
Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency - page 6357. (Read 9723733 times)

full member
Activity: 280
Merit: 100
The Future Of Work
Ugh, I'm having the age old syncing problem.  my windows 7 wallet is on beta 6 and doing fine.  My Ubuntu wallet is on beta 6 and not syncing.  I took the same info from my windows wallet and put it in my Ubuntu wallet, so it was then synced up until that point.  at this time, it's like an hour behind, doesn't show any errors but does say I have 0 active connections and when I do a "getmininginfo" I'm behind in the block numbers.

I can't figure out why it won't sync when both wallets have the same internet connection, same nodes in their config files and I even brought over the peers.dat file from the functioning wallet.

Is there something wrong with the Ubuntu beta 6 wallet?  Has anyone tried it yet?  Please let me know, thanks !!
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500

How the best to do direct trade by paypal  ?

nobody will sell you any coins for paypal

Once I sold [I don't even remember how many] BAT coins for 1$ (my Ebay auction started from there). Grin

I have setup a Masternode.
- Ubuntu 64bit
- wallet encrypted
- with p2pool

./darkcoind --help
DarkCoin version v0.10.3.0-4-gb091e63-beta

2014-04-07 23:09:00 RegisterAsMasterNode
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Found unspent output equal to nValue
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Is capable master node!

I wasn't this lucky.

Got NEW masternode entry
!coins.IsAvailable COutPoint(517b323b43cdb93fb254d40fafb105d2b9527d917d0046139823eb6a928a565a, 1)
ERROR: CTxMemPool::acceptableInputs() : inputs already spent

Looks to me like only 989 of the DRK you sent made it to your destination node.

Your output posted:

But it was already sent off, and the large final output is 989:

I though it might won't be as easy that I simply withdraw 1000 DRK from Cryptsy. Grin

Wait... This is my DRK address and it seemed to receive 1 input of 1000 DRK:
That is very strange, because the output your client is looking at to see if you are able to be a master node isn't related to that address at all.

Or it refuses to connect to the "SuperMasterNode" (the one I explicitly set with it's IP) because it thinks that is not qualified to be a masternode anymore.

2014-04-08 06:55:00 Searching existing masternodes : - CTxIn(COutPoint(517b323b43cdb93fb254d40fafb105d2b9527d917d0046139823eb6a928a565a, 1), scriptSig=)
2014-04-08 06:55:00  -- CTxIn(COutPoint(8c67d5253830efae237cbb31b1e0e05fe811bb0ef38fc9470b6fce44689a751e, 0), scriptSig=)
full member
Activity: 170
Merit: 100

How the best to do direct trade by paypal  ?

nobody will sell you any coins for paypal

Once I sold [I don't even remember how many] BAT coins for 1$ (my Ebay auction started from there). Grin

I have setup a Masternode.
- Ubuntu 64bit
- wallet encrypted
- with p2pool

./darkcoind --help
DarkCoin version v0.10.3.0-4-gb091e63-beta

2014-04-07 23:09:00 RegisterAsMasterNode
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Found unspent output equal to nValue
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Is capable master node!

I wasn't this lucky.

Got NEW masternode entry
!coins.IsAvailable COutPoint(517b323b43cdb93fb254d40fafb105d2b9527d917d0046139823eb6a928a565a, 1)
ERROR: CTxMemPool::acceptableInputs() : inputs already spent

Looks to me like only 989 of the DRK you sent made it to your destination node.

Your output posted:

But it was already sent off, and the large final output is 989:

I though it might won't be as easy that I simply withdraw 1000 DRK from Cryptsy. Grin

Wait... This is my DRK address and it seemed to receive 1 input of 1000 DRK:
That is very strange, because the output your client is looking at to see if you are able to be a master node isn't related to that address at all.
hero member
Activity: 756
Merit: 500
Why are you concerned about the Name Darkcoin Huh

Don´t you think people will recognice soon the our banking system and the US$ ( and all fiat currencys) are gigantic ponzi scheme running
by centralbanks. Wait until they build a rfid into your dollar and get your childs registered by a chip as sonn as they are born to control anything.

We need a payment system like Darkcoin in future - Not for illigal things, only for dayly use to not let us be like a glass human.
We need protection for ourself. Big companys and government do not have to know what i am daily doing and on what i spend my hard earned money.

So Dark is the best name you can choose  
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500

How the best to do direct trade by paypal  ?

nobody will sell you any coins for paypal

Once I sold [I don't even remember how many] BAT coins for 1$ (my Ebay auction started from there). Grin

I have setup a Masternode.
- Ubuntu 64bit
- wallet encrypted
- with p2pool

./darkcoind --help
DarkCoin version v0.10.3.0-4-gb091e63-beta

2014-04-07 23:09:00 RegisterAsMasterNode
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Found unspent output equal to nValue
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Is capable master node!

I wasn't this lucky.

