
Topic: [ANN][ICO] SprinkleCoin Decentralized Global Network of Modern Financial Service (Read 10757 times)

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Antoun Toubia's The Swedish Trust is the answer for all your wealth and asset management needs

Antoun Toubia is the founder and Chief Executive Officer at The Swedish Trust KB, a Trust and Wealth Management Company. Antoun has extensive experience in private trading and equity investment, venture capital, hedge funds, blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and Private Equity Programs, which are used for major projects or corporate [private] financing and can lead to exceptional profits.

With strong connections in the Middle Eastern market, Antoun has introduced his network of investors from the Gulf region - Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates into high-growth investment markets. His current business is licensed and regulated in Sweden and its regulator is Stockholm County Supervisory Authority.

His recent focus is on investment analysis, assisting individuals and companies with ambition and potential to acquire funds, attracting investors, and building complex investment models for the generation of high financial and social returns. Recent successful examples include Pindify, NetZero enterprises, and SprinkleXchange. 

He started in 2008 and was the first person in the world to bring two ways bitcoin ATMs into the UK and all of Europe. He was born with entrepreneurship skills and innovation. When he was young, he was always educating himself about how to become a business owner until he graduated and got his Ph.D. in Business Administration and Financial Management.

The Swedish Trust is a team of skilled wealth and asset managers with a track record of at least 15 years in producing high yield returns with the least amount of risk. They operate under the guiding principles of respect, honesty, and transparency. These are the guiding concepts that define trust and trustees. They will make every effort to keep your wealth growing and to safeguard your assets. Their main objective is to build a solid, lasting relationship with you.

Their purpose is to help their clients achieve their long-term financial goals by providing professional and individualized service that adds value. By following their ideals and investment philosophies, they do this through their investment methods. Its mission is to become the most valuable asset for its clients, a reliable partner for them, and a recognized authority in the field of asset management. Their basic principles of honesty, integrity, and professionalism are upheld while they are committed to greatness.

Antoun has earned 15 million dollars personally over a period of 7 years, and his businesses have reached 500 million in assets under management. His short-term goal is to make The Swedish Trust a successful entity and to fully integrate blockchain technology into its platform. In the long term, he wants his company to become a multi-billion-dollar company.

Although The Swedish Trust has many competitors in the market who are constantly trying to fabricate false information about them and trying to bring their reputation down, with the help of God and their strong will, no one will be able to affect their future ambitions. The Swedish Trust will soon be on the lips of everyone looking to get wealth and asset management services.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
hello guys come and join our Channel on telegram

Every user that joins gets 100 SCOI.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
SprinkleBit Enters AI-Partnership With Bixby
New voice-controlled application will become available for Samsung’s users

Swedish Alexander Wallin, founder and CEO at SprinkleBit, showcased SprinkleBit’s new application for Bixby at the Samsung Developer Conference in San Francisco.
Shortly SprinkleBit will launch a new voice-controlled application that will become available for Samsung users through a partnership with Bixby, Samsung’s intelligence platform. The new application will allow for Samsung’s users to check on their financial portfolio, or a stock’s performance, simply by using their voice.

- We have been planning to launch a voice controlled application for some time, and we felt that the opportunity to launch on Samsung’s platform ticked all of our boxes,” said Alexander Wallin, CEO at SprinkleBit.

SprinkleBit CEO Alexander Wallin showcased the new application for Bixby at the Samsung Developer Conference (SDC) in San Francisco. Guests had the opportunity to play around with an early version of the application, for the first time. DJ Koh, CEO of Samsung Electronics, was one of many who got a personal walk-through of the application.

Want to know how your SprinkleBit portfolio is doing? Or how a certain stock is performing? Just say, ”Hi Bixby, how is my portfolio doing?”, or “Hi Bixby, how is Facebook doing today”, and Bixby will help you. It’s that simple.

