WhenHub has launched its WHEN token along with its new mobile app "Interface". The app makes it easy for people to connect with Experts on any topic using video calls. The call payment is managed as a smart contract transaction.
To instantly buy tokens, send ETH to whentoken.eth
Token website: https://interface.whenhub.com
Whitepaper: https://interface.whenhub.com/assets/WhenHub_Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram Group: https://t.me/WhenHubTokenSale
Airdrops: Join Telegram group or follow https://twitter.com/whenhub for upcoming Airdrop notifications
Co-founders of the company are: Scott Adams, creator of the popular Dilbert comic strip; Nik Kalyani, co-founder of the DNN Open Source project; and Quin Harker, experienced sales/operations executive.
- 10% bonus from March 26 to April 2, 2018
- 5% bonus from April 2 to April 9, 2018
1) Download and install the app to get 500 free tokens for use in the app.
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/interface-by-whenhub/id1321059592?ls=1&mt=8
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whenhub.interfaces
2) Open the side menu in the app and look for "Refer a Friend." This will give you a link.
3) Use the referral link wherever you wish. For every person you refer:
a) If they signup as a user, EACH of you get 100 free WHEN tokens
b) If they buy any ICO tokens, you get 3% of their purchase amount
All referral payouts are automatic and instant (they are in the Smart Contract). You don't have to do anything.