FAUT is the unique token, intended for investment in a cryptocurrency faucet. For each token the investor will get not more than one referral (if possible). The referral system on the faucet will be 20% -5% -1%.
Why collect funds for opening a faucet, because small amounts are distributed?
Because the most expensive advertising (on bitcoin-themed) can be placed only when the position of the site in Alexa does not exceed 100,000. To achieve this rating, you need a very high traffic to the site, and you can not get it without giving out a large amount. Thus, for a while the faucet will work at a loss. The site will be cheap advertising, which will not fully cover all costs. When placing expensive advertising, we hope to make a profit.
How will the referrals be distributed if the tokens are sold out more than there will be free referrals on the site?
In this case the cost of one referral will be more than 1 FAUT and will be equal to NUMBER OF SOLD TOKENS/NUMBER OF FREE REFERRALS.
Exchange: https://zerofeex2.club/#FAUT
Official website: http://faut.club/
@Medium: https://medium.com/@smint2018/faut-first-token-of-cryptocurrency-faucet-438cc62d63b0
@Gitter: https://gitter.im/ethfaut/token