- Bixby has brought the assistant to phones, fridges, TVs, and more. By opening up the Bixby development platform to outside developers and partners like SprinkleBit we can truly give users a unique user experience” said David Gene Oh, Senior Director Samsung Electronics America

The full capsule will be launched in the coming months.
 For more information about Bixby, visit

About SprinkleBit

SprinkleBit is a leading social network for investing with the mission to make investing easier for everyone. We believe that anyone can become an investor if they’re given the right tools and accessibility to the right information. SprinkleBit lets the user practice risk-free in a simulator, follow friends and top investors, copy trades, read free university chapters and a whole lot more. The platform also features an algorithm that collects data from the community, and scores all stocks depending on how convinced the community is that the stock will perform well. SprinkleBit is part of the Sprinkle Group, a fintech company working towards one borderless investment experience. Visit, or Sprinkle.Group for more information.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

#cryptocurrency #investments #blockchain #bitcoin #security #fintech #networking  #investment  #banking  #crypto  #ethereum  #ico  #cybersecurity  #startups  #cryptocurrencies  #stocks  #meetup  #ripple  #venturecapital  #mutualfunds  #technology  #internet  #cyber  #equities  #datamanagement  #privateequity  #conferences  #etfs  #telecommunications  #eos  #aviation  #hybridcloud  #integration  #aerospace  #emergingmarkets  #dataanalysis  #securities  #webex  #fixedincome  #cyberdefense
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
SprinkleCoin ICO Details

Crowdsale ICO Website:

White Paper:


Android APP:


If you already have Ethereum or when you do have Ethereum and are ready to purchase SprinkleCoin Tokens, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to and create a new account.

Step 2: Transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy SprinkleCoin Tokens to your myetherwallet account.

Step 3: When you have the Ethereum in your myetherwallet, transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy SprinkleCoin Tokens to the wallet address below:


Step 4: Send the TRANSACTION ID to [email protected]

Receiving your SprinkleCoin Tokens

When the ICO ends, you will receive your SprinkleCoin Tokens within 4 weeks. The tokens will ONLY be transferred to your myetherwallet. You will need to do a small set up process to receive and see your tokens. Go to your myetherwallet and click "Add Custom Token" and enter the details below into the fields you will see.

*Contract Address: 

*Token Symbol: SCOI

*Decimals: 18
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

SprinkleCoin ICO Details

Crowdsale ICO Website:

White Paper:


Android APP:


If you already have Ethereum or when you do have Ethereum and are ready to purchase SprinkleCoin Tokens, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to and create a new account.

Step 2: Transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy SprinkleCoin Tokens to your myetherwallet account.

Step 3: When you have the Ethereum in your myetherwallet, transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy SprinkleCoin Tokens to the wallet address below:


Step 4: Send the TRANSACTION ID to [email protected]

Receiving your SprinkleCoin Tokens

When the ICO ends, you will receive your SprinkleCoin Tokens within 4 weeks. The tokens will ONLY be transferred to your myetherwallet. You will need to do a small set up process to receive and see your tokens. Go to your myetherwallet and click "Add Custom Token" and enter the details below into the fields you will see.

*Contract Address:  

*Token Symbol: SCOI

*Decimals: 18

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
C бoльшoй paдocтью мы мoжeм oбъявить, чтo мы нaxoдимcя в пpoцecce зaпycкa SprinkleBit нa китaйcкoм pынкe. Mы дaвнo cмoтpeли нa вocтoк, и тeпepь мы нaxoдимcя нa зaвepшaющeй cтaдии oптимизaции пpилoжeния, чтoбы cooтвeтcтвoвaть pынкy.

SprinkleBit зaпycтитcя пoд нaзвaниeм SikeBit в Китae - cтpaтeгичecкий cтимyл aдaптиpoвaть бpeнд к китaйcкoй лингвиcтикe. Sike oзнaчaeт мыcлитeля нa китaйcкoм языкe. Пpилoжeниe бyдeт имeть тe жe фyнкции, кoтopыe cдeлaли SprinkleBit ycпeшным в CШA и Eвpoпe, и пoльзoвaтeли cмoгyт тopгoвaть кaк китaйcкими, тaк и aмepикaнcкими aкциями. Бeз pиcкa, иcпoльзyя SprinkleBucks, кoнeчнo, кaк вceгдa.

Bыxoд нa китaйcкий pынoк oчeнь интepeceн для нac пo мнoгим пpичинaм. Oтчacти из-зa oгpoмнoгo paзмepa pынкa, нo тaкжe из-зa китaйcкoй кyльтypы и тoгo фaктa, чтo вcя cтpaнa пpeтepпeвaeт oгpoмныe цифpoвыe пpeoбpaзoвaния. Mы cтpeмимcя быть чacтью этoгo и пoмoгaть людям в Китae пpинимaть бoлee эффeктивныe инвecтициoнныe peшeния.

