
Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency - page 5135. (Read 9723733 times)

sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
sr. member
Activity: 532
Merit: 250
How many darkcoins got double spended ? If I send to exchange who havent stopped deposits/withdrawals and sold all darks so I got BTC and now Ill have darks back right ??
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
[20:29] But that's not acceptable, so it must be reverted
I'm losing a little faith in Evan on this... He should know better...

The short forks are just orphans. Orphan blocks become a short chain due to lag and then prune themselves over time. It's not a big deal and is entirely normal...
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
sick of this bullshit DRK fork manipulation. 
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
Xnode payments worked first time round, maybe Evan should ask xc for advice on how to make it work Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Cute that Mintpal is making it sound horrible in the trade platform to stir up volume.

Exactly what some people wanted, stir up some drama and get cheap shares from emotional, weak holders.

Seems like the issue is being monitored.
Activity: 1159
Merit: 1001
[20:29] The forking fixes itself after 15-20 minutes it seems.
[20:29] But that's not acceptable, so it must be reverted
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1049
[20:31] are there 10.10.2 binaries up yet?
[20:31] Evan82 confirm for reverting?
[20:31] <-- peterje203 (565caace@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left this server (Client Quit).
[20:32] [20:29] But that's not acceptable, so it must be reverted
[20:32] --> petertje-1345 (565caace@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined this channel.
[20:32]     "blocks" : 88815,     .... are we reverting or what
[20:32] Evan82 ... c'mon mate - seems so damn healthy!
[20:32] no need for major panic
[20:32] yup
[20:32] --> Stealth95 ([email protected]) has joined this channel.
[20:32] what is the situation right now, can someone explain for me as an investor? thanks
[20:33] nickiton: get out
[20:33] <-- PayRoutes__ ([email protected]) has left this server (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
[20:33] i mean right now
[20:33] think we need to think this through
[20:33] ok sorry
[20:33] guys, whats correct hash for 88805?
[20:33] is the chain reverted which is why it's so far ahead?
[20:33] its going to PANIC the COIN
[20:33] SomeGuy> yes
[20:33] darkcoind getblockhash 88805
[20:33] 00000000001392f1652e9bf45cd8bc79dc60fe935277cd11538565b4a94fa85f
[20:33] enzo86> too late now...
[20:33] frustrating.
[20:33] it is already happenning
[20:33] If not reverting will not cause major problem, I would strongly suggest to delay reverting for now. A second 'unsuccessful' fork one after another might not be taken well by the investors.
[20:33] talk about coin prices in the main chanel, not here, let them hash out the issues guys
[20:33] no i dont meant to be a pain for anyone, so ignore me then...
[20:33] yidakee, it's not as bad as last time. but there are still problems with intermittent forks. They go away after 15-20 minutes, but that's not acceptable for the blockchain.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
The price just plunged by 15 % after the wrong fork .... That is more than 5 million dollars sold in a minute ...
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
Those who panic-reverted are causing more problems on the network now than all of the bad actor/outdated nodes...


[20:29] The forking fixes itself after 15-20 minutes it seems.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500

We haven't gotten the final word yet! Don't update

Updating the files in the official GIT repo is the final word and you should update.

No it isn't. It could easily be a precaution.

The master head on GIT is THE code. Not something which was, nor something which will be, it's the actual present code.

