
Topic: [ANN][ICO] AETOKEN - Can the affiliate industry improve and expand? (Read 228 times)

copper member
Activity: 350
Merit: 0
I think This project will support lot for affiliate industry .This token main purpose commission based market i hope this project will became success .
sr. member
Activity: 728
Merit: 251
this new project looks good and the project has a great concept and team. I did not find information about soft cap and hard cap in this project, where can i find it? hopefully the progress of this project is getting good and can function with well.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1000
it could be an impressive project. I like the presentation of the project.
Absolutely. With a reliable platform, this data and traffic based multi-billion dollar industry will explode in the continuing digital age.
jr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 1
is it true that the income generated by the affiliate industry with a total so
I was a little concerned to accept the fact
hero member
Activity: 2072
Merit: 761
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hero member
Activity: 2072
Merit: 761
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13.Which are the things throttling affiliate economy?

Creating written contracts is easier said than done.
Affiliate dealings rarely use a written contract just because of their digital nature. It’s this nature only that makes commission-based marketing multinational and fast paced. So, affiliates, affiliate networks, and publishers usually discuss these deals over a skype conversation or take it or leave it”terms and conditions”. Since most of these dealings aren’t documented formally, they’re subject to massive renegotiations.

A good case in point: A publisher can individually decide to renegotiate a deal’s terms with respect to the traffic or can even cut an affiliate’s commissions. Likewise, affiliates can find out their traffic’s high performance and scale; based on that, they can demand higher commission.
What if the deal isn’t renegotiated keeping in mind an affiliate’s interest? Well, affiliate typically can send their traffic to another brands site, leaving the old merchant out of their current business. Typically there is more than just one place for eg Casino where to send converting traffic.

To top it all off, most affiliate marketing agencies are incorporated in zero- or low-tax jurisdictions worldwide. That way, having a legal written contract becomes quite challenging—much less, adjudicating or enforcing it.
And that’s just one of the many things that kill the efficiency of affiliate marketing.

14. Super affiliates are a cost addition to the value chain

Here’s an affiliate-marketing trend that’s all the rage today: Publishers usually associate with a large affiliate network having a single point of interface. By doing that, they avoid the time-consuming task of calculating and releasing a lot of small payments to every single affiliate they’re working with.
And since there’s a super affiliate now, the overhead cost increases because payment solutions add charges on every payment it’s making to other affiliates. These infrastructural negatives can seriously throttle the cash flow of many smaller affiliates. Problem might be transferred from merchant to super affiliate but it’s still there. That is where AEToken will bring cost efficiency to affiliate industry by having payment model without adding overhead per single payout substantially.

15. Giving payouts and using funds aren’t that simple

The regulatory ecosystem, governing the payments in affiliate marketing, has a lot of restrictions that are developed and deployed by payment service providers (PSPs). For example, the AML/KYC requirements don’t really mesh up with all the unwritten contracts that characterize this business.
Also, the cost these PSPs charge can break the bank as they were originally designed to be used by small online businesses every once in a while.
And yet they’re always used because sub-affiliates are mostly geographically spread and because these payment providers have the infrastructure and capabilities to send and receive funds worldwide.
These PSPs have exorbitant cost because they’ve got really high foreign exchange charges—that’ll be in addition to their already-high fees. So, seriously, both publishers and affiliates should have deep pockets to use super affiliates and PSPs.
To combat all these challenges, the affiliate economy needs a solution that’ll create trust among super affiliates, affiliates, and publishers and advertisers; it needs a solution that’ll streamline payment releases. In short, affiliate marketing needs AEToken.

16. How AEToken is a game changer for affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is fragmented at many levels. The deals in the affiliate economy don’t generally involve written contracts. Plus, the payouts in this economy are difficult to manage and track. What’s more? Withdrawing and using funds across the affiliate infrastructure is quite challenging and costly as well.
Wait, there’s a robust solution to all these challenges. It’s known as AEToken.
AEToken is a completely decentralized blockchain that’s fully engineered to let publishers and affiliates earn reputability and create a whole new level of trust.
Also, the blockchain will have an innovative payment method that’ll be used by affiliates and publishers to send and receive funds worldwide quite seamlessly.
And as far as the confidentiality of network participants goes, this decentralized network will use Bulletproofs— completely non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs.
The scalability of AEToken is quite high. That’s because it’s a side chain allowing its native digital assets, AET tokens, to be moved across popular blockchain networks belonging to Ethereum, Bitcoin, Stellar, or Chia. That way, these digital assets can even be swapped for Bitcoin, Ether, and other popular crypto coins.
That way, this blockchain project will definitely restructure the whole affiliate economy.

17. AEToken—revolutionizing the way affiliates and publishers work

AEToken is changing the way publishers and affiliates work together, and that change is definitely for the better. So, let’s see the value publishers and affiliates will unlock when they join this revolutionary blockchain-powered network.

For e-commerce websites and publishers
Contract justiciability alongside reputation generation will create trust between affiliate partners and publishers/e-commerce sites. And when the number of affiliates will rise, accounting and paying the fees will simplify. Ultimately, all of this will end up improving the quality and volume of the incoming traffic for a publisher.