Дeнниc Фpибepг
Цифpoвoй мeнeджep pocтa, Sprinkle Group


Зaпycк SikeBit cocтoитcя oceнью 2018 гoдa.
Пpилoжeниe бyдeт дocтyпнo вo вcex ocнoвныx мaгaзинax пpилoжeний.

Ni Hao China!  ICO
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain






sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
우리가 중국 시장에서 SprinkleBit을 출시하는 과정에 있음을 발표 할 수 있다는 것은 큰 기쁨입니다. 우리는 오랫동안 동쪽을 바라 보았습니다. 이제 우리는 시장에 맞게 앱을 최적화하는 마지막 단계에 있습니다.

SprinkleBit은 중국의 SikeBit이라는 이름으로 출시 될 예정이며, 중국 언어학에 브랜드를 적용 할 수있는 전략적 인센티브입니다. Sike는 사상가를 중국어로 의미합니다. 이 앱은 미국과 유럽에서 SprinkleBit을 성공시킨 것과 동일한 기능을 제공하며 사용자는 중국과 미국 주식을 모두 거래 할 수 있습니다. 항상 SprinkleBucks를 사용하여 위험 부담이 없습니다.

여러 가지 이유로 중국 시장 진출은 우리에게 매우 흥미로운 일입니다. 부분적으로는 시장의 규모가 크기 때문 만이 아니라 중국 문화와 국가 전체가 거대한 디지털 변형을 겪고 있기 때문입니다. 우리는 이러한 노력의 일환으로 열심히 노력하고 있으며 중국 사람들의 투자 결정을 돕습니다.

데니스 프 리 버그
디지털 성장 관리자, 뿌리기 그룹


SikeBit의 출시는 2018 년 가을에 진행될 예정입니다.
이 앱은 모든 주요 앱 스토어에서 사용할 수 있습니다.

니켈 하오 중국!
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

SprinkleBit将在中国以SikeBit的名义推出 - 这是一个让品牌适应中国语言学的战略激励。思科是指中国的思想家。该应用程序将具有相同的功能,使SprinkleBit在美国和欧洲取得成功,用户将能够交易中国和美国股票。一如既往,使用SprinkleBucks无风险。


数字增长经理,Sprinkle Group



sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
It is with great joy that we can announce that we are in the process of launching SprinkleBit on the Chinese market. We have long looked to the east, and now we’re in the final stages of optimizing the app to fit the market.

SprinkleBit will launch under the name SikeBit in China – a strategic incentive to adapt the brand to Chinese linguistics. Sike means thinker in Chinese. The app will feature the same features that have made SprinkleBit a success in the US and in Europe, and users will be able to trade both Chinese and American stocks. Risk-free using SprinkleBucks of course, as always.

Entering the Chinese market is very exciting for us, for many reasons. Partly because of the sheer size of market, but also because of the Chinese culture and the fact that the whole country is undergoing a huge digital transformation. We are eager to be a part of this, and help people in China make better investment decisions.

Dennis Friberg
Digital Growth Manger, Sprinkle Group


The launch of SikeBit will take place during the fall of 2018.
The app will be available on all major app stores.

Ni Hao China!

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

Buy Low, Sell High
SprinkleXchange will be the first crypto trading platform in the world to offer Smart Order Routing. What does that mean?

Let’s say you want to buy Bitcoin. You place your trade, and SprinkleXchange will systematically choose the execution destination based on where the best price is offered. You will automatically buy at the lowest price available on the market, and sell at the highest price available on the market.

It's as simple as that.

One Platform - All Your Investments
SprinkleXchange coupled with the trading platform of Sprinkle Group's online brokerage, SprinkleBrokerage, enables traders to instantly convert cryptocurrencies into stocks and other securities. In the near future, investors will be able to build the most diverse portfolio possible, and quickly spread out risk between different asset classes. It opens up a market which is 200 times larger than the current cryptocurrency market.

Next Generation Capital Market
Today it is prohibitively expensive to go public on the NYSE or Nasdaq, thereby blocking smaller companies from listing on an exchange. This will be solved by our Sprinkl­eXchange IPO listing process built on Blockchain technology where our efficiencies will make all forms of public fund-raising simpler and more cost-effective.

