
Topic: [ANN]⚡️TITAN COIN⚡️The first ICO project based on Byteball platform. 🚀 (Read 691 times)

sr. member
Activity: 284
Merit: 250
🌟 LAToken ICO - August 22, 2017 🌟
Here is a reminder about Titan Coin Airdrop:
It is closing soon, so hurry up to reserve your TC tokens!
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Hello everyone!
Titan Coin IEO on LATOKEN exchange has already started! You are welcome to follow the link for depositing.
We shall offer 5 000 000 TC at face value 0,2 USD/TC and our partners in LATOKEN provide support to the project with the  pr campaign in LATOKEN community. The platform is meant for real products tokenisation and liquid cryptographic asset trading. Today it is a rapidly growing Top-30 crypto exchange focusing on providing liquidity for new tokens:
●   $200+ million daily turnover
●   135,000+ registered traders
●   350+ crypto pairs available for trading

GET TITAN COIN: https://[Suspicious link removed]/2TmVHyk "

Activity: 3500
Merit: 6320
Crypto Swap Exchange
On Titan Coin telegram channel they said that a private sale has started from 14 October to 14 November. Following the private sale they plan to list Titan Coin on several exchanges.
Cool, thanks for the update. Too many telegram channels to follow and too little time to do it in.

full member
Activity: 190
Merit: 101
On Titan Coin telegram channel they said that a private sale has started from 14 October to 14 November. Following the private sale they plan to list Titan Coin on several exchanges.
Activity: 3500
Merit: 6320
Crypto Swap Exchange
Any updates? Anything happening with this?
There have been no updates on Twitter / medium in months.

Just a ping out of "we are working on stuff" would be nice.

Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Just awesome! They've got bright future.

Thank you for your support
Activity: 266
Merit: 10
Just awesome! They've got bright future.
jr. member
Activity: 221
Merit: 2
it seems that the project is interesting and worth developing, hoping for the future,this project will work smoothly and successfully with great support and investors who join.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
The latest Titan Coin project’s news

So, what we have achieved so far?

In preparation for the ICO project, we have significantly elaborated the project:

- have updated the software and prepared convenient personal accounts for each investor
- expanded the range of technological partners in order to obtain independence from the 1st source of raw materials
- held a series of negotiations to integrate a unique and innovative technology for the production of titanium dioxide
- clarified the composition of the processing line and selected equipment suppliers on attractive terms
- selected a site in a special economic zone for implementation of the innovative production project, with the possibility of obtaining tax incentives
- initiated the development of a legal structure by one of the Big Four consulting companies.

Building on already achieved results and updated figures, we are certain that the Titan Coin ICO will be as successful, if not, more so, and will open a broad future of possibilities for our project! Titan Coin is promising to become one of the strongest currencies on the crypto market today with a profitability that is growing confidently as the demand for titanium products in world industry grows on a daily basis.

Currently we correct the business plan and WP to meet final agreements with Technological partners, and the start date of the tokens open sale will be announced no less than two weeks prior the launch.

In case you have any queries regarding our ICO, please feel free to get in touch with us on telegram chat.

Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Dear investors!

Recently, the new Exchange bot has been launched on the Byteball platform, allowing the token to be accessed immediately from both platforms: Byteball and Ethereum, or simply, to form a Dual-chain token!

We are happy to announce that the Titan Coin was one of the first tokens added to this bot, and now functions as a Dual-Chain token!

How will it affect the Titan Coin project?

- The Titan Coin ERC20 token will be listed on recognized exchanges with high-liquidity (unlike the Byteball token, which wasn’t accepted for the listing).

- During the ICO, in order to purchase the tokens, investors are not required to install the Byteball wallet when paying in ETH - investors will receive ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum platform.

- Any holder of the Byteball token will be able to exchange them for ERC20 tokens.

How does Dual-Chain and exchange bot work?

- The main link between the of Byteball and Ethereum platforms is a bundle of a Byteball Bot and Ethereum smart-contracts. Every exchange operation between two platforms is performed via the bot on the Byteball platform and in both directions, which requires the user to have wallets on both platforms.

- Token emission will be performed equally on both platforms, this will not affect the total emission in any way, since one platform will be issued with "active" tokens at the same time as the other platform with "frozen" tokens.

- When performing the exchange operation, the bot on the Byteball platform will "freeze" the required number of "active" Byteball tokens in the bot's wallet and send a command to the Ethereum smart contract for "unfreeze" the same amount of ERC20 tokens blocked on the exchanger's Ethereum account and, as a result, transfer activated ERC20 token to the user’s Ethereum wallet.