What else would you wait for? A MAC OS binary from a third-party? Tongue
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1049
[20:29] calm down everyone
[20:29] jimbit: I can move it back and see
[20:29] updated blockchain is at 88825
[20:29] darkcoind getblockhash 88805
[20:29] 00000000001392f1652e9bf45cd8bc79dc60fe935277cd11538565b4a94fa85f
[20:29] jimbit: righ now im stuck sync on block 546
[20:29] The forking fixes itself after 15-20 minutes it seems.
[20:29]      "blocks" : 88815,
[20:29] --> PayRoutes_ ([email protected]) has joined this channel.
[20:29] evan82, YES
[20:29] But that's not acceptable, so it must be reverted
[20:29] jimbit: I get error.. "errors" : "Warning: Displayed transactions may not be correct! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade."
[20:29] all my 3 MasterNodes are on the right fork, just for info
[20:30] all of us are on the same fork
[20:30] yes..
[20:30] Great
[20:30] All my clients are on the right fork
[20:30] --> thediffrence (c6a9bde8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined this channel.
[20:30] evan82> are the 10.x binaries available for .2?
[20:30] working on it
[20:30] 88815 is the right block right ? Smiley
[20:30] evan82, well if it's fixed, can't you keep the MN payments on and then fix for good next time ?
[20:30] my local wallet stuckd on 88805, thats the issue???
[20:30] --> MintPal-Jason (uid26805@gateway/web/ has joined this channel.
[20:30] --> hanspeter85 (5fd0f897@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined this channel.
[20:30] --> linedash ([email protected]) has joined this channel.
[20:30] evan82, please revert last git commit and add some checkpoints
[20:30] will compile 9.10.2 for p2pool
[20:30] @evan82 ok, back to testnet then Smiley
[20:30] --> Darkcoin (b3d49b6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined this channel.
[20:31] how many forks did we end up w/?
[20:31] --> nickiton ([email protected]) has joined this channel.
[20:31] --> fishyballs (47bf52ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined this channel.
[20:31] --> _420moviez ([email protected]) has joined this channel.
[20:31] --> asdasdfa (4e54486c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined this channel.
[20:31] --> peterje203 (565caace@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined this channel.
[20:31] lol; half the main chan suddenly joins
[20:31] lol
[20:31] linedash, all of us on one fork
[20:31] no forks just a slow network

hero member
Activity: 685
Merit: 500
[20:31] <+CryptoSiD> [13:11:15] <@evan82> I'm reverting the masternode payments, please update:
[20:31] Ok will revert.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Why did Evan changed the github instead of waiting to see?

Why is it not acceptable to have a fork if it updates itself?
copper member
Activity: 658
Merit: 500
Blockchain Just Entered The Real World
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
[19:29] <@evan82> The forking fixes itself after 15-20 minutes it seems.
[19:29] <@evan82> But that's not acceptable, so it must be reverted

doesn't seem to be THAT much of an issue. we'll be fine soon.
hero member
Activity: 530
Merit: 500
I'm loving the drama and tension!
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
update us main dev said !

taken out of context and repeated many times.