SprinkleXchange will serve as an IPO platform where companies of all sizes will be able to go public through a traditional IPO (Initial Public Offering) or either an STO (Security Token Offering) or an ICO (Initial Coin Offering). SprinkleXchange will provide a global and cost-efficient alternative to the traditional IPO, and effec­tively remove all the steps (angel rounds, seed rounds etc.) between having a great company and offering it as an investment to the people. Banks will be able to provide this service to their corporate clients, allowing growth companies to connect with average investors at an earlier stage.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
SprinkleCoin Got Listed On Several Exchanges

SprinkleCoin has now raised $5 million during its Pre-Sale at a price of $0.30 per token. The token has been listed on several exchanges, whereby the buyers will be able to trade immediately. SprinkleCoin is the utility token for frictionless value transfer. SprinkleCoin’s first partners are fintech platforms SprinkleBit and SprinkleXchange, with many more partners to come.

SprinkleBit is a social network for investing running on an algorithm that fetches crowdsourced data from the community. The data is automatically converted into an ever-changing point system for stocks and users. You can already purchase Premium functions on SprinkleBit using SprinkleCoin, at a rebated price. SprinkleBit is live all over the world, and is available on both the App Store and Google Play.

SprinkleXchange, on the other hand, is the first exchange for digital assets to implement Smart Order Routing and plan to start IPO listing service running on blockchain technology. Furthermore, SprinkleXchange will give users access to cross-asset investments in crypto and stocks. Sell Bitcoin, reinvest in Apple – all on the same platform. SprinkleXchange aims to be licensed through the National Bank of Georgia and compliant with all applicable rules and regulations.

SprinkleCoin recently launched SprinkleCoin Executive Club. If you purchase at least 10,000 SprinkleCoin during the ICO you will become a member. The membership gives the investor early access to all future IPO’s on SprinkleXchange.

The private sale for SprinkleCoin’s ICO is live at

Additional information:
•   ICO Soft Cap: $5 Million
•   ICO Hard Cap: $100 Million

•   The ICO is being managed by
•   SprinkleCoin is listed on several exchanges:

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
SprinkleCoin Got Listed On Several Exchanges

SprinkleCoin has now raised $5 million during its Pre-Sale at a price of $0.30 per token. The token has been listed on several exchanges, whereby the buyers will be able to trade immediately. SprinkleCoin is the utility token for frictionless value transfer. SprinkleCoin’s first partners are fintech platforms SprinkleBit and SprinkleXchange, with many more partners to come.

SprinkleBit is a social network for investing running on an algorithm that fetches crowdsourced data from the community. The data is automatically converted into an ever-changing point system for stocks and users. You can already purchase Premium functions on SprinkleBit using SprinkleCoin, at a rebated price. SprinkleBit is live all over the world, and is available on both the App Store and Google Play.

SprinkleXchange, on the other hand, is the first exchange for digital assets to implement Smart Order Routing and plan to start IPO listing service running on blockchain technology. Furthermore, SprinkleXchange will give users access to cross-asset investments in crypto and stocks. Sell Bitcoin, reinvest in Apple – all on the same platform. SprinkleXchange aims to be licensed through the National Bank of Georgia and compliant with all applicable rules and regulations.

SprinkleCoin recently launched SprinkleCoin Executive Club. If you purchase at least 10,000 SprinkleCoin during the ICO you will become a member. The membership gives the investor early access to all future IPO’s on SprinkleXchange.

The private sale for SprinkleCoin’s ICO is live at

Additional information:
•   ICO Soft Cap: $5 Million
•   ICO Hard Cap: $100 Million

•   The ICO is being managed by
•   SprinkleCoin is listed on several exchanges:

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
This project is looking promising nice idea with huge potential to grow rapidly in future. I didn't find any link to whitepaper when you will publish for public anyway good luck to this ICO I hope you will get succeed to attract the investors.

Hello nader, here is the link for the whitepaper

Activity: 266
Merit: 0
This project is looking promising nice idea with huge potential to grow rapidly in future. I didn't find any link to whitepaper when you will publish for public anyway good luck to this ICO I hope you will get succeed to attract the investors.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

SprinkleCoin is Now Listed on LA Token

SprinkleCoin $SCOI has now been listed on LA Token, a prominent crypto exchange with an average daily trading volume of $35 Million. SCOI/BTC and SCOI/ETH trading pairs are now available for LA Token’s 70,000+ users.

SprinkleCoin is currently in the middle of a successful private ICO, and is in the process of listing on numerous exchanges. LA Token is the first exchange listing for SprinkleCoin.