For affiliates
Again, contract justiciability is one of the highlights of AEToken. With this feature, there’ll be trust created among a number of affiliate website partners. Also, since there’ll be rock-solid trust, the number of disputes among the affiliates—super affiliates and sub-affiliates—will go down. There’s even a credible dispute-settlement process called mediation in place just in case a dispute arises. Last, this decentralized network has the right processes for accelerating and simplifying the payment transfers. That way, the liquidity of an affiliate’s funds increases.

19.The transactions happening on AETokens

A general transaction that’s happening on AEToken’s blockchain will involve sending cryptographically blinded coins to a specific address at a defined time. However, the sender of the coins will have the power to easily mutate any transaction to any specific escrow mediator along with the public key.
The smart contract of this side chain will optionally have the mediation flag set to all or nothing; also, a small transactional fee will be set for the mediator, just in case. This fee will be released whenever the transaction is done and recorded successfully by the mediator.
If, however, both the parties perform the transaction successfully or if both of them work through the disputes independently, then the transaction will unlock at a predefined time. And once it’ll unlock, the success fee will be released to the escrow mediator at a defined time. While all the remaining funds will be evenly distributed among the recipients—that is, affiliate marketers and publishers.
hero member
Activity: 2072
Merit: 761
To boldly go where no rabbit has gone before...
7. AEToken strategy and markets

Today’s affiliate economy is growing complacent with the way business is done between affiliates and publishers, and AEToken’s primary strategy is to target that complacency itself. In the past, there’ve been a number of projects that have attempted to introduce blockchain’s benefits in affiliate marketing; then there were some super affiliate networks that tried to change the way affiliate marketing worked.
AEToken, too, is doing the same thing but with a big difference. That difference lies in its strategy to develop and deploy a lightweight solution to all the problems that are present in affiliate marketing of today—something that hasn’t been done before. This is one lightweight addition that’ll revolutionize the way affiliates and publishers connect, interact, and do business.
This project is developing innovative, concrete ways to build and sustain the trust that’s a must to successfully complete smart contracts. In short, this project is improving the affiliate economy’s liquidity. This will be a robust sidechain that’ll improve a smart contract’s functionality to seamlessly support both Dapps and Lapps.

8. Who’re the clients that AEToken is targeting?

AEToken will develop an ecosystem where trust will be created through smart contracts written on the blockchain. Further, to make sure that these contracts are executed on time, there’ll be a group of mediators appointed to manage that part of the business. So, considering everything, this is a big revolutionary platform that’ll change the rulebook for affiliate marketing for good. Now, here’s a list of markets that’d be closely following the launch of AEToken.
Due to its unique architecture, the ecosystem will provide publishers the right insights into their clearly defined scope of work.
The ecosystem will be used by publishers to know that all their efforts will be transparently rewarded.
So, in simple words, this blockchain-powered platform will target these two niches and will solve some affiliate marketing’s most common problems related to trust and slow payment processing.

9. AEToken’s accessibility is its top priority

Every blockchain-enabled project should make sure that it’s easily accessible anytime, anywhere. And AEToken’s accessibility has been prioritized well by the project’s team. The project will be designed to remain easily accessible to its prospective users. For this reason, the company is planning to the user develop open-source blockchain management software along with an end-user client application.
These software applications will allow the project’s targeted audiences to access the service through a range of mobile and desktop platforms. Having these well-built platforms, the users will easily create and implement smart contracts that are based on a well-defined escrow agreement.
So, overall, the project’s software applications will make it accessible to advertisers and customers.

10. AEToken—taking authentication to the next level

Guaranteeing complete user authentication is what AEToken is all about. The project’s team uses high-end authentication mechanisms such as OpenTimestamps to make sure that the integrity of the transactions remains intact every time. With this revolutionary time-stamping technique, the project empowers its users to share a time-stamped and signed copy of the dealings’ terms and conditions.
This digital copy can be shared in the form of either a screenshot or document—whichever format is convenient for the users. Best of all, these extra steps will bring down the hassles of giving legal evidence as and when a dispute arises. Because, in the end, with a digitally signed copy of a business’s terms, it’ll be simpler to decide who’s the real defaulter in the dealing and then transparently mediator to solve the dispute and close the contract or continue it after solving it.

11. Mediations drive AEToken’s value forward

The team behind AEToken is big on the idea of bringing mediators on board. When the project is live, the team will publish a complete list of mediators with their rate per contract; besides, this list will even have a disputed rate associated with mediators—this rate will signify the number of disputes a mediator has successfully resolved.
All the platform users will use their desktop clients to access this list and send queries to the mediators. There’s a mediation tool for both the parties that are involved in a transaction; the use of this tool will be optional.
Since the deal’s cost will rise whenever a mediator gets actively involved, the project will predefine arbitration cost models for such mediations. Also, with these models in place, the platform users will find it simpler and quicker to pick a mediator suiting their budget.

