The new option is a workaround for the problem. By default spendzeroconfchange is 1, meaning the behavior would be the same as before. If you want to activate the new feature run with "-spendzeroconfchange=0", this will prevent spending unconfirmed change which is what creates transactions that could never confirm if a conflicting tx is broadcast. This feature is off by default because it can lead to unfriendly behavior: the reported balance may not be all spendable until your change is confirmed. So, please use it only if you know what you are doing. This should only affect you if you send more than once per block. Please read
All you need to do now is get bitcoin foundation to say yes, this was fixed also by RIEcoin.
... so what are you waiting for?
I'm seriously convinced, but you need to get more attention in this thread and show them how you solved those issues.