I enjoy watching ignorant anarchists like you get pepper sprayed and shot with rubber bullets.
Here's what we do to your kind where I come from. Is this you bitch?
That's sad.
True anarchists are very peaceful freedom-loving people and have nothing to do with the fascists you show in the photo (both the cops and the punks)...
Don't let bigc1984 paint a wrong picture about the core values of a true anarchist.

Anyone can call himself anarchist, much like anyone can put on the "anonymous mask" and claim "we are legion"...
I myself am an anarchist, and you don't see me behave like that.
I am against government, and for voluntary interactions with my fellow human beings.
Force and coercion is always wrong. NO exception.
I am living by the non-aggression-principle, and I know how to behave and how to treat other freedomloving people.
So please don't take it out on the anarchists...