
Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency - page 4680. (Read 9723733 times)

sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Guys he comes in here literally every other day and spouts nonsense. Just ignore him he's obviously a pretty sad person.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1007
Guns, tits and ass, attack anyone that questions anything.

Welcome to the wild west where all your desires are satisfied, because there is no central scrutinizer to tell you what you are allowed to do or trade.
You get attacked because you have a problem when free people exercise their freedom.
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1002
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
Advertise your shitcoins here....:
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
07/19: DarkCoin and Vertcoin have both been implemented into the marketplace, Cloakcoin and Litecoin were just added too, having trouble compiling Monero. Fixed issue we were having so we are looking at some more Cryptonote currencies too. Small preview of different wallets: (sorry for ugly UI, it's just the css from hyrdra we used to get code working, it will not be used when market is launching)

The problem with FUD and trolls is that they reach out and spread misinformation far beyond this thread and darkcointalk.

Clearly, this has been impacting demand and prices.

hero member
Activity: 561
Merit: 500
ICB on cryptsy!!!!

Darksend being sold to ICB. Darkcoin and ICB the same owner?
Activity: 896
Merit: 1001
its amazing that my ignore button hasnt been worn down by now :-p

only people who fear the truth are ignoring other opinions Wink
One can never ignore enough trolls in this thread.
DRK is unstoppable anyways.  Wink

the problem with ignoring is, that you'll also miss good points made by that person. there are some smart people out there which sometimes seem to troll, but they also deliver actual content.

another point: newcomers obviously dont know "who to ignore" so they see everything... and you dont even have a chance to counter that because you dont know (maybe put a please ignors that users list in the op...joke)

anyhow.. sorry for disturbing you. didnt meant to troll: i just dont like censorship or ignoring of opinions... leaving you now

some are easy to spot.. and just have multiple accounts and get paid to spread FUD.

This person has nothing to come with when he opens his mouth about premine/instamine/hiddenmine. It has been over before and newbs will come and go.. Pros will stay cause they know what they invest in.. they will also not sell short term.. especially now.. Someone most likely want cheap coins or is just a sad panda for having a failed trollcoin themselves. "Darkcoin has nothing new to give compared to other coins" Hrmm* No other coin has anything to offer compared to Darkcoin. That's a fact.

That is a completely false statement.  As far as anonymity is concerned there are already coins offering anonymity without the need for masternodes and closed source software.

Darkcoin actually has nothing to offer the vast majority of people.  You can't spend it anywhere for anything of significance.  It's nothing more than a source of revenue for those running masternodes.  That's it.  That's all it will ever be.  No mainstream merchant is ever going to embrace Darkcoin as a payment method.  Who's going to process the transactions?  Do you think coinbase which handles Bitcoin transactions is going to process a coin that they can't track in the blockchain?  You people have overestimated the value of an anonymous coin.  Darkcoin will never be used for anything other than P2P transfers and nefarious transactions on underground websites.
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
While you all keep spreading your propaganda about how Darkcoin is going to overtake Bitcoin and become mainstream, Bitcoin is actually expanding as a payment option in the marketplace.

Bitcoin is just clearing some brush out of the way in preparation for the Dark Highway, you humourless fuckwit.
Activity: 896
Merit: 1001
I love the darkcoin community and how everybody, the devs, the debuggers, the commenters, the designers, the artists all work together to create the future.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Cheers!

Plus, ask yourself, does any other coin have this:

I like darkcoin too. And the masternodes is a fantastic concept. I see new coins every day there, that's fantastic. Nobody dares something like this before.

Darkcoin is the best.

With all the posts of women and their asses it's obvious Darkcoin has a bright future.  I'm sure it will be adopted by the Porn industry so people can buy pornography anonymously.

Seriously, do you people think posting pictures of scantily clad women is doing anything positive for Darkcoins image?  This community resembles a bunch of degenerates.  The lack of professionalism is appalling.  Nothing but hype.  It's the same people with the same hype all the time.    Guns, tits and ass, attack anyone that questions anything.  No way is Darkcoin ready for mainstream adoption and never will be.  Back under $7.  Time to buy!  Ha ha ha  

I guess Dell is accepting Bitcoin now.  I've purchased products from overstock and newegg using Bitcoin.  Just bought a SonicWall firewall from newegg last night.

While you all keep spreading your propaganda about how Darkcoin is going to overtake Bitcoin and become mainstream, Bitcoin is actually expanding as a payment option in the marketplace.

Bitcoin is the defacto standard even without anonymous features and will remain the leader long after Darkcoin is just another slow to die altcoin.  

The magic is gone.  There are new players in town.  But hey, RC4 is coming out and that will instantly take Darkcoin to the moon according to the cheerleaders.  Keep dreaming.
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
BTC China might be adding Darkcoin:

BTC China indicated that the move was its first step in what could be broader support for additional currencies, as exchange users had been previously limited to deposits and withdrawals in Chinese yuan. As such, the company expects the new offerings to resonate in its home market.

Take nothing for granted:

Given that one of our biggest miners is Chinese....can we get back on to them and ask them to contact Bobby Lee. I'll be sending him a few emails.

I thought this was in reference to the addition of USD deposits/withdrawals. Are they considering adding more cryptocurrencies also?

