
Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency - page 4857. (Read 9723748 times)

Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000

I am for world peace. and I hate negativity.. I am more dazzled by your mind coins101 like 300000% compared to camo

and guns are stupid, period

Actually, using a gun to return something stolen from you is a positive action to take. Highly illegal, but that's detail.

Actually, guns are stupid. That are inanimate objects. Correct.

I'm dazzled by my mind too. But I think that's due to China White.

I'm likely you so much. Thanks  Grin
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
finding nemo using cpuminer.

~/findingnemo> /opt/shm/darkcoin-cpuminer-1.3-avx-aes -t 2 -a X11  -D -P \
> -o stratum+tcp:// -u user.01 -p x \
> 2>&1 | ./ x11gzltc1btccom8888
-----> 234ac92d8dad73c9320d7fcb69ddf95cdb9... 234ac92d8dad73c9320d7fcb69ddf95cdb92bfd1 XduT5BNLRzRFVJt2813ZPu12UmTegQ1UT9 x11ltc1btccom

~/findingnemo> /opt/shm/darkcoin-cpuminer-1.3-avx-aes -t 2 -a X11  -D -P -o stratum+tcp:// -u user.01 -p x 2>&1 | ./ x11gzltc1btccom8888
-----> 234ac92d8dad73c9320d7fcb69ddf95cdb9... 234ac92d8dad73c9320d7fcb69ddf95cdb92bfd1 XduT5BNLRzRFVJt2813ZPu12UmTegQ1UT9 x11ltc1btccom
-----> 234ac92d8dad73c9320d7fcb69ddf95cdb9... 234ac92d8dad73c9320d7fcb69ddf95cdb92bfd1 XduT5BNLRzRFVJt2813ZPu12UmTegQ1UT9 x11ltc1btccom

~/findingnemo> /opt/shm/darkcoin-cpuminer-1.3-avx-aes -t 2 -a X11  -D -P -o stratum+tcp:// -u user.01 -p x 2>&1 | ./ x11gzltc1btccom8888
-----> 52f51cd0e397b32894b36f9d2136ff70e61... 52f51cd0e397b32894b36f9d2136ff70e6116fdd XiFUshj1S4oEgAzB1KnAXFrgUGPxkAyupT x11ltc1btccom

no logic - quick and dirty.

Need pool address to test..
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Pre-sale - March 18

Another thing you guys can do to get more crypto is apply for government assistance (welfare, social security, or WHATEVER they are giving away for free) and just convert it into crypto. Or at the very least donate it to an anarchist society. Even if you don't NEED government assistance, you can still accept it and give it away to groups that are going to use it for a good cause.

One of the dumbest posts I've read.

The only thing I'll ever give to an anarchist is a swift kick to the ass.

Anarchism just means "without rulers". It doesn't mean skinheads & mohawks. & I don't agree with BigC hurling insults & telling everyone to go f* themselves. This kind of behaviour re-inforces the idea that we need rulers if we can't act like respectful adults. BigC are you just a little immature or are you a paid troll to make anarchists look like spoiled children ? No Offense meant, please be respectful. This is one of the few places in the world where anti-establishment views are not threatened with a swift kick to the ass by default. People are open to such ideas here. Let's not ruin that by being childish.

If one fraudulently gets government assistance & then donates it to an anti-establishment organization, then how is that different from the theft we are against in the first place? We don't need to lie or rob anyone, logic & truth will prevail. But behaving with honor is very important, otherwise how can anyone take what is said seriously...


one can not 'fraudulently' obtain something that was stolen from them. By your logic if someone comes and steals something from you it becomes legally theirs and if you tried to take it back you would be the one stealing? Please use your brain... think things through FULLY before you just regurgitate the first non-sense your tv brain reflects.

If someone steals your bike, and you see it.. then you can take it back.. if it is stolen and you see it any other day in the city.. you can not take it back..