Got NEW masternode entry
!coins.IsAvailable COutPoint(517b323b43cdb93fb254d40fafb105d2b9527d917d0046139823eb6a928a565a, 1)
ERROR: CTxMemPool::acceptableInputs() : inputs already spent

Looks to me like only 989 of the DRK you sent made it to your destination node.

Your output posted:

But it was already sent off, and the large final output is 989:

I though it might won't be as easy that I simply withdraw 1000 DRK from Cryptsy. Grin

Wait... This is my DRK address and it seemed to receive 1 input of 1000 DRK:
Activity: 47
Merit: 0

How the best to do direct trade by paypal  ?

nobody will sell you any coins for paypal
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500

I have setup a Masternode.
- Ubuntu 64bit
- wallet encrypted
- with p2pool

./darkcoind --help
DarkCoin version v0.10.3.0-4-gb091e63-beta

2014-04-07 23:09:00 RegisterAsMasterNode
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Found unspent output equal to nValue
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Is capable master node!

I wasn't this lucky.

Got NEW masternode entry
!coins.IsAvailable COutPoint(517b323b43cdb93fb254d40fafb105d2b9527d917d0046139823eb6a928a565a, 1)
ERROR: CTxMemPool::acceptableInputs() : inputs already spent

Looks to me like only 989 of the DRK you sent made it to your destination node.

Your output posted:

But it was already sent off, and the large final output is 989:

I though it might won't be as easy that I simply withdraw 1000 DRK from Cryptsy. Grin
full member
Activity: 170
Merit: 100

I have setup a Masternode.
- Ubuntu 64bit
- wallet encrypted
- with p2pool

./darkcoind --help
DarkCoin version v0.10.3.0-4-gb091e63-beta

2014-04-07 23:09:00 RegisterAsMasterNode
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Found unspent output equal to nValue
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Is capable master node!

I wasn't this lucky.

Got NEW masternode entry
!coins.IsAvailable COutPoint(517b323b43cdb93fb254d40fafb105d2b9527d917d0046139823eb6a928a565a, 1)
ERROR: CTxMemPool::acceptableInputs() : inputs already spent

Looks to me like only 989 of the DRK you sent made it to your destination node.

Your output posted:

But it was already sent off, and the large final output is 989:
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500

I have setup a Masternode.
- Ubuntu 64bit
- wallet encrypted
- with p2pool

./darkcoind --help
DarkCoin version v0.10.3.0-4-gb091e63-beta

2014-04-07 23:09:00 RegisterAsMasterNode
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Found unspent output equal to nValue
2014-04-07 23:09:00 Is capable master node!

I wasn't this lucky.

Got NEW masternode entry
!coins.IsAvailable COutPoint(517b323b43cdb93fb254d40fafb105d2b9527d917d0046139823eb6a928a565a, 1)
ERROR: CTxMemPool::acceptableInputs() : inputs already spent
hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 1003
what is the best way at this time to buy DRK.

From Fiat.

Buy litecoin or Bitcoin ?

Where to buy them from fiat ?

Where to exchange Lite/bitcoin to DRK.

Most people recommend to buy bitcoin on Coinbase, then send it to Cryptsy and buy DRK there.

Coinbase need USA adress, too bad

Check if you can use
full member
Activity: 170
Merit: 100
Evan, I have a question about the specifics of a darksend transaction. I don't remember the answer being in the documentation released thus far.

Can darksends be sent with just the inputs properly signed by the private key, but without the private key actually being present? For example, can I create the tx on an offline computer and only move the transaction info to my online computer, and send it from there?
full member
Activity: 322
Merit: 105
Darksend is a much bigger feature than what it seems to be in the windows wallet (just a checkbox in 'send' tab currently).

Instead of having this checkbox inside the 'Send' tab, I propose the following:
1) remove 'Use DarkSend' checkbox
2) add a 'DarkSend' tab between the 'Send' and 'Receive' tabs*
3) this new tab looks and functions exactly the same as the send tab but it uses darksend technology when submitting.

This will be much better UX to differentiate this technology from standard technology.

* You can also consider putting darksend tab before the send tab.

I don't like redundancy. What about this? -> The QT client immediately switches to a darker GUI skin (basically a dark gray [current coin logo color] bakcground) whenever DarkSend is checked. (And may be the checkbox gets a little bit more notabale on the Send tab.)

Just remember, newbies already find wallets confusing. They are simple and easy to navigate if you use them regularly.

True, but I like coinzcoinzcoinz suggestion, because as he later said, you can explain how darksend works, warn of disconnection fee, etc... make a nice big progress bar or some such to show how things are progressing, and have room for that information, making it less complex to use in the end (along with a warning that you're not using privacy features in the send tab)

Wallet is ok for now IMO.  Get the main event sorted (DarkSend), then worry about stuff like this.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
Just a reminder to everyone - if you haven't subscribed to please do so!

We should try to build the community as large as we can before the release of darksend!  Grin
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 500
what is the best way at this time to buy DRK.

From Fiat.

Buy litecoin or Bitcoin ?