Furthermore, SprinkleCoin will soon be available as a trading pair on partner SprinkleXchange’s platform. SprinkleXchange is a national stock exchange, and will be the first exchange for digital assets to offer IPOs powered by blockchain technology and smart order routing. SprinkleXchange is set to launch in Q4 2018.

SprinkleCoin is also a partner of SprinkleBit ¬– a leading social network for investing with users all over the world. SprinkleBit users can already buy Premium services within the app using SprinkleCoin.

For more information, visit

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
SprinkleCoin (SCOI) now being traded for $18 at
THE ICO still running, grab it at $0.60 from ICO

4 Weeks left for the ICO , this is really a great opportunity to make big money quickly.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
a very classy project, the team that is owned looks very strict and authoritative, hopefully everything can run smoothly, and is this project available in Indonesian translation? thanks.

No not available in Indonesian, only in Korean and english at the moment.

Unfortunately, bro, I hope this project will be available in various languages so that many investors around the world can be known, struggling and good ideas.

Yes we have it in Korean Now. Also we are looking for bounty hunters.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
SprinkleCoin (SCOI) now being traded for $18 at
THE ICO still running, grab it at $0.60 from ICO
Activity: 252
Merit: 10
a very classy project, the team that is owned looks very strict and authoritative, hopefully everything can run smoothly, and is this project available in Indonesian translation? thanks.

No not available in Indonesian, only in Korean and english at the moment.

Unfortunately, bro, I hope this project will be available in various languages so that many investors around the world can be known, struggling and good ideas.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
why don't you show the results of the token sale on the website? investors need transparency, crypto currencies are transparency.

We show that on the site, but i think the confusion is that it is in the bottom in the buy section, just when you enter the site click buy tokens, and then you will be taken to the section where it says how many tokens sold.

sr. member
Activity: 518
Merit: 253
why don't you show the results of the token sale on the website? investors need transparency, crypto currencies are transparency.
Activity: 92
Merit: 0
Sprinkle Coin is a very good project and is supported by a very good team, I'm sure this project will develop in the future.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
a very classy project, the team that is owned looks very strict and authoritative, hopefully everything can run smoothly, and is this project available in Indonesian translation? thanks.

No not available in Indonesian, only in Korean and english at the moment.
Activity: 252
Merit: 10
a very classy project, the team that is owned looks very strict and authoritative, hopefully everything can run smoothly, and is this project available in Indonesian translation? thanks.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Hey people!
We're doing an airdrop together with our partner SprinkleBit!

On SprinkleBit you use SprinkleBucks (play money) to learn how to invest in a simulator. We are giving away 1 SprinkleCoin for every 1,000 SprinkleBucks that you hold on your SprinkleBit account before October 20th.

You automatically receive 5,000 SprinkleBucks when you sign up on SprinkleBit. You also receive an extra 2,000 SprinkleBucks for every user that signs up via your personal link. Go to Menu > Invite Friends within the SprinkleBit app to copy your personal link.

Example: Start a SprinkleBit account and invite 20 friends, and you will receive 45 SprinkleCoin. 🚀

🏆 The top 5 accounts with the most SprinkleBucks at the date of the snapshot will receive 2 SprinkleCoin for every 1,000 SprinkleBucks they hold.

⬇️ Download SprinkleBit here: ⬇️

 iOS:
👾 Android:

Swedish version 🇸🇪
 iOS:
👾 Android:

sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

분산된 글로벌 결산 계층
"스프링클 그룹(Sprinkle Group)생태계의 진정한 진가는 결제(settlement) API가 시스템의 모든 부분에 연결할 수 있는 기능에 있습니다. 개발 네트워크는 결제 API를 활용하여 크타우드 펀딩(crowdfunding) 프랫폼, ICO 네크워크와 마이크로 렌딩(micro lendning)을 사용자들에게 제공 할 수 있을 것입니다. 즉 사용자들이 진정으로 국경 없는 투자경험을 체험 할 수 있읍니다. "

현금에서 암호화폐로
"스프링클 코인은 마켓에서 식료품을 사는 것만큼이나 쉽게 거래 할 수 있는 분산형 현금 처리 시스템으로 사용될 것입니다. 글로벌 벤더 네트워크를 통해 사용자들이 현금을 스프링클 코인으로 전환할 수 있고 원하면 스프링클 증권시장를 통해 전환즉시 투자를 할 수 있읍니다. "
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

어떤 증권시장보다 탁월한 스프링클 증권 시장
스프링클 증권시장(SprinkleXchange)는 차세대 자본 시장입니다. 스프링클 증권시장은 세계 최초로 스마트 오더 라우팅(smart order routing)을 . 즉, 스프링클 증권시장에서 암호화폐 구매시 스마트 라우팅을 이용해 자동적으로 가장 최저가로 구입할 수 있고 판매시는 시장에서 가장 높은 가격으로 판매할 수 있읍니다.

