Bitcoin AshProof of Incineration
Bitcoin Ash is an open-source, secure, private and anonymous currency, that works on a Proof of Incineration basis. The proof of incineration is the direct result of reducing the supply of Bitcoin, and earning revenue/profits from it. The proof of incineration business model allows transactions to be instant, and liquidity to remain at 100% where the Bitcoin Ash buy back rate will always be at 95% or above. Bitcoin Ash, ASH, will exponentially rise as more supply is incinerated into Ash.
Bitcoin Ash is capped at 21 Million Coins
The Bitcoin Ash ICO price will be half a Bitcoin
(ASH - BTC ratio 2:1)
There is no mining involved in this coin as it is purely Proof of Incineration, and because the price will exponentially rise, the buy back ICO date will be on January 1st 2018, where ASH will be bought back by the platform for 1 Bitcoin Each. As more BTC is incinerated, the incorporation of ASH and the blockchain will become more established, and as a result the rise of Bitcoin's price will have a direct proportional effect to the price of ASH.
Bitcoin ASH encourages price pumping activities for the Bitcoin. ASH will continue to exponentially rise until there is no incentive left to incinerate (when e= 8.398*21,000,000).
Bitcoin ASH's Portfolio
Bitcoin ASH is lightning fast, and because of it's integration with the Bitcoin Blockchain, it can provide faster speeds than SegWit would ever provide *. This very fact means that Bitcoin ASH will revolutionize the industry of payments, transactions, and let producers accept Bitcoin without the hassle of fees, and confirmation time.
The fees are 0%, and there are is no incentive to mine them at all. The blockchain is filled using the existing Bitcoin blockchain, but it is expanded upon.
1 millisecond block confirmation*
How to Incinerate (Now)
Before the debut of the buyback service, you can incinerate your Bitcoins at a marginal profit of at least 10% off. The Incineration (ICO) provides a platform for one to incinerate their coins and buy back 3 ASH per Bitcoin. 44,000 Bitcoins / Bitcoin ASH are available for incineration at this very moment.
Airdrops, Bounties, and Incentives
The airdrop is Bitcoin themselves. All Bitcoin holders can participate in the incineration event.
There will be NO bounties. Was Bitcoin bountied? No.
Incentives. The incentives are a guaranteed growth of at least 1:1 ASH/BTC ration at the latest buy back date. The Incentives allow investors to hold and redeem their airdropped and incinerated coins.