- So, the number of "active" tokens is always equal to the number of "frozen” tokens and therefore equal to the initial emission of the token on one platform. Each token can be repeatedly swapped between platforms.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
Great project with a great team and supporters. Let’s make this grow up Grin Grin
Activity: 33
Merit: 0

What's technology behind this project, Is it an ERC Token?

Titan-coin is based on Byteball platform and DAG technology that is also decentralized and allows smart contracts for deals processing.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0

I also have high hopes for this project. I wish good luck to the devs.

Thank you  Smiley Titan Coin project has a great future.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0

I also have high hopes for this project. I wish good luck to the devs.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0

What's technology behind this project, Is it an ERC Token?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0

It's awesome that you're going to work with cryptocurrency, cause it's money of future. But I can't find the info about what exactly currency you're going to work with?
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Buy Titan Coin directly from the Byteball platform!

We have great news for our partners — starting March 23, 2018, obtaining Titan Coin tokens became a lot easier! The Byteball platform, used by Titan Coin, has launched a Byteball Exchange Bot.

The Byteball Exchange Bot is an exchanging bot, located directly in the wallet. It is available from the bot store and makes the process of buying and selling tokens fast and effortless.

How does it work?

The exchange process takes place in the chat format. The bot collects all information about your order and offers a smart contract (or a set of smart contracts) required for the order creation between you and the exchange operator. This contract guarantees that you will fully receive the right amount tokens for your money, or vice versa. In the event the exchanger is hacked, intruders will not be able to steal your money: you can cancel your order in case of problems with the exchange work.

The orders are performed centrally. So, if someone creates the opposite of your order, the operator will execute these orders with one transaction, and all transfers of money and tokens will occur simultaneously.

However, the bot-exchanger acts differently than the of traditional exchangers. For example, one order can be executed by several transactions, because there are not always two opposite orders for the same amount or number of tokens.

Hurry to test it out!

So, while the Titan Coin project is still going through the audit process, all investors have the opportunity to use the Byteball Exchange Bot and buy tokens directly on the Byteball platform, without waiting for access to the traditional exchanges. The procedure is completely transparent, safe and convenient and easy enough to understand once you acquaint yourself with the interface and features — so you can now buy and sell tokens with ease anywhere and anytime.

In case you have any queries regarding our ICO, please feel free to get in touch with us on telegram chat.

Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Dear investors and future investors, we are beginning the Whitelist registration that will give you an opportunity to purchase tokens with an increased 30% discount. With the beginning of the open sale, which will commence after the completion of due diligence process, the maximum bonus will be 25%. You can find the detailed guidelines on how register on the Whitelist on our site.

We will be happy to discuss your suggestions and comments and answer all your queries in our telegram chat.

Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Интepecнo, нo нe нaшёл нa Pyccкoм языкe. Smiley

Bы yжe ждeтe cтapт ICO Titan Coin? Toгдa этa нoвocть cпeциaльнo для вac! Ужe 1 мapтa, мы oткpывaeм бeлyю книгy. Для тex, ктo зapeгиcтpиpyeтcя в личнoм кaбинeтe нa caйтe пpoeктa пoявитcя вoзмoжнocть пpиoбpecти тoкeны c yвeличeнным бoнycoм 30%. C нaчaлoм oткpытoй пpoдaжи мaкcимaльный бoнyc cocтaвит 25%.

Titan Coin – пepвый и eдинcтвeнный в cвoeм poдe ICO-пpoeкт, кoтopый cвязaн c пpoизвoдcтвoм пpoдyктoв титaнoвoй гpyппы. Пpoeкт пepepaбoтки xвocтoxpaнилищ пoзвoляeт yлyчшить экoлoгию peгиoнa и выгoднo дoбыть зaпacы цeннoгo cыpья для пpoизвoдcтвa диoкcидa титaнa – ильмeнитoвoгo кoнцeнтpaтa.

Чтo мы yжe ycпeли?

C 3 нoябpя пo 4 дeкaбpя пpoшлoгo гoдa пpoшeл этaп pre-ICO Titan Coin, кoтopый пoлнocтью oпpaвдaл нaдeжды opгaнизaтopoв пpoeктa: былo пpoдaнo 5 685 925 тoкeнoв, cтoимocть пpивлeчeнныx cpeдcтв дocтигaлa 3 млн. дoллapoв.

