unleashed the Panda-Beast on the p2pool network..
In times of pools getting hashrates above of 2gh/s (by a total net hashrate @ 4.2 gh/s) its time to prevent the 51% by using a decentralized way of mining.
In short: "Mining solo in a group" :-)
For everyone who never heard about p2ool and for everyone who wanna escape pool operators, ddos attacks and high pool and transaction fees:
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/P2PoolJust point your miners to one of the two nodes by using your ThePandaCoin WalletAddress as your Username
"vertminer --scrypt-vert -Q 0 -o stratum+tcp://.....:9190 -u PayoutAddress -p anything"
http://bk-eu.cloudapp.net:9190 -> stratum+tcp://bk-eu.cloudapp.net:9190 -> EUROPE
http://bk-us.cloudapp.net:9190 -> stratum+tcp://bk-us.cloudapp.net:9190 -> US (Westcoast)
http://bk-asia.cloudapp.net:9190 -> stratum+tcp://bk-us.cloudapp.net:9190 -> ASIA (South-East)
You cant ping the nodes because windows azure has disabled ICMP :-( ... just give it a shot and watch the stale rate!
Or just setup your local node by using this:
https://github.com/TheoRettisch/p2pool-pandaA 1mhash/s user on my node made in 22hrs 216025.99511814 PANDAS (
http://panda-explorer.pool.minercoop.org/address/Pq1aqQF3Dph5WM1BPraZg4TPjhJXuScUFb )