You need to speak to Camosoul. He's got some guns you can use. You can get anything back, except fungible DRKs

I am for world peace. and I hate negativity.. I am more dazzled by your mind coins101 like 300000% compared to camo

and guns are stupid, period
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Pre-sale - March 18

Another thing you guys can do to get more crypto is apply for government assistance (welfare, social security, or WHATEVER they are giving away for free) and just convert it into crypto. Or at the very least donate it to an anarchist society. Even if you don't NEED government assistance, you can still accept it and give it away to groups that are going to use it for a good cause.

One of the dumbest posts I've read.

The only thing I'll ever give to an anarchist is a swift kick to the ass.

Anarchism just means "without rulers". It doesn't mean skinheads & mohawks. & I don't agree with BigC hurling insults & telling everyone to go f* themselves. This kind of behaviour re-inforces the idea that we need rulers if we can't act like respectful adults. BigC are you just a little immature or are you a paid troll to make anarchists look like spoiled children ? No Offense meant, please be respectful. This is one of the few places in the world where anti-establishment views are not threatened with a swift kick to the ass by default. People are open to such ideas here. Let's not ruin that by being childish.

If one fraudulently gets government assistance & then donates it to an anti-establishment organization, then how is that different from the theft we are against in the first place? We don't need to lie or rob anyone, logic & truth will prevail. But behaving with honor is very important, otherwise how can anyone take what is said seriously...


one can not 'fraudulently' obtain something that was stolen from them. By your logic if someone comes and steals something from you it becomes legally theirs and if you tried to take it back you would be the one stealing? Please use your brain... think things through FULLY before you just regurgitate the first non-sense your tv brain reflects.

If someone steals your bike, and you see it.. then you can take it back.. if it is stolen and you see it any other day in the city.. you can not take it back..

Sounds backward. I would definitely take my bike back.

So would anyone Smiley It's not my opinion though.. it's in the "big fat rule book".. if someone steals your bike infront of you and you go there and push the thief so he falls and dies.. Still doesn't make you a criminal since you still have the right to defend your stuff. Just don't do it the day after or 4 hours later Tongue
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000

Another thing you guys can do to get more crypto is apply for government assistance (welfare, social security, or WHATEVER they are giving away for free) and just convert it into crypto. Or at the very least donate it to an anarchist society. Even if you don't NEED government assistance, you can still accept it and give it away to groups that are going to use it for a good cause.

One of the dumbest posts I've read.

The only thing I'll ever give to an anarchist is a swift kick to the ass.

Anarchism just means "without rulers". It doesn't mean skinheads & mohawks. & I don't agree with BigC hurling insults & telling everyone to go f* themselves. This kind of behaviour re-inforces the idea that we need rulers if we can't act like respectful adults. BigC are you just a little immature or are you a paid troll to make anarchists look like spoiled children ? No Offense meant, please be respectful. This is one of the few places in the world where anti-establishment views are not threatened with a swift kick to the ass by default. People are open to such ideas here. Let's not ruin that by being childish.

If one fraudulently gets government assistance & then donates it to an anti-establishment organization, then how is that different from the theft we are against in the first place? We don't need to lie or rob anyone, logic & truth will prevail. But behaving with honor is very important, otherwise how can anyone take what is said seriously...


one can not 'fraudulently' obtain something that was stolen from them. By your logic if someone comes and steals something from you it becomes legally theirs and if you tried to take it back you would be the one stealing? Please use your brain... think things through FULLY before you just regurgitate the first non-sense your tv brain reflects.

If someone steals your bike, and you see it.. then you can take it back.. if it is stolen and you see it any other day in the city.. you can not take it back..

You need to speak to Camosoul. He's got some guns you can use. You can get anything back, except fungible DRKs
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 534

Another thing you guys can do to get more crypto is apply for government assistance (welfare, social security, or WHATEVER they are giving away for free) and just convert it into crypto. Or at the very least donate it to an anarchist society. Even if you don't NEED government assistance, you can still accept it and give it away to groups that are going to use it for a good cause.

One of the dumbest posts I've read.

