Tim kami ingin semua orang mengunjungi ANN Thread kami dan membaca tentang proyek kami. Jika Anda mempunyai pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk ditanyakan. Tim AIDA mengundang Anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam kampanye bonti/hadiah dan membantu mengiklankan proyek untuk mendapatkan umpan balik. Kampanye berlangsung sampai 22 Mei.
Alokasi Bonti/hadiah: Updated- Kampanye sosial media - (40%) (Meliputi Facebook, Twitter)
- Kampanye Media dan Blog - (20%) (Meliputi aktivitas di Steemit, Telegram channel)
- Terjemahan dan Moderasi - (10%)
- Kampanye Signature - (25%)
- Aktivitas lainnya - (5%)
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1% di alokasikan untuk bonti/hadiah, jumlah hadiah akan bergantung pada hasil penjualan token. Kampanye telegram tidak termasuk dalam kolam bonti/hadiah.
Pembayaran:- Pembayaran dilakukan di ico.aida.market token โ AID
- Hasil program bonti, meliputi kalkulasi token yang diperoleh, akan diumumkan dalam waktu satu minggu setelah peluncuran token berakhir.
- Setelah alamat ETH diserahkan, tidak dapat diubah untuk alasan apapun. Hanya memberikan alamat ETH yang private key nya Anda ketahui
- Each member's amount of bounty AID tokens will be calculated using the following formula below:
(Jumlah total token AID kampanye bonti / ย Jumlah total stake peserta kampanye bonti) ย * ย stake Member
Peraturan Umum:- Stake akan dibagikan setiap minggu, pada hari Selasa
- Kami berhak untuk meng-eliminasi Anda jika kami merasa Anda tidak jujur โโdengan pekerjaan Anda.
- Bounty Manager dapat membuat sedikit perubahan dalam Kampanye Bonti/hadiah jika dianggap perlu
- Untuk pertanyaan apapun tentang kampanye dengan bonus, Anda bisa menghubungi saya melalui PM (pesan pribadi), atau menulis pesan di thread bonti resmi.
Bagaimana cara bergabung program bonti/hadiah- Mendaftar di situs resmi program bonti kami: invest.aida.market
- Anda dapat menemukan semua instruksi yang diperlukan di kabinet pengguna. Anda juga dapat menemukan informasi tentang program bonti pada thread bitcointalk saat ini.
Kampanye ini terbatas untuk 80 pengguna dengan rating minimal Full Member dan akan berlangsung hingga 22 Mei.
Peraturan kampanye Signature: Updated- Kami mencari pengguna bitcointalk aktif. Buat minimal 10 postingan berkualitas dalam seminggu. Posisi harus berkualitas baik, dari 80 karakter.
- Pesan hanya dipertimbangkan di bagian ini: "Bitcoin Discussion", "Trading Discussion ", "Alternate cryptocurrencies", "Local alternative cryptocurrencies". A thread "
Bounty", ย Mega threads tidak di izinkan.
- Pesan yang tertinggal di bagian lain akan diperhitungkan jika memiliki bobot yang serius di forum.
- Pengguna dengan negative trust tidak memenuhi syarat untuk kampanye bonti/hadiah.
- Manajer kampanye berhak mendiskualifikasi postingan atau pengguna atas kebijakannya sendiri.
- Pengguna yang saat ini terdaftar di Blacklist Lauda Anda tidak akan menerima pembayaran.
- Tidak ada akun alternatif, pengguna tidak dapat mengubah alamat pembayaran.
Hadiah:- Full Member: 1 stakes / week
- Senior Member: 2 stakes / week
- Hero Member: 3 stakes/ week.
- Legendary Member: 3.5 stakes/ week.
Instruksi kampanye Signature: Board Signature Codes ย ย
Kampanye ini terbatas untuk 80 pengguna dengan rating minimal Full Member, dan akan berlangsung selama 15 minggu.
Avatar links:How to join Code for Hero/Legendary
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[url=http://ico.aida.market/][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b][size=9pt]AIDA
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[td][center][url=http://ico.aida.market/][font=Arial][b][color=#5b5b5b][size=10pt][glow=#f9c00a,2,300][size=6pt][color=transparent].[/color][/size]P2P SERVICE FOR AUTOMATED SALES AND LOGISTICS[size=6pt][color=transparent].[/color][/size][/glow][/size][/color][/b][/font]
[color=#f9c00a][size=7pt]โฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโ[/size][/color][font=Arial][b][color=#5b5b5b][size=7pt]Interactive Pre-ICO[/size][/color][/b][/font][color=#f9c00a][size=7pt]โโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโค[/size][/color][/url][/center][/td]
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[url=https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/annpre-ico-aida-p2p-service-first-interactive-sale-2664369][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b][size=9pt]ANN
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Code for Sr.