게다가, 모든 규모의 회사들이 스프링클 증권시장을 통해 기업 공개를 할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 STO나 ICO를 통해 자본 조달도 가능 합니다.

스프링클 증권시장은 라이센스가 완전히 부여 될 것 이며 모든 규칙 및 규정을 준수할 것 입니다.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

스프링클빝이 제공하는 사회적 투자
"주식과 암호화폐(crypto) 전문가들이 어떤 주식과 화폐를 구입하는지 또 언제 판매하고 왜 그렇게 결정을 하는 이유를 정확하게 볼 수 있다고 상상해 보세요. 빠르게 변화하는 투자의 세계에서는 정보가 전부입니다. 가장 좋아하고 존경하는 투자자가 거래를 할 때마다 통지를 받을 수 있다면 당신의 투자를 단순화 시킬 수도 있겠죠. 친구들과 함께 정보를 나누면서 투자할 수 있다는 점도 당신의 투자에 많은 도움이 될 것 입니다. "

스프링클빝 (SprinkleBit)은 이미 주식 투자의 선두적인 소셜 네트워크입니다. 저희 회사만의 독특한 VPI(Value Prediction Index, 가치 예측 지수)가 이 회사를 2011년에 시작하게 된 동기가 되었읍니다. 이는 우리 커뮤니티로부터 추출한 데이터(crowdsourced data)를 이용한 알고리듬으로, 사용자들에게 주식의 미래나 투자자의 신뢰성에 대한 정확한 예측 지수를 제공할 수 있습니다.

"스프링클빝 (SprinkleBit)은 이미 주식 투자의 선두적인 소셜 네트워크입니다. 저희 회사만의 독특한 VPI(Value Prediction Index, 가치 예측 지수)가 이 회사를 2011년에 시작하게 된 동기가 되었읍니다. 이는 우리 커뮤니티로부터 추출한 데이터(crowdsourced data)를 이용한 알고리듬으로, 사용자들에게 주식의 미래나 투자자의 신뢰성에 대한 정확한 예측 지수를 제공할 수 있습니다. 

사용자들은 이러한 최첨단 기술을 투자에 활용할 수 있고, 모든 수준의 투자가들뿐만 아니라 전문 지식을 갖춘 투자자들과 서로 의견도 공유할 수 있읍니다. 그리고 주식 시장에서 뜨거운 주제들과 각종 투자 정보들에 대해서도 함께 토론할 수 있습니다. 사용자들은 또한 스프링클빝의 대화형 투자 과정을 통해 스프링클리비트 대학 프로그램을 이용해 초기 투자가에서 프로로 빠르게 진전 할 수도 있읍니다. 그리고 당사의 강력한 주식 시장 시뮬레이터를 통해 사용자는 1달러도 투자하지 않고도 실제 상황에서 투자 하는 것 처럼 거래 전략을 연습하고 테스트도 할 수 있습니다. 스프링클 코인 소유자는 1년 스프링클빝 프리미엄 회원가입을 99 SCOI로 구매할 수 있습니다(일반 가격은 한달에 9.99 달러). 스프링클빝 프리미엄에 가입하시면 Analyzer 와 같은 강력한 분석 도구를 이용해 주식 가격이 과소 평가되었는지 또는 과대 평가되었는지를 확인할 수 있습니다. "

스프링클 코인 소유자는 1년 스프링클빝 프리미엄 회원가입을 99 SCOI로 구매할 수 있습니다(일반 가격은 한달에 9.99 달러). 스프링클빝 프리미엄에 가입하시면 Analyzer 와 같은 강력한 분석 도구를 이용해 주식 가격이 과소 평가되었는지 또는 과대 평가되었는지를 확인할 수 있습니다.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

SprinkleCoin ICO Details

Crowdsale ICO Website:

White Paper:


Android APP:


If you already have Ethereum or when you do have Ethereum and are ready to purchase SprinkleCoin Tokens, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to and create a new account.

Step 2: Transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy SprinkleCoin Tokens to your myetherwallet account.