The only thing I'll ever give to an anarchist is a swift kick to the ass.

Anarchism just means "without rulers". It doesn't mean skinheads & mohawks. & I don't agree with BigC hurling insults & telling everyone to go f* themselves. This kind of behaviour re-inforces the idea that we need rulers if we can't act like respectful adults. BigC are you just a little immature or are you a paid troll to make anarchists look like spoiled children ? No Offense meant, please be respectful. This is one of the few places in the world where anti-establishment views are not threatened with a swift kick to the ass by default. People are open to such ideas here. Let's not ruin that by being childish.

If one fraudulently gets government assistance & then donates it to an anti-establishment organization, then how is that different from the theft we are against in the first place? We don't need to lie or rob anyone, logic & truth will prevail. But behaving with honor is very important, otherwise how can anyone take what is said seriously...


one can not 'fraudulently' obtain something that was stolen from them. By your logic if someone comes and steals something from you it becomes legally theirs and if you tried to take it back you would be the one stealing? Please use your brain... think things through FULLY before you just regurgitate the first non-sense your tv brain reflects.

If someone steals your bike, and you see it.. then you can take it back.. if it is stolen and you see it any other day in the city.. you can not take it back..

Sounds backward. I would definitely take my bike back.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 534
There are MANY government assistance programs available that if you qualify can help you get some free darkcoins! One thing you can do is get the free cell phones they give to low income and then sell the entire phone with the minutes it comes with to someone for a set amount or monthly dues. Another thing is EBT cards. You can get food assistance and trade that for money that can be used to purchase darkcoins! Another good tactic is to apply for SSI. Fake an injury that makes it impossible for you to work, use the monthly checks on as much dark as you can get! Any other ideas welcome.

Doesn't work for me.

Am I not feeding the machine when I keep using it?
Government programs are like a protection racket: innocent people are forced at gunpoint to pay taxes, and you have to jump thru many hoops to get some of the money back or to qualify for a program.

I will never work for government, never accept or beg for handouts...

I'd rather work to create an independent system OUTSIDE of government, and make government obsolete over time.

Your plan actually makes the government machine stronger, don't you see?
You think you are hurting government when in reality you become complicit with its exploitation.

The problem with it is that most of the people who accept it become reliant. The money is tax money that was stolen from people anyway so I'm always in favor of getting some of that money back anyway you can with out forcing the creation of bigger government. If you don't NEED the assistance, aren't reliant and use it to take money out of circulation and into darkcoin, it will benefit dark.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Pre-sale - March 18

Another thing you guys can do to get more crypto is apply for government assistance (welfare, social security, or WHATEVER they are giving away for free) and just convert it into crypto. Or at the very least donate it to an anarchist society. Even if you don't NEED government assistance, you can still accept it and give it away to groups that are going to use it for a good cause.

One of the dumbest posts I've read.

The only thing I'll ever give to an anarchist is a swift kick to the ass.

Anarchism just means "without rulers". It doesn't mean skinheads & mohawks. & I don't agree with BigC hurling insults & telling everyone to go f* themselves. This kind of behaviour re-inforces the idea that we need rulers if we can't act like respectful adults. BigC are you just a little immature or are you a paid troll to make anarchists look like spoiled children ? No Offense meant, please be respectful. This is one of the few places in the world where anti-establishment views are not threatened with a swift kick to the ass by default. People are open to such ideas here. Let's not ruin that by being childish.

If one fraudulently gets government assistance & then donates it to an anti-establishment organization, then how is that different from the theft we are against in the first place? We don't need to lie or rob anyone, logic & truth will prevail. But behaving with honor is very important, otherwise how can anyone take what is said seriously...


one can not 'fraudulently' obtain something that was stolen from them. By your logic if someone comes and steals something from you it becomes legally theirs and if you tried to take it back you would be the one stealing? Please use your brain... think things through FULLY before you just regurgitate the first non-sense your tv brain reflects.

