Seafood Management System with All Solutions
The seafood industry is on the verge of a massive transition. For millennia, fish and other seafood products have been harvested, processed, sold, exported, shipped, imported, resold by wholesalers, and ultimately sold or served to consumers. The industry has always had its challenges, but up to now it has functioned in order to bring us the seafood we consume. However, this ecosystem is rapidly growing to exceed sustainable capacity.
The seafood industry would benefit vastly from a decentralized data ecosystem that operates in parallel to the decentralized ecosystem of physical goods. As seafood is exchanged from actor to actor, peer-to-peer relationships are formed in which data can be shared, and reputation can be established.
Blockchain is a powerful decentralized architecture designed to serve as both a mechanism and incentive structure for such decentralized ecosystems. Therefore, to address this issue, a team of seafood industry veterans, along with experts in technology, legal compliance, and ecosystem design have come together to develop a blockchain based data ecosystem specifically designed for the seafood industry. To facilitate and incentivize the exchange of data between actors, this ecosystem incorporates a utility token called SeaFood.
About Norwegian Token
SeaFood tokens flow in the direction from buyers to sellers in seafood supply chains, and therefore they will generally accumulate at, or near the point of harvest. This creates a virtuous cycle rewarding seafood producers who make the extra effort to capture and communicate the data needed to validate legality, traceability, safety, and quality of seafood.
The economic burden for the reward is rightly shifted to downstream actors in the supply chain such as hotels, restaurants, and retailers who benefit most from data in the form of price premiums. The obvious question remains, what is the value of the SeaFood token for seafood producers, many of whom are living at the base of the global economic pyramid?
While SeaFood tokens will be listed on public crypto exchanges, this type of exchange is not likely to incentivize behaviour change amongst the masses of small-scale fishers and smallholder farmers who live in developing nations.
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