No registration is required to utilize this service and connecting miners is easy:
- Point your miner url to stratum+tcp://
- Use your coin address of choice as the username
- Any password will work
Ensure the validity of your address as incorrect entries will forfeit earnings.
minerd -o stratum+tcp:// -u LKJDkkUs2avpWiKNc6ZRbZJqn2U4QWHP7S -p earth
bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -O LKJDkkUs2avpWiKNc6ZRbZJqn2U4QWHP7S
cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u LKJDkkUs2avpWiKNc6ZRbZJqn2U4QWHP7S -p earth connects to the p2pool network of miner nodes. Feathercoin, Litecoin, and Terracoin are the current supported currencies. It operates a Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares payout strategy. The following quote based from explains this system:
The block reward and the transaction fees are combined and apportioned according to these rules:
A subsidy of 0.5% is sent to the node that solved the block in order to discourage not sharing solutions that qualify as a block. The remaining 99.5% is distributed evenly to miners based on work done recently.
In the event that a share qualifies as a block, this generation transaction is exposed to the Litecoin network and takes effect, transferring each node its payout.
Tips for reducing Stales and DOA:
Although not required, when using cgminer or bfgminer set queue requests to zero and GPU Threads to 1.
Refer to additional instructions for each currency as posted.