If someone steals your bike, and you see it.. then you can take it back.. if it is stolen and you see it any other day in the city.. you can not take it back..
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
I do have some concerns over enforcement rules within Darkcoin's new RC4.

Enforcement means preventing miners. Part of the point of miners is to sustain the integrity of the coin through decentralisation.

Enforcing miners off the network could be used to stop Darkcoin.

To avoid this we need to encourage more decentralisation, back to its roots of GPU miners and CPU miners. In particular, using spork technology to change the algo and prevent ASICs from being developed. There would be no market for them if there was fear of being left with expensive paperweights.

But as Enforcement only impacts those that don't contribute to MN payments, there is little risk of enforcement against the network. So, fcuk'em for not contributing. Turn it on now, I say.

Activity: 1484
Merit: 1007
There are MANY government assistance programs available that if you qualify can help you get some free darkcoins! One thing you can do is get the free cell phones they give to low income and then sell the entire phone with the minutes it comes with to someone for a set amount or monthly dues. Another thing is EBT cards. You can get food assistance and trade that for money that can be used to purchase darkcoins! Another good tactic is to apply for SSI. Fake an injury that makes it impossible for you to work, use the monthly checks on as much dark as you can get! Any other ideas welcome.

Doesn't work for me.

Am I not feeding the machine when I keep using it?
Government programs are like a protection racket: innocent people are forced at gunpoint to pay taxes, and you have to jump thru many hoops to get some of the money back or to qualify for a program.

I will never work for government, never accept or beg for handouts...

I'd rather work to create an independent system OUTSIDE of government, and make government obsolete over time.

Your plan actually makes the government machine stronger, don't you see?
You think you are hurting government when in reality you become complicit with its exploitation.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
There are MANY government assistance programs available that if you qualify can help you get some free darkcoins! One thing you can do is get the free cell phones they give to low income and then sell the entire phone with the minutes it comes with to someone for a set amount or monthly dues. Another thing is EBT cards. You can get food assistance and trade that for money that can be used to purchase darkcoins! Another good tactic is to apply for SSI. Fake an injury that makes it impossible for you to work, use the monthly checks on as much dark as you can get! Any other ideas welcome.

I enjoy watching ignorant anarchists like you get pepper sprayed and shot with rubber bullets.

Here's what we do to your kind where I come from.  Is this you bitch?

u mad, pig?

Lulz. When the dollar crashes and IT WILL the government will come down with it. Then I will personally enjoy watching the pigs that beat down unarmed civilians and pepper sprayed protestors get the shit kicked out of them by mob justice. The real anarchists are the people devaluing the dollar and driving the country into endless debt which will eventually destroy government (ironically they are the ones in power). The new power structure will be the cryptorich that moved away from the dollar.
So savor these moments pig, when you are the police of the titanic. Soon you will be on the other side of the fence. is a former shell of itself. The uneducated masses have found out about crypto and are here to stay it would seem. Intelligent debate about technology development has been replaced by name calling and bigotry. Sad day for crypto.

Hey guys check out Dark News Live right now:  informative show on all things dark crypto

WOW thanks, just tuned in to hear them talking about ISIS accepting Bitcoin.
Amazing. Especially since ISIS seems to have been created & funded by the usual suspects...

It seems like this isn't sophisticated enough to be a real operation, most likely it's just a troll's work...

As we know very well in this thread, BTC is hardly anonymous...

food for thought, this space is going to be very interesting in the coming months.

Kristov Atlas is Awesome !!!!!

Hey, no worries! Yeah, I find it ironic that the US funded these "freedom fighters" to overthrow Assad in Syria. When they figured the couldn't win they went into Iraq.. Now they are "terrorists"... lulz. Another reason why the US government is on its way down the road of bankruptcy.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 534
I enjoy watching ignorant anarchists like you get pepper sprayed and shot with rubber bullets.

Here's what we do to your kind where I come from.  Is this you bitch?

That's sad.
True anarchists are very peaceful freedom-loving people and have nothing to do with the fascists you show in the photo (both the cops and the punks)...