12. AEToken’s tokenomics

Having the ticker symbol of AEC, AEToken’s initial tokens will be based on ERC223/ERC20 standards. AEC tokens will be redeemable on the basis of 1:1 ratio with AET tokens. The token’s crowdsale will launch in the first quarter of 2019; its hard cap is set at USD 50 million while its soft cap is set at USD 25 million.
The total number of tokens to be mined will be 120 million. Forty million of the project’s tokens will be available for the buyers in the pre–ICO and ICO phases; this figure, however, can get changed depending on the discounts that’ll be given during the sale’s early phases. As of now, the project will be launching its pre–ICO on June 18, 2018.
So if you’re looking forward to changing the way affiliate marketing is done, then your search ends right at AEToken.

hero member
Activity: 2072
Merit: 761
To boldly go where no rabbit has gone before...
1.Why was AEToken invented?

Today, affiliate marketing suffers from lack of trust, insecure and inefficient payment systems, and ever-changing deals. To streamline things, AEToken will align global commission-based marketing with the benefits and security of blockchain and smart contracts. That way, this crypto project will develop the next centralized currency for affiliate marketing.
If publishers and e-commerce players along with affiliates and sub-affiliates want to reinvent commission-based marketing, then AEToken is the ultimate solution. It’s a sidechain that’s creating transparent payment terms supported by escrows and smart contracts. And as far as the trust factor in affiliate marketing goes, AEToken will use blockchain to record historical reputation and execute offline contracts.
Overall, AEToken will bring a new level of trust to business dealings and will create game-changing infrastructures for simplifying payment processing.

2.What is affiliate marketing?        
Affiliate marketing, never heard of it? Or maybe you have heard but you don’t exactly know what it is. Affiliate marketing can refer something so simple as promoting someone else’s products on the web and getting paid as you bring them sales. The commission is typically paid from purchase, sometimes even from a lead or just a click-through banner ad. Results can be paid based on a revenue share or per one-time when you bring new customer as an acquisition commission. There are many ways of being an affiliate and many to whom to be but as simple illustration this is it. Typical problems are vague skype conversations for contracts or contracts at all, minimum thresholds for commissions payout, costly payments to numerous affiliates or in general lack of trust between parties to scale the business up faster. AEToken is here to help with a written smart contract about agreed deliveries and payment conditions. Also operating as a means of payment AEToken will bring an easy solution for delivering the commissions to affiliates and sub-affiliates.

3. How affiliates make a contract with each other             
Typical affiliate contract is either predetermined by publisher affiliate program or negotiated through skype or mail. Sounds frustrating? Well, it is. Often when there are no written contracts, evidence of those to exist is hard to prove later if any disagreement occurs. Depends on who has the power in that relationship, publisher or affiliate, they can state their own terms for the relationship. Level playing field hardly exists. AEToken aims to bring written contracts to increase trust to affiliate industry and also payment conditions to a blockchain environment where parties can easily prove later on what has been agreed upon and get paid. If some disagreement occurs, a third-party mediator would take a closer look at the case and make of solutions about how much the affiliate should get paid or not based on the agreement and deliveries. 

4. AEToken vision 2020

How will the affiliate world look like when AEToken is working
AETokens vision is to take over affiliate industry and be widely accepted and adopted as the standard of affiliate agreements and payments between publishers and affiliates. Changing the industry standard of not having agreements to have them in verified blockchain is a huge difference. Solving the problems of costly payments through AEToken’s own Coin will bring the adaption to next level. Biggest publishers have already adopted AEToken’s easy contracting and payment method to all their channels. If any disputes arise, the mediator process is trusted way of getting the thing in order and continue the business as usual. This helps to build the trust between the parties from the beginning and allows fruitful businesses partnerships to expand faster. Publisher and Affiliate both benefit.

5. Who will benefit from AETtoken?

AEToken is for creating a level playing field between publishers and affiliates, super affiliates and sub-affiliates. AEToken is also for investors who believe that AEToken is here to fix major problems within affiliate industry and by creating contracts to an industry which shines in lack of those. Bringin smart contracts as a standard agreement and payment form to affiliate world it changes the way affiliate industry operates and brings never before seen increment of trust in it. Publishers and affiliates have proof of an agreement and convenient and trusted payment model with AEToken. Ease of payments and solving any kind of disputes with the mediator process is just what affiliate industry needs.

6. How will AEToken market its product after ICO?

AEToken will transform the affiliate marketing industry by bringing a secure contract system and revolutionary mediation features. After successfully completing the project’s ICO campaign, the team will launch a beta testnet version. Since it’ll be a beta version, the testnet will gain traction among the project’s prospective clients—publishers and affiliates—who want to rewrite the future of commission-based marketing.
Apart from swiftly launching its beta testnet, the project will rely on proven post–ICO marketing and PR tactics. Like, for example, the project’s team will keep its community fully updated using a range of social channels such as Telegram, Reddit, Medium, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn as well as all parties related to affiliate side, networks publishers and affiliates.
Apart from managing community at full throttle, the team will implement other strategies on communication that’ll help the adaptation of the testnest and later the actual AEToken ecosystem.

hero member
Activity: 2072
Merit: 761
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