We need an actual post.
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1049
[20:20] maybe old nodes or something
[20:20] Its just network lad and readjusting
[20:20] *lag
[20:20] Reindex moarr worked for me
[20:20] DONT REVERT!!!
[20:20] people will update and/or resync eventually
[20:20] --> kyune ([email protected]) has joined this channel.
[20:21]  some of them still on 05.. but is it the right chain?
[20:21] yup, seems good
[20:21] if hash is correct, yes
[20:21] but....I think ppl have updated and it's not working :p
[20:21] <-- PayRoutes_ ([email protected]) has left this server (Ping timeout: 255 seconds).
[20:21] --> ALDRED (6d51d101@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined this channel.
[20:21] I pinged him
[20:21] moarrr_darkcoin: yes there is a lot of old nodes. try restarting the wallet
[20:21] I've had daemon freeze on block heigh before the fork !!
[20:21] 88811 here
[20:21] jimbit> good chain, lagging behind
[20:21] seems to be working
[20:21] --> Minotaur (bef20c5a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined this channel.
[20:21] then they need to resync
[20:21] InternetApe i sent him my debug, please tell him my nodes are all OK now
[20:22] 88812 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:22] 88812 now
[20:22] after delete all files except wallet and .conf and reindex rescan my pool;s wallet is on the correct chain
[20:22] 88812 here too
[20:22] 88812
[20:22] 88812 here
[20:22] 88812
[20:22] 88812 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:22] 88812 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:22] 88812 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:22] all nodes
[20:22] 88812
[20:22] 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:22] 88812 hash=000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:22]      "blocks" : 88812,
[20:22] 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:22] 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:22] 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7  height=88812
[20:23] 88812 across the board here
[20:23] --> acvip (324ff032@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined this channel.
[20:23] 88812 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:23] Shit!! Evan82 dont revert !!
[20:23] elberethzone, is there any difference between your nodes stuck on 05 and those on 12?
[20:23] shoot obe - runaway
[20:23] 813
[20:23] 000000000003568d6d9ad4f38600133c5308c08f132ed04b28d82e73a305a1b7
[20:23] 88813
[20:23]   88813
[20:23] 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:24] I have one more node to resync
[20:24] =/
[20:24] obe 88822 -,
[20:24] im just having lots of problems syncing
[20:24] --> phazer ([email protected]) has joined this channel.
[20:24] 88813 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:24] Is it forking now because of the revert? Sad
[20:24] 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:24] moarrr_darkcoin: agreed.
[20:24] @heduciwo there is no fork, just lag
[20:24] whos on the reverted client?
[20:24] I'm not
[20:24] 88813 all good 4 nodes and linux qt wallet
[20:24] moarr SHUT UP
[20:24] evan the node that is behind is on the right fork according to 805 blockhash
[20:25] network not agreed with obe
[20:25] 88813 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:25] 88813 hash=0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:25] is far ahead now
[20:25] chainz is still on 88805 and 30 minutes behind
[20:25] 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:25] --> DeathRay77_ ([email protected]) has joined this channel.
[20:25] 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:25] 88813 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:25] 88813 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:25] - last block 34 minutes
[20:26] <-- DeathRay77_ ([email protected]) has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).
[20:26] 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2 hmm
[20:26] can we have a topic change on what are we supposed to do? update or not to 10.2.2.
[20:26] No worky.
[20:26] @moarrr_darkcoin, you ar enot helping buddy. I would be quiet if i were you
[20:26] even needs to let the network sort itself out....  all of us are on the same chain
[20:26] moarr> resync
[20:26] OSX - 88813 - 0000000000112a67eddee3f32a68c68c9679ecc8302c6ec8692acb5a9f2841a2
[20:26] kick him.
[20:26] qqr> evan82 said to update..
[20:26] sorry Light_
[20:26] 88813,
[20:26] payments are off 88824...
[20:26] yup
[20:26] explorer is at new client version me thinks...
[20:26] I just dgot this..
[20:26] evan82, please revert last git commit and add some checkpoints
[20:26] --> nj4752 (~AndChat65@2600:1014:b103:db23:9e72:731a:af29:b2c7) has joined this channel.
[20:26]   "errors" : "Warning: Displayed transactions may not be correct! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade."
[20:26] --> Nthelight_ ([email protected]) has joined this channel.
[20:27] I agree, seems to work fine...
[20:27] agreed. Network is syncing jsut slow to propograte.
[20:27] 88814 0000000000136d3e7ebea997dbbb9bd6f0f448afcecf5d0e4983febdaf838c3b
[20:27] BLOCK 825 ?
[20:27] agreed . MN are sync
[20:27] =/
[20:27] it's broken
[20:27] kick sipher
[20:27] Evan92 say something, are you waiting or what is going on?
[20:27] Propulsion: wtf?
[20:27] 88814
[20:27] 0000000000136d3e7ebea997dbbb9bd6f0f448afcecf5d0e4983febdaf838c3b
[20:27] kick Propulsion
[20:27] yes, official explorer is borken, like I said before, it was showing "m" addresses!!!
[20:27] 0000000000136d3e7ebea997dbbb9bd6f0f448afcecf5d0e4983febdaf838c3b
[20:27] 88815
[20:27] man I hope evan isn't panicking, I know it's a big weight on his shoulders but he's got this shit
[20:27]      "blocks" : 88815
[20:28] 88815
[20:28] 00000000001ba795834733878ace2c1f83b4d56cce84fc5168fa108373e081ab
[20:28] 88815 - 00000000001ba795834733878ace2c1f83b4d56cce84fc5168fa108373e081ab
[20:28] 88815 00000000001ba795834733878ace2c1f83b4d56cce84fc5168fa108373e081ab
[20:28] 88815 is right?
[20:28] 00000000001ba795834733878ace2c1f83b4d56cce84fc5168fa108373e081ab
[20:28] Propulsion: I installed the updated software 2 days ago in anticipation of the update. reindex does nothing.
[20:28] chainz is on 88805?
[20:28] 88815 all good
[20:28] Propulsion:
[20:28] <-- Minotaur (bef20c5a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has left this server (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client).
[20:28] I'm REALLY getting that erro
[20:28] from darkcoind
[20:28] those 805 nodes will catch up
[20:28] sipher_ reboot your machinbe!
[20:28] so this  is wrong?
[20:28] yidakee: Im not an idiot!
[20:28] ./darkcoind getblockhash 88815
[20:28] 00000000001ba795834733878ace2c1f83b4d56cce84fc5168fa108373e081ab
[20:28] reboot !
[20:29] yidakee: I dont need to reboot..
[20:29] thanks
[20:29] too late, some nodes updated so we are screwed...
[20:29] sipher, what is your hash for 805?
[20:29] Seems like the block explorers are having issues but most of us are fine.  This is weird.
[20:29] jimbit: I renamed the blocks folder in hopes of resync'ing
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