
Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency - page 858. (Read 9723733 times)

Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
Hear ye hear ye, Time to finish up this update.  My masternodes have been paid on 12.1 so have no fear.  No reason to stay at 12.0.58, do not fear the upgrade!  Need help?  Ask away!  Come to the Dash Nation Slack to the Dash Support Desk, we're all waiting to help those in need.  And you can always ask here as well!  Thank you Smiley

    ******  ETA : 1 DAY !!  ******

Dash Network status



Update v0.12.1 instructions :

And the exchanges are also doing their upgrades, some take longer than others but looking good  Smiley

Progress here:
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
Decred will destroy this premine piece of shit. Dash is going to have a crash of epic proportions later this year.

- 8888

please do not make fun of poor underpaid troll  Roll Eyes
who by the way forgot his letter in his signature, must not be important i guess  Undecided

I'm not making fun of him/her!  I thought that was an amazing joke, and am truly still laughing! The talent runs deep at Cheesy
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
Decred will destroy this premine piece of shit. Dash is going to have a crash of epic proportions later this year.

- 8888

please do not make fun of poor underpaid troll  Roll Eyes
who by the way forgot his letter in his signature, must not be important i guess  Undecided
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
Decred will destroy this premine piece of shit. Dash is going to have a crash of epic proportions later this year.

- 8888
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
Looks like we have an improved Dash Masternode Revenue calculator with additional custom parameters (press H to see what i mean) :

Nice job

Activity: 1182
Merit: 1000

Winners of the January DashForce meetup contest!

Milliarderko won 7.75 Dash
Meet Up in Russia, Krasnodar

BlueTrader Won 7.75 Dash
Dash Crypto Group in Suwanee, GA on the third Tuesday from 6-8PM every month.

Strong contender for the February meetup contest....
Second DASH MEETUP in Astana (Kazakhstan)

These guys all did a great job and I don't want their efforts to get buried in a bunch of troll spam.
Also, there are a few changes to the meetup contest this month...

DashForce Meetup Contest:

For this month's contest DashForce will be offering $100 dollars in Dash to the best 3 meetups. We will also give away extra Dash on top of that for people who come up with new creative ideas that end up being incorporated into the contest.
The best 3 meetups who do the following will win....
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 500
AikaPool admin
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000

Why Dash Dislodged Ethereum Classic From Number 6 Place On CoinMarketCap
Dash proved its resilience by dislodging Ethereum Classic from the number six spot on the top 10 CoinMarketCap list.

"This time around, it looks like Dash has come to stay at number six and even move up."

"We don’t hype our coin or attempt to trash our competitors." (Hmm fluffy.. ?  Tongue)
Activity: 1052
Merit: 1004
I just want to shout out to all the developers and testers who made this the smoothest upgrade in the history of Dash. If you're new to Dash, you could be forgiven for thinking that all updates go this smoothly. In fact, the Dash network is so complex that there are usually a dozen or so fixes that have to be pushed to the network, forcing people to upgrade multiple times before the final stable version is delivered. It's not poor development or testing, it's just the complexity of the product.

This time, with the most extensive update ever, there was none of that. One upgrade, everybody moved to it quickly, and we were done. I'm absolutely blown away! If anybody wants to know why their Dash is going to appreciate over time, some might point to Evo, others to the budget system, but I'll point out the excellent, professional team behind our software.

Warren Buffet says that he doesn't buy companies, he buys people. If Buffet was going to buy cryptocurrency, do you think he would buy the market leader...or us?

Cheers, and great work everybody!!

I agree 100% with the general idea but don't forget that the upgrade will only be completed after all the sporks are activated Wink
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
I just want to shout out to all the developers and testers who made this the smoothest upgrade in the history of Dash. If you're new to Dash, you could be forgiven for thinking that all updates go this smoothly. In fact, the Dash network is so complex that there are usually a dozen or so fixes that have to be pushed to the network, forcing people to upgrade multiple times before the final stable version is delivered. It's not poor development or testing, it's just the complexity of the product.

This time, with the most extensive update ever, there was none of that. One upgrade, everybody moved to it quickly, and we were done. I'm absolutely blown away! If anybody wants to know why their Dash is going to appreciate over time, some might point to Evo, others to the budget system, but I'll point out the excellent, professional team behind our software.

Warren Buffet says that he doesn't buy companies, he buys people. If Buffet was going to buy cryptocurrency, do you think he would buy the market leader...or us?

Cheers, and great work everybody!!
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
Network Switch, General Bytes, & Testnet Slots | DASH: Detailed
Date : 8th of Feb 2017

Note : network statistics are obviously a bit outdated by now
Activity: 1052
Merit: 1004
Look at that poor icebear all trapped and nowhere to go.. drowning in its own trolling.

It's really sad. How can he survive now with such irrelevant trolling? No more neros for you  Cry
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
Look at that poor icebear all trapped and nowhere to go.. drowning in its own trolling.

It is okay to push that red button Icey

Activity: 1052
Merit: 1004

    ******  ETA : 1 DAY !!  ******

Dash Network status



Update v0.12.1 instructions :

And the exchanges are also doing their upgrades, some take longer than others but looking good  Smiley

Progress here:
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245
Robert Wiecko from Dash at ICE Totally Gaming 2017

That was a great presentation.  Not sure how many of the audience understands the implication, but I'm sure you've reached a few very influential potential heavy hitters.  Looking forward to seeing how this brings in business in the future.

Yeah that was great to listen to, a lot of background noise but the presentation itself was good.

Edit : a new YouTube video was uploaded by tungfa (same link as above :, which cleared all that background noise.
Well done tungfa. Much better to listen to now  Smiley
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1245

    ******  ETA : 1 DAY !!  ******

Dash Network status



Update v0.12.1 instructions :

Activity: 1708
Merit: 1049
now...after all this shills appearing around, did anyone of these bitches answered if Evan did really hide the "masternode concept" before launching and after 1 month since this shitcoin is launched?

You do understand that masternodes were a game-theory outgrowth of preventing mixing nodes from being sybil-attacked, right?
Activity: 3444
Merit: 1061

oh it's you son, it's you all right.

Did Fluffy refund you?

This is the 12th time you've needed to get this information removed by the mod from memory? along now and get some instructions on what to post.  Cool

Bad Ceti!  Bad!  I've had the mermaid on ignore for years now, and you made me see something I must respond to.  It (the mermaid thing) claims that the reduction in total supply of coins effected how hard it was to mine back in March 2014.  This is not true.  The first time it had and effect was in January 2015, where there was a reduction of ~7% of rewards.  Ultimately, the reduction in rewards mirrors Bitcoin, only on a smoother scale.  It reduces 1/14 of payouts roughly each year and Bitcoin reduces by half every 4 years.  The calculations are basically the same after 4 years with Dash.  But regarding mining in March, 2 months after launch, there was no change caused by the vote to reduce mining rewards ~7% each year.

wow! after all this time and you become a legendary, legendary loudmouth, legendary shill, legendary liar...

topic: "Darkcoin reward schedule vote" 
author: Evan Duffield

note: don't go in the water with the mermaid, you'll just get drowned with facts bitch Tongue

now...after all this shills appearing around, did anyone of these bitches answered if Evan did really hide the "masternode concept" before launching and after 1 month since this shitcoin is launched?
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