Step 3: When you have the Ethereum in your myetherwallet, transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy SprinkleCoin Tokens to the wallet address below:


Step 4: Send the TRANSACTION ID to [email protected]

Receiving your SprinkleCoin Tokens

When the ICO ends, you will receive your SprinkleCoin Tokens within 4 weeks. The tokens will ONLY be transferred to your myetherwallet. You will need to do a small set up process to receive and see your tokens. Go to your myetherwallet and click "Add Custom Token" and enter the details below into the fields you will see.

*Contract Address:  

*Token Symbol: SCOI

*Decimals: 18

Activity: 5
Merit: 0
Where can i see the procss, it would be good to see iive stats on investments. That could be good for investors and also the team.I just finished reading the white paper and the project looks very promising. Will wait for more information!

Hello, kindly note that we will publish that info soon when we launch the ICO in a week.  also you can read here about our progress of investors.

If you are interested to know more, you can add me on skype: ubeing    or telegram @ubeing  and i will make sure to connect you with the team and discuss all details.

We are the first Blockchain based Stock/Crypto Exchange, imagine you can trade stocks like microsoft,apple and others using cryptos.

That is great to hear! Wish you much success =)
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
We are the first Blockchain based Stock/Crypto Exchange, imagine you can trade stocks like microsoft,apple and others using cryptos.
I'm more interested in this part more than anything else.
Can you elaborate how is that going to be done?
I mean do you convert our crypto to stocks directly using your App, how is it don (if so of course)?

WE are developing the Platform which will be available in Beta next month, and then you will see how easy to do it, it is like working on a crypto exchange, and then you can exchange your crypto to stocks, like buying the stocks directly which will be listed on the site.

it sounds very easy, I feel interested, hopefully your platform will grow fast and be useful for the future, my friend's success will support you hopefully to be an extraordinary project in the future.

Thank you so much for your nice words, hopefully we see you as an investor in our project.
Activity: 281
Merit: 10
We are the first Blockchain based Stock/Crypto Exchange, imagine you can trade stocks like microsoft,apple and others using cryptos.
I'm more interested in this part more than anything else.
Can you elaborate how is that going to be done?
I mean do you convert our crypto to stocks directly using your App, how is it don (if so of course)?

WE are developing the Platform which will be available in Beta next month, and then you will see how easy to do it, it is like working on a crypto exchange, and then you can exchange your crypto to stocks, like buying the stocks directly which will be listed on the site.

it sounds very easy, I feel interested, hopefully your platform will grow fast and be useful for the future, my friend's success will support you hopefully to be an extraordinary project in the future.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
We are the first Blockchain based Stock/Crypto Exchange, imagine you can trade stocks like microsoft,apple and others using cryptos.
I'm more interested in this part more than anything else.
Can you elaborate how is that going to be done?
I mean do you convert our crypto to stocks directly using your App, how is it don (if so of course)?

WE are developing the Platform which will be available in Beta next month, and then you will see how easy to do it, it is like working on a crypto exchange, and then you can exchange your crypto to stocks, like buying the stocks directly which will be listed on the site.

sr. member
Activity: 882
Merit: 254
We are the first Blockchain based Stock/Crypto Exchange, imagine you can trade stocks like microsoft,apple and others using cryptos.
I'm more interested in this part more than anything else.
Can you elaborate how is that going to be done?
I mean do you convert our crypto to stocks directly using your App, how is it don (if so of course)?
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Where can i see the procss, it would be good to see iive stats on investments. That could be good for investors and also the team.I just finished reading the white paper and the project looks very promising. Will wait for more information!

Hello, kindly note that we will publish that info soon when we launch the ICO in a week.  also you can read here about our progress of investors.

If you are interested to know more, you can add me on skype: ubeing    or telegram @ubeing  and i will make sure to connect you with the team and discuss all details.

We are the first Blockchain based Stock/Crypto Exchange, imagine you can trade stocks like microsoft,apple and others using cryptos.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
Where can i see the procss, it would be good to see iive stats on investments. That could be good for investors and also the team.I just finished reading the white paper and the project looks very promising. Will wait for more information!
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Bonus Structure

- 30% Bonus for buyers of less than 100,000 SCOI

- 40% for buyers 100,001 SCOI to 300,000 SCOI

- 50% for buyers 300,000 SCOI to 10,000,000 SCOI

- 60% for Buyers 10,000,001 SCOI  to 50,000,000 SCOI

- 70% for buyers 50,000,000 SCOI to 75,000,000 SCOI

- 80% for buyers of + 100,000,000 SCOI.