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[url=http://ico.aida.market/][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b][size=9pt]AIDA
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[td][center][url=http://ico.aida.market/][font=Arial][b][color=#5b5b5b][size=10pt]P2P SERVICE FOR AUTOMATED SALES AND LOGISTICS[/size][/color][/b][/font]
[color=#f9c00a][size=7pt]โฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโ[/size][/color][font=Arial][b][color=#5b5b5b][size=7pt]Interactive Pre-ICO[/size][/color][/b][/font][color=#f9c00a][size=7pt]โโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโคโค[/size][/color][/url][/center][/td]
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[url=https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/annpre-ico-aida-p2p-service-first-interactive-sale-2664369][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b][size=9pt]ANN
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Code for Full
[center][url=http://ico.aida.market/][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b]AIDA[/color][/b][/font] [color=#f9c00a]โ[/color] [font=Arial][b][color=#5b5b5b]P2P SERVICE FOR AUTOMATED SALES AND LOGISTICS[/color][/b][/font] [color=#f9c00a]โ[/color][/url] [url=https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/annpre-ico-aida-p2p-service-first-interactive-sale-2664369][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b]ANN[/color][/b][/font][/url]
[url=http://ico.aida.market/][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b]SERVICE[/color][/b][/font] [color=#f9c00a]โฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโฅโ[/color][font=Arial][b][color=#5b5b5b]Interactive Pre-ICO[/color][/b][/font][color=#f9c00a]โโคโคโคโคโคโคโค[/color][/url] [url=https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/annpre-ico-aida-p2p-service-first-interactive-sale-2664369][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b]Thread[/color][/b][/font][/url]
[color=#f9c00a]โโโโโโโโโ[/color] [url=https://twitter.com/aida_service][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b]Twitter[/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#f9c00a]โ[/color] [url=https://github.com/Aida-Market/AIDA_ICO_SmartContract][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b]Github[/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#f9c00a]โ[/color] [url=https://t.me/aida_market][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b]Telegram[/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#f9c00a]โ[/color] [url=https://medium.com/@aidaservice][font=Arial black][b][color=#5b5b5b]Medium[/color][/b][/font][/url] [color=#f9c00a]โโโโโโโโโ[/color][/center]
Kami butuh translator (penerjemah)!
Peraturan:- Per orang hanya bisa pesan satu bahasa terjemahan
- Postingan tunggal thread mati akan didiskualifikasi
- Google Translator (atau alat penerjemah lainnya), kualitas terjemahan jelek akan membuat Anda didiskualifikasi, diterima hanya jika Anda memberikan kualitas terjemahan yang bagus sesuai dengan bahasa yang diminta
- Will be counted only the posts bringing a relevant new update, no spam or repeated unnecessary posts allowed
Stakes for each task:- ANN, Bounty Translation & Community; 100 stakes
- WhitePaper & Site; 100 stakes for each translation
- Activity in the local ANN thread: 1 stake per 1 post (yours) in your ANN thread
- Bonus if your thread has more than 1000 views: 50 stakes
Instructions to participate:
Earn tokens as a reward for helping us spread the word about AIDA on Facebook by means of posts, likes and reposts.
The company Facebook has updated the rules for placing materials, now it is forbidden to advertise crypto-currencies and ICO.
Here are some topics for posts.Bounty for all users:- Like one post on the official Facebook - 1 Stake
- One comment on one post on the official Facebook AIDA page - 1 Stake
You will get steaks in automatic mode. If you want to get more steak for your activities, take part in special Facebook bonus programme.Special Facebook bounty campaign rules:- Only one Facebook account per person is allowed.
- You have to like and repost exactly 5 posts in a week from our Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/aidaservice/
- You have to make exactly 5 Facebook posts in a week about AIDA. Only 1 tweet per day will count.
- Posts must be in English, include hashtag #aidaico.
- Post the links to your posts\reposts before Tuesday 23:59 UTC.
- One week - one message with all your links.
A full report of the completed work is required if you are a participant of the Special Facebook bountyWeekly Rewards:- 300-1000 followers - 5 stakes/week.
- 1000-2000 followers - 10 ย stakes/week.
- 2000-4000 followers - 15 ย stakes/week
- 4000 and more followers - 20 stakes/week.