Don't let bigc1984 paint a wrong picture about the core values of a true anarchist.  Sad

Anyone can call himself anarchist, much like anyone can put on the "anonymous mask" and claim "we are legion"...

I myself am an anarchist, and you don't see me behave like that.
I am against government, and for voluntary interactions with my fellow human beings.
Force and coercion is always wrong. NO exception.
I am living by the non-aggression-principle, and I know how to behave and how to treat other freedomloving people.

So please don't take it out on the anarchists...  Smiley

Again, using social Marxism to try and pressure me into acting in what you define as a socially acceptable manner. Why are the people demonstrating, people attacked, 'punks'? I think most of you are in the wrong place, darkcoin was never meant to be a mainstream, good samaritan coin. it was meant for the dark web, for anarchists, and for libertarians.  It's so we can avoid illegal taxes and can purchase goods outside the spying eyes of big brother. There are two different types of anarchist, and we don't get along at all, actually polar opposite. And if you put these two types of anarchists in the same room they will never see eye to eye. I am an anarcho-capitalist.. the other is an anarcho-communist which is what an "anarchist" has traditionally been. I hate commies.  
full member
Activity: 162
Merit: 100

I am against government, and for voluntary interactions with my fellow human beings.
Force and coercion is always wrong. NO exception.
I am living by the non-aggression-principle, and I know how to behave and how to treat other freedomloving people.

+1  Smiley
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
 He's talking about "fungibility" right now! This is extremely relevant to DRK's anonymity, as it solves the main problem of Bitcoin.

 Lets see what he says about it.
full member
Activity: 162
Merit: 100
Hey guys check out Dark News Live right now:  informative show on all things dark crypto

WOW thanks, just tuned in to hear them talking about ISIS accepting Bitcoin.
Amazing. Especially since ISIS seems to have been created & funded by the usual suspects...

It seems like this isn't sophisticated enough to be a real operation, most likely it's just a troll's work...

As we know very well in this thread, BTC is hardly anonymous...

food for thought, this space is going to be very interesting in the coming months.

Kristov Atlas is Awesome !!!!!

Activity: 1484
Merit: 1007
I enjoy watching ignorant anarchists like you get pepper sprayed and shot with rubber bullets.

Here's what we do to your kind where I come from.  Is this you bitch?

That's sad.
True anarchists are very peaceful freedom-loving people and have nothing to do with the fascists you show in the photo (both the cops and the punks)...

Don't let bigc1984 paint a wrong picture about the core values of a true anarchist.  Sad

Anyone can call himself anarchist, much like anyone can put on the "anonymous mask" and claim "we are legion"...

I myself am an anarchist, and you don't see me behave like that.
I am against government, and for voluntary interactions with my fellow human beings.
Force and coercion is always wrong. NO exception.
I am living by the non-aggression-principle, and I know how to behave and how to treat other freedomloving people.

So please don't take it out on the anarchists...  Smiley
hero member
Activity: 503
Merit: 500
Na Zdorovie!
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Hey guys check out Dark News Live right now:  informative show on all things dark crypto

Cool !! Thanks! Watching right now.

 What I like about Kristov is that he is not big on Darkcoin, or any other anon-coin for that fact. He is highly skeptical, but an open-minded individual.

No worries xD Yeah, he's a straight shooter. Nice to see someone with journalistic integrity pioneering the cryptonews space.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 534
There are MANY government assistance programs available that if you qualify can help you get some free darkcoins! One thing you can do is get the free cell phones they give to low income and then sell the entire phone with the minutes it comes with to someone for a set amount or monthly dues. Another thing is EBT cards. You can get food assistance and trade that for money that can be used to purchase darkcoins! Another good tactic is to apply for SSI. Fake an injury that makes it impossible for you to work, use the monthly checks on as much dark as you can get! Any other ideas welcome.

I enjoy watching ignorant anarchists like you get pepper sprayed and shot with rubber bullets.

Here's what we do to your kind where I come from.  Is this you bitch?

u mad, pig?
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