- 100% for buyers of + 150,000,000 SCOI

The bonus will be released to investors after 6 months.
Buy at least 10,000 SprinkleCoin to become a member of SprinkleCoin Executive Club. See more info about the club above.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

We have a virtual currency on SprinkleBit called SprinkleBucks:

* For every 1,000 SprinkleBucks you hold before September 20th, we will give you 1 SprinkleCoin.

*You automatically receive 5,000 SprinkleBucks when you sign up on the SprinkleBit app, and if you make some good trades you are able to grow your portfolio.  

If a friend signs up via your personal link (link found on your profile next to profile image), you automatically receive 2,000 SprinkleBucks per friend.

To those of you who has been on SprinkleBit for a long time, and have accumulated a large amount of SprinkleBucks - congrats!

To the rest of you - Welcome! Free tokens for the people.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
What type of token are these? Utility or Security token? Thanks Smiley

It is an utility token.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
What type of token are these? Utility or Security token? Thanks Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
BTW, as for me, I never trust projects where the team doesn't want to show their real photos with links to their real social media accounts...

UpD. Sorry, missed the topic. Can't delete this message...

dID YOU CHECK THE WEBSITE?  almost everyone has his real picture and linkedin profile, i dunno from where you got this idea about someone not using real photos?
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Looks like a promising project. Will keep this in mind. Any bounties for translations?

Yes we want chinese, Russian and japanese and spanish translations.. we can discuss bounty for that.
Activity: 69
Merit: 10
Looks like a promising project. Will keep this in mind. Any bounties for translations?
full member
Activity: 462
Merit: 100
BTW, as for me, I never trust projects where the team doesn't want to show their real photos with links to their real social media accounts...

UpD. Sorry, missed the topic. Can't delete this message...
full member
Activity: 462
Merit: 100
Hello. There are 2 apps in google play with the same title: SprinkleBit. Which one is yours? If both of them are yours, so why there are 2 samples there?
Activity: 2
Merit: 0

SprinkleCoin appears to have an amazing potential for growth

thanks for sharing this info 
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain
Bonus Structure

- 30% Bonus for buyers of less than 100,000 SCOI

- 40% for buyers 100,001 SCOI to 300,000 SCOI

- 50% for buyers 300,000 SCOI to 10,000,000 SCOI

- 60% for Buyers 10,000,001 SCOI  to 50,000,000 SCOI

- 70% for buyers 50,000,000 SCOI to 75,000,000 SCOI

- 80% for buyers of + 100,000,000 SCOI.

- 100% for buyers of + 150,000,000 SCOI

The bonus will be released to investors after 6 months.
Buy at least 10,000 SprinkleCoin to become a member of SprinkleCoin Executive Club. See more info about the club above.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

We have a virtual currency on SprinkleBit called SprinkleBucks:

* For every 1,000 SprinkleBucks you hold before September 20th, we will give you 1 SprinkleCoin.

*You automatically receive 5,000 SprinkleBucks when you sign up on the SprinkleBit app, and if you make some good trades you are able to grow your portfolio.  

If a friend signs up via your personal link (link found on your profile next to profile image), you automatically receive 2,000 SprinkleBucks per friend.

To those of you who has been on SprinkleBit for a long time, and have accumulated a large amount of SprinkleBucks - congrats!

To the rest of you - Welcome! Free tokens for the people.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
Helping Companies migrate to blockchain

SprinkleCoin ICO Details

Crowdsale ICO Website:

White Paper:


Android APP:


If you already have Ethereum or when you do have Ethereum and are ready to purchase SprinkleCoin Tokens, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to and create a new account.

Step 2: Transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy SprinkleCoin Tokens to your myetherwallet account.

Step 3: When you have the Ethereum in your myetherwallet, transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to use to buy SprinkleCoin Tokens to the wallet address below:


Step 4: Send the TRANSACTION ID to [email protected]

Receiving your SprinkleCoin Tokens

When the ICO ends, you will receive your SprinkleCoin Tokens within 4 weeks. The tokens will ONLY be transferred to your myetherwallet. You will need to do a small set up process to receive and see your tokens. Go to your myetherwallet and click "Add Custom Token" and enter the details below into the fields you will see.

*Contract Address:  

*Token Symbol: SCOI

*Decimals: 18

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