The report should include:-Week: *number of week*
-Facebook URL: *URL of Facebook page*
-Friends: *Amount of Facebook friends*
-Followers: *Amount of Facebook followers*
-Posts: *links to your tweets about Aida with dates*
-Reposts: *Links to your reposts of the Aida official account posts*
Application Form: ย
https://goo.gl/forms/SzhnHAAOzg1OWWjY2Spreadsheet: ย
https://goo.gl/uF84QT If you got this question fill this form: https://goo.gl/Frb6KWHere you can follow the progress: https://goo.gl/oR823oBefore submitting a request, make sure that your report is correct.
Earn tokens as a reward for helping us spread the word about Aida on Twitter by means of posts and reposts.
Bounty for all users:- Follow the official Twitter Aida page - 1 Stake
- 1 repost of 1 post from the official page of Aida on Twitter Aida - 1 Stake
You will get steaks in automatic mode. If you want to get more steak for your activities, take part in special Facebook bonus programme.Special Twitter bounty campaign rules:- Follow the official Twitter Aida page.
- Only one Twitter account per person is allowed.
- Your Twitter account needs to have at least 85% real followers.
- You have to like and retweet exactly 5 tweets in a week from our Twitter account: @aida_service
- You have to make exactly 5 Twitter posts in a week about AIDA. Only 1 tweet per day will count.
- Tweets must be in English, include hashtag#aidaico.
- Post the links to your posts\reposts before Tuesday 23:59 UTC.
- One week - one message with all your links.
A full report of the completed work is required if you are a participant of the Special Facebook bountyWeekly Rewards:- 300-1000 followers - 5 stakes/week.
- 1000-2000 followers - 10 ย stakes/week.
- 2000-4000 followers - 15 ย stakes/week
- 4000 and more followers - 20 stakes/week.
The report should include:-Week: *number of week*
-Twitter username: *your twitter account name*
-Twitter url: *url of your twitter account*
-Followers: *number of your followers*
*links to your tweets about Aida with dates*
*links to your retweets of the Aida official account tweets with numbers*
Application Form: https://goo.gl/forms/OssNvgLNt2u4N7d62Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/6KBUQXIf you got this question fill this form: https://goo.gl/Frb6KWHere you can follow the progress: https://goo.gl/oR823oBefore submitting a request, make sure that your report is correct.
Earn tokens as a reward for helping us spread the word about Aida on your own mass media resource or blog by posts and reviews. Media and blogs also include activity in Steemit, and Telegram channels.
Blog contest rules:- Follow the official Medium Aida page.
- All the text must be published online and accessible by everyone.
- Your text must be original.
- We donโt allow websites with no audience.
- Your text must contain 200 words or more.
- Your post must include at least 2 links: to ico.aida.market/ website, or to other links about the project.
- Make sure you have full understanding of the AIDA Service.
- Make sure that your text is technically correct, and doesn't contain typoโs and errors.
Content verification will take place during the last week of the sale.Rewards:- Text writers receive 10, 20, or 40 stakes depending on the quality of their posts.
AIDA team makes the decision on the quality of the post, and this decision is final and not negotiable.
Owners of Telegram channels also need to add a link to the message by filling out the form.
Blog contest bounty tokens will be distributed proportionally among the participants according to the amount of received stakes.
Here are some topics for publications.Blog contest participation form: ย
https://goo.gl/forms/q8vbvb3FYbUTH6OB3Blog contest participants list: ย
Earn tokens as a reward for helping us talk about AIDA on Steemit with the help of messages.
For all users: - Follow the official Steem AIDA page - 1 Stake
- 1 post from 1 message from the official AIDA page to Steem - 1 Stake
How it works:- Sign up on our official website of the bounty program: invest.aida.market. You can locate all of the necessary instructions in the user cabinet.
- You will get steaks in automatic mode. If you want to get more steak for your activities, take part in special Blogs bonus programme.
10% of the total bounty pool is reserved for such custom campaigns.- If you have a different idea of how you can help us spread the word about AIDA, please sign up on the official website of the bounty program: http://invest.aida.market/ and find the โOther activitiesโ bounty campaign tab. You can locate all the necessary instructions in the user cabinet page.
- We'll review your request and contact you to discuss the details.
Questions?- If you have any questions regarding the security and vulnerability audit campaign, please use the following methods to acquire the required information:
If you got this question fill this form: https://goo.gl/Frb6KWHere you can follow the progress: https://goo.gl/oR823oBefore submitting a request, make sure that your report is correct.Telegram โ
https://t.me/aida_marketFor special offers โ
[email protected]