Announcing the future of Peercoin and Peershares development,
Jordan Lee's announcement.I am pleased to be able to announce the launch of Peerunity development, your next Peercoin wallet.
Since day one the Peershares specification has included a client (wallet) that would integrate support for Peercoin as well as multiple Peershares instances. While this versatile client has not been scheduled for the initial release of the Peershares template, the Peershares team feels it is time to begin development of this combined Peercoin/Peershares wallet. Accordingly, you can find the code project here: is a fork of the ppcoin repository. The first two or three releases will not feature support of Peershares. We would like it to be an open and inclusive environment for the broader Peercoin community to improve this Peercoin client. This does not belong to the Peershares team. In recognition of Peershares' dependence on Peercoin, some development of Peerunity will be sponsored by the Peershares team. We also want to reach out to developers such as irigi, b0netruper, Curve25519, JSmith-BitFlipper, ghost, sengaya, ngbatnicdotmil, ErikDubbelboer, samilaine and especially vpereira who have placed pull requests against ppcoin and say: the Peercoin community is very thankful for your work and we want to cooperate closely with you to refine and test your contributions and get them into the hands of users in the Peercoin community quickly. We encourage all developers considering making a pull request against the ppcoin repository to also make a pull request against Peerunity.
To help faciliate broad community cooperation, a number of trusted Peercoin/Peershares community leaders have write permissions to the repository, meaning they can integrate the code changes into the master copy of the code. These members are Sunny King, Ben, sigmike and myself.
I have said in the past that Peercoin development will be provided and funded by our Peershares team in the future. Today that future arrives. The Peershares project will be funding user interface based minting (aka one button minting) and will also provide Peercoin branding (updating PPCoin branding) for the client in our first Peerunity release. We will also include most of the pull requests currently pending against the ppcoin repository. We want to lock down the code for testing very quickly (in a week or two) and then release very quickly after that, so if you have something you would like to contribute to the first release, please speak up quickly and we will consider your request. One button minting is already in Peerunity (thanks to sigmike and funding from Peershares) and we will be merging ppcoin pull requests in the coming days. Initially we will place changes in master. As the cutoff for feature inclusion arrives, we will branch into 0.5, stabilize the branch through testing for release and simultaneously continue adding additional improvements to master.
The days of slow or nonexistent Peercoin development are over.