We've made a bit of changes at Pool42 !
These last days we've been asking you your opinion regarding the hashrate limit in place, if we should remove it or not.
After having discussed with you all who decided to take the poll with us, exchanging your ideas and eventually the pros and cons,
it appeared that most of you were not really in favor of a hashrate limit removal, but more about a hashrate limit increase.
This is the reason why the pool hashrate limit will now be increased from 300 KH/s to 600 KH/s this way allowing medium-end
miners to come in while keeping large botnets out of the pool. This way, we hope to be able to counterbalance large pools such
as Minerclaim & Zpool in an effort to extract a decent amount of blocks per day as we used to.
We thank you all for taking part in this poll, and thank you for the constructive exchanges we have been able to have with you.
The new limit is effective from now on. Please note the tolerance of 15% is still effective.
Happy mining,
After having made a poll among our miners, it has been decided by the vast majority that the hashrate limit should be
increased from 300 KH/s to 600 KH/s in order to be able to have a larger share of the network hashrate.