Where to buy them from fiat ?

Where to exchange Lite/bitcoin to DRK.

well...cryptsy is good for btc/ltc or many other cryptos to drk. Moolah has a website to convert fiat to alts.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
what is the best way at this time to buy DRK.

From Fiat.

Buy litecoin or Bitcoin ?

Where to buy them from fiat ?

Where to exchange Lite/bitcoin to DRK.

Most people recommend to buy bitcoin on Coinbase, then send it to Cryptsy and buy DRK there.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
It seems like -keypoolsize allows for <=500 keys (it will generate more but it won't save the rest in the wallet.dat file).
I think this should be increased by a few magnitudes for DarkCoin.
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Dark Wallet getting ready to for live testing.

Interesting Q&A:

Q. Will it be possible to connect the wallet to other cryptocurrencies? Litecoin, Peercoin, Primecoin, etc.

A. caedesv

The first version is going to be bitcoin only (well and testnet coin but maybe not at the same time). This way we avoid some complexity and also can deliver on the initial promises.

For next stage we're totally considering make it multi-currency (and other goals). Should be easy and at least with some coins looks like we can even use the same bip32 tree, one key, many currencies.

Could someone who knows their sh*t explain to me to difference between Darkcoin and Darkwallet? Is it likely to make DRK redundant? I certainly hope not as a fan/holder of DRK!

Dark wallet is a centralized mixing service where you use a browser extension to anonymize transactions.  Look at this screenshot:  . You can see it's routing all of the traffic through

So here's our advantages vs dark wallet:

1.) We're decentralized. The clients automatically discover all masternodes and will use those
2.) Everyone will use DarkSend by default. The problem with a product you must setup like this is you'll have far fewer legitimate users to mix with.  
3.) Masternodes create a new type of investment opportunity within our ecosystem much like mining. The result? We get a ton of super high quality full nodes, anonymity and happy investors.
4.) If they're accepting inputs and outputs separately they can be shut down simply by a user offering an input, but refusing to send the output. If they're accepting inputs and outputs together, it's not anonymous and it MUST be decentralized to spread the knowledge of who did what to keep anonymity.

Thanks for the explanation, Evan. Darkwallet is certainly inferior. I'm not worried now!

It bugs me that they're getting all the attention and you're not. Just a Google search of Darkwallet brings up a lot of hits.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1036
Dash Developer
Dark Wallet getting ready to for live testing.

Interesting Q&A:

Q. Will it be possible to connect the wallet to other cryptocurrencies? Litecoin, Peercoin, Primecoin, etc.

A. caedesv

The first version is going to be bitcoin only (well and testnet coin but maybe not at the same time). This way we avoid some complexity and also can deliver on the initial promises.

For next stage we're totally considering make it multi-currency (and other goals). Should be easy and at least with some coins looks like we can even use the same bip32 tree, one key, many currencies.

Could someone who knows their sh*t explain to me to difference between Darkcoin and Darkwallet? Is it likely to make DRK redundant? I certainly hope not as a fan/holder of DRK!

Dark wallet is a centralized mixing service where you use a browser extension to anonymize transactions.  Look at this screenshot:  . You can see it's routing all of the traffic through

So here's our advantages vs dark wallet:

1.) We're decentralized. The clients automatically discover all masternodes and will use those
2.) Everyone will use DarkSend by default. The problem with a product you must setup like this is you'll have far fewer legitimate users to mix with.  
3.) Masternodes create a new type of investment opportunity within our ecosystem much like mining. The result? We get a ton of super high quality full nodes, anonymity and happy investors.
4.) If they're accepting inputs and outputs separately they can be shut down simply by a user offering an input, but refusing to send the output. If they're accepting inputs and outputs together, it's not anonymous and it MUST be decentralized to spread the knowledge of who did what to keep anonymity. My guess is they're taking inputs and outputs separately and banning inputs that do this. In that case you could attack it by using another mixing service to get fresh inputs.
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
Every miner is welcomed aboard! We just added 3 more dedicated servers to our cluster, now the pools are snappier. We also upgraded MPOS, fixed the shares issues regarding the x11 algorythm. Also, we have 16 stratums to serve our users. Join us to enjoy the benefits of our strong architecture and knowledge!
What shares issue?

Old news, pre-DGW I think.

No, basically after updating to the new mpos, we had to fix the amount of displayed shares in MPOS because it was not correct anymore. We now have the right values so our stats are now showing more accurate numbers. X11 is not supported by MPOS officially.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Can someone explain to me what is going on in this block/transaction?  Block 17543 (000000000542628747303786cb09be1456998508cc3d70ede07b16c20fe75514), the only transaction (1b4c93a3bf49ad4855f74121aea68517b1073fd3a75943e19f956ae553cd2207), specifically the third output

And to make things easier, here is the transaction:

It's easier to see in the explorer:

It looks like some coin was sent but it was broken up in a payment and a fee?  But not sure?

It's p2pool generated block.

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