
Topic: [ANN][SHARE]ShareCoin - Pure POS - The only coin backed up by a real bussiness - page 290. (Read 293239 times)

sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
SELL WALL @ 0.00990000 (Swamphole) Honor it or get behind it !!! Only sell small amount or you'll reget it!

well that's not a bad price tho

21.5 sharecoins for a total of 0.21btc
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
Not selling my stake. I'm holding to earn the interest.

Staking 75% of them
Donating 10% of them

The rest to help the coin succeed!
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
Not selling my stake. I'm holding to earn the interest.
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
SELL WALL @ 0.00990000 (Swamphole) Honor it or get behind it !!!

GOD DAMN! I'd be scaling it. I am at work, so ya'll gonna need to work the magic! Don't dump!! Build it up and let it hold strong. Don't be douchers and kill the coin.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
SELL WALL @ 0.00990000 (Swamphole) Honor it or get behind it !!! Only sell small amount or you'll reget it!
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
updated to new wallet, and now its  synched,thanks Wink
1.6.0 has normal, thanks  Cheesy
Activity: 76
Merit: 10
updated to new wallet, and now its  synched,thanks Wink
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
Help Please!  Smiley Not sure if its already been addressed but I run mac wallet.  Is the update required because I'm stuck at block 4999 and the update is only for PC?
I also like this.
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
I can't backup my wallet using the Windows wallet software in Windows 8. Does anyone else have the same problem?

Yep, it's a bug. Just manually copy the wallet.dat file to your backup device/location. (I suggest you encrypt it first).
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
The MAX_MONEY limit in the wallet prevented network to generate PoS blocks. A fix has been released. You should update to the lastest version to start minting (Generating interest):

Dev even v 1.6 wallet is encrypted by itself.I can't unlock the wallet to start minting,it asks for passphrase.What's the passphrase can you tell us?

Also when I click 'Backup Wallet' nothing happens.

Can you have a look into these please.

Not sure what you did, but this isn't true. I just tested. There is no wallet in the d/l. When you first start that wallet it creates a non-encrypted wallet.dat file. You must have encrypted your wallet, or somehow copied and encrypted wallet into your sharecoin folder. Perhaps you copied a wallet.dat from some other coin into it.
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
The MAX_MONEY limit in the wallet prevented network to generate PoS blocks. A fix has been released. You should update to the lastest version to start minting (Generating interest):

i updated to new wallet, but now its out of synch, any node?
edit: synched, took longer than normal xD
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
I can't backup my wallet using the Windows wallet software in Windows 8. Does anyone else have the same problem?
Activity: 78
Merit: 10
Darkcoin Ya Bish! (Or Dash if you like)
Help Please!  Smiley Not sure if its already been addressed but I run mac wallet.  Is the update required because I'm stuck at block 4999 and the update is only for PC?
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
I must be blind reading over the OP, but I couldnt find where the PoS specifications are for this coin. Can someone tell me what the annual stake percentage is and what the stake age is?

24 hours is the stake age (dev posted that previously in the thread). The interest rates are in the footer of the web site:

Interest Rate

Year 1: 30%
Year 2: 20%
Year 3: 10%
Year 4: 5%
Year 5: 2%
Year 6 onwards: 1% annual stake for maintenance.

Awesome man, thank you.
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1001
I must be blind reading over the OP, but I couldnt find where the PoS specifications are for this coin. Can someone tell me what the annual stake percentage is and what the stake age is?

24 hours is the stake age (dev posted that previously in the thread). The interest rates are in the footer of the web site:

Interest Rate

Year 1: 30%
Year 2: 20%
Year 3: 10%
Year 4: 5%
Year 5: 2%
Year 6 onwards: 1% annual stake for maintenance.
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
I must be blind reading over the OP, but I couldnt find where the PoS specifications are for this coin. Can someone tell me what the annual stake percentage is and what the stake age is?
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
So did payouts from wafflepool begin, yet?

I doubt it. The BTC in the multipool will be used at Sharexer to buy ShareCoin, and that coin will be distributed proportionally to people that donated HASH/Coin to the Multipool. Since Sharexer isn't up and running yet, that multipool hasn't bought any SHARE.

What do we donate to multipool? Can I donate and be part of it even though I can't mine at all? Smiley

You can donate BTC to the multi pool. Follow the directions on the sharecoin website. You will get a BTC address when you put your ShareCoin address in. Spend BTC to that address to participate in the Multipool.

Great I will check this out..I got to to go out for couple of hours but I am looking into nice medium/long term revenue generating activities that bring in passive income and I like this, not just go flog all my coins cheapo and dump lol. I will be back after lunch, thank you again.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
The MAX_MONEY limit in the wallet prevented network to generate PoS blocks. A fix has been released. You should update to the lastest version to start minting (Generating interest):

Thank you. updated new wallet.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
get ready for those fake accts will  bombard and cry about not getting their shares very soon:D Cheesy

YEP  Grin
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100

IMPORTANT INFO! 2014-05-05

I'm organizing a promo/marketing group for ShareCoin (SHARE) through Twitter.
PM me if interested with your twitter name, and also post here quoting this post.

Come and join us.

Participants so far:
- rockrabbit

I encourage everyone to join our #ShareCoin IRC channel on where we can discuss next marketing/promo steps etc.

I will update this thread everyday.
When recruiting up to 10 or more people, we will begin Twitter Promo!

I would like to join.Add me please.

I'd like to join too.
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