Pretty sure this announcement was relative to adding additional fiat currencies, not additional crypto. That doesn't mean they aren't considering it, it just hasn't happened yet.

When the Chinese finally decide that saving face is less important than not losing any more money, the LTC fall is going to be a 48 hour (tops) avalanche of unstoppable doom.

One billion people who will never talk about it again.
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
No other coin has anything to offer compared to Darkcoin. That's a fact.

To be fair, if your goal is to separate idiots from their money, there are better tools.  Grin

sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
BTC China might be adding Darkcoin:

BTC China indicated that the move was its first step in what could be broader support for additional currencies, as exchange users had been previously limited to deposits and withdrawals in Chinese yuan. As such, the company expects the new offerings to resonate in its home market.

Take nothing for granted:

Given that one of our biggest miners is Chinese....can we get back on to them and ask them to contact Bobby Lee. I'll be sending him a few emails.

I thought this was in reference to the addition of USD deposits/withdrawals. Are they considering adding more cryptocurrencies also?

Pretty sure this announcement was relative to adding additional fiat currencies, not additional crypto. That doesn't mean they aren't considering it, it just hasn't happened yet.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
BTC China might be adding Darkcoin:

BTC China indicated that the move was its first step in what could be broader support for additional currencies, as exchange users had been previously limited to deposits and withdrawals in Chinese yuan. As such, the company expects the new offerings to resonate in its home market.

Take nothing for granted:

Given that one of our biggest miners is Chinese....can we get back on to them and ask them to contact Bobby Lee. I'll be sending him a few emails.

I thought this was in reference to the addition of USD deposits/withdrawals. Are they considering adding more cryptocurrencies also?
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Pre-sale - March 18
its amazing that my ignore button hasnt been worn down by now :-p

only people who fear the truth are ignoring other opinions Wink
One can never ignore enough trolls in this thread.
DRK is unstoppable anyways.  Wink

the problem with ignoring is, that you'll also miss good points made by that person. there are some smart people out there which sometimes seem to troll, but they also deliver actual content.

another point: newcomers obviously dont know "who to ignore" so they see everything... and you dont even have a chance to counter that because you dont know (maybe put a please ignors that users list in the op...joke)

anyhow.. sorry for disturbing you. didnt meant to troll: i just dont like censorship or ignoring of opinions... leaving you now

some are easy to spot.. and just have multiple accounts and get paid to spread FUD.

This person has nothing to come with when he opens his mouth about premine/instamine/hiddenmine. It has been over before and newbs will come and go.. Pros will stay cause they know what they invest in.. they will also not sell short term.. especially now.. Someone most likely want cheap coins or is just a sad panda for having a failed trollcoin themselves. "Darkcoin has nothing new to give compared to other coins" Hrmm* No other coin has anything to offer compared to Darkcoin. That's a fact.
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
BTC China might be adding Darkcoin:

BTC China indicated that the move was its first step in what could be broader support for additional currencies, as exchange users had been previously limited to deposits and withdrawals in Chinese yuan. As such, the company expects the new offerings to resonate in its home market.

Take nothing for granted:

Given that one of our biggest miners is Chinese....can we get back on to them and ask them to contact Bobby Lee. I'll be sending him a few emails.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Pre-sale - March 18
Does people still care about Darkcoin? It looks like a dead coin based on the coin performance.

dead head sees dead things
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1002
Yep ignore button still works...  Grin

ohh and "its the truth" is the most used lie..

dont you guys wonder, how come they always come in pairs, or tribles, seems to me its like
ohh guys, we better get over there and troll a little...

We need to drum up a bit of business for shitcoin. How about we go trolling and advertising on Darkcoin.

they've all been here
yeah exactly,  and the quote "this coin is dead" is becoming quite tedious, with a network hash of 97048599724 kh/s
not many coins can muster that..

let me write it again, because the trolls proberly forgot their glasses : 97 GH/s
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
its amazing that my ignore button hasnt been worn down by now :-p

only people who fear the truth are ignoring other opinions Wink
One can never ignore enough trolls in this thread.
DRK is unstoppable anyways.  Wink

the problem with ignoring is, that you'll also miss good points made by that person. there are some smart people out there which sometimes seem to troll, but they also deliver actual content.

another point: newcomers obviously dont know "who to ignore" so they see everything... and you dont even have a chance to counter that because you dont know (maybe put a please ignors that users list in the op...joke)

anyhow.. sorry for disturbing you. didnt meant to troll: i just dont like censorship or ignoring of opinions... leaving you now
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
Yep ignore button still works...  Grin

ohh and "its the truth" is the most used lie..

dont you guys wonder, how come they always come in pairs, or tribles, seems to me its like
ohh guys, we better get over there and troll a little...

We need to drum up a bit of business for shitcoin. How about we go trolling and advertising on Darkcoin.

they've all been here
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
I love the darkcoin community and how everybody, the devs, the debuggers, the commenters, the designers, the artists all work together to create the future.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Cheers!

Plus, ask yourself, does any other coin have this:

I like darkcoin too. And the masternodes is a fantastic concept. I see new coins every day there, that's fantastic. Nobody dares something like this before.

Darkcoin is the best.
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