination of coinswap and coinjoin with some more stuff thrown in on top.

if you want to know more, read post above this one

Okay, thanks for the help. It just looked so similar. I hope the 2.5x price jump is similar too.  Smiley

You should buy some dark as payment to us for the free advertising.
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
What is the difference between what keycoin is doing right now and what darkcoin is trying in RC4? Is some of the thunder removed from RC4s release?

in priciple if i follow the short explanation from the keycoin thread they where using almost same type of method as darksend, but with that said, darksend+ is a step up from that.

they are basically using a joinswap. while the old darksend used a combination of coinswap and coinjoin with some more stuff thrown in on top.

if you want to know more, read post above this one

Okay, thanks for the help. It just looked so similar. I hope the 2.5x price jump is similar too.  Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 251
Masternode on testnet updated and back online

Edit : I have a run with masternodepayments on testnet :-); on mainnet i am waiting for 7 days now :-(
That's waaay too long to wait. Re-build your masternode.
I've had two 'bad luck' masternodes that weren't getting paid properly, that I rebuilt from scratch, and now they are great performers.
Variance? Fuck variance. There's some serious favoritism in the masternode election system.

Unfortunately you are right...
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
What is the difference between what keycoin is doing right now and what darkcoin is trying in RC4? Is some of the thunder removed from RC4s release?

"How to Send KEY Anonymously"

Well looks like keycoin has solved the anonymity problem with the blockchain...
Stop what your doing Evan, the gigs up. Someone beat us to it!

Come on! Don't compare darksend+ with upto 8 masternodes to mix your coins... Months in development and tweaking, to Keycoin, released on the 15th of this month (July).

Maybe it will be something in the future, but darkcoin is the winner at the moment.
No coin will be 100% anon, just on a scale of how anon it is. Darkcoin is currently the highest on that scale imo, so i will just hold onto my DRK for the long time and give KEYcoin a miss.
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