B paмкax пoдгoтoвки к ICO пpoeктa мы знaчитeльнo дopaбoтaли пpoeкт:
- oбнoвили пpoгpaммнoe oбecпeчeниe и пoдгoтoвили для инвecтopoв yдoбныe пepcoнaльныe кaбинeты
- pacшиpили кpyг тexнoлoгичecкиx пapтнepoв для пoлyчeния нeзaвиcимocти oт 1гo иcтoчникa cыpья
- пpoвepили cepию пepeгoвopoв для интeгpaции в пpoeкт yникaльнoй иннoвaциoннoй тexнoлoгии пo пpoизвoдcтвy диoкcидa титaнa
- yтoчнили cocтaв тexнoлoгичecкoй линии и пoдoбpaли пocтaвщикoв oбopyдoвaния нa выгoдныx ycлoвияx
- пoдoбpaли плoщaдкy для peaлизaции пpoeктa иннoвaциoннoгo пpoизвoдcтвa в ocoбoй экoнoмичecкoй зoнe c вoзмoжнocтью пoлyчeния нaлoгoвыx льгoт
- иницииpoвaли paзpaбoткy юpидичecкoй cтpyктypы кoнcaлтингoвoй кoмпaниeй из «Бoльшoй Чeтвepки»

Oпиpaяcь нa дocтигнyтыe peзyльтaты и yтoчнeнныe pacчeты, мы c yвepeннocтью oжидaeм, чтo ICO бyдeт нe мeнee ycпeшным, и y пpoeктa ecть бoльшoe бyдyщee! Titan Coin oбeщaeт cтaть caмoй твepдoй вaлютoй нa кpиптopынкe c yвepeннo pacтyщeй пpибыльнocтью: вeдь пoтpeбнocть миpoвoй пpoмышлeннocти в титaнoвoй пpoдyкции бyдeт тoлькo pacти.

Кoгдa cтapтyeт oткpытaя пpoдaжa?

Ha дaнный мoмeнт кoнcaлтингoвaя кoмпaния пpoдoлжaeт нaчaвшийcя в янвape пpoцecc due diligence пpoeктa и paзpaбoтки oптимaльнoй юpидичecкoй cтpyктypы. B cвязи c измeнeниями зaкoнoдaтeльcтвa пpoцecc пoтpeбoвaл бoльшe зaплaниpoвaннoгo вpeмeни, a oткpытaя пpoдaжa мoжeт тoкeнoв мoжeт пpивecти к нeпpeднaмepeннoмy нapyшeнию зaкoнoдaтeльcтвa. Пoэтoмy мы oткpывaeм зaпиcь в бeлyю книгy и нaчнeм oткpытa пpoдaжy тoкeнa пo итoгaм выпycкa зaключeния кoнcyльтaнтaми и в пoлнoм cooтвeтcтвии c cyщecтвyющим зaкoнoдaтeльcтвoм.

O зaпycкe oткpытoй пpoдaжи мы cooбщим дoпoлнитeльнo зa двe нeдeли дo ee нaчaлa.

Чтo дaльшe?

B пepиoд дo зaвepшeния paзpaбoтки юpидичecкoй cтpyктypы мы пpoдoлжим paбoтy пo интeгpaции в пpoeкт Titan Coin иннoвaциoннoй тexнoлoгии пpoизвoдcтвa диoкcидa титaнa.
Пo мepe пoдпиcaния coглaшeний c пapтнepaми и мecтными opгaнaми влacти мы бyдeм pacкpывaть тexнoлoгичecкyю инфopмaцию, a тaкжe инфopмиpoвaть o дocтижeнии дoгoвopeннocтeй пo пpeдocтaвлeнию пpoeктy нaлoгoвыx льгoт.
B тeчeниe мapтa дoлжнa быть зaвepшeнa paзpaбoткa юpидичecкoй cтpyктypы, и мы oбъявим дaтy нaчaлa oткpытoй пpoдaжи тoкeнoв нe мeнee, чeм зa двe нeдeли дo cтapтa пpoдaжи.

Cpoк пpoвeдeния ICO нe измeнитcя и cocтaвит 3 кaлeндapныx мecяцa.
sr. member
Activity: 300
Merit: 250
Интepecнo, нo нe нaшёл нa Pyccкoм языкe. Smiley
Activity: 33
Merit: 0

Are you all ready and waiting for the start of Titan Coin ICO? Then this news is definitely for you! On March 1, we are already opening the White list. Those of you who will register their accounts on our website will get a chance to purchase tokens with an increased 30% bonus. With the beginning of the open sale, the maximum bonus will be 25%.

Titan Coin is the first and only ICO project that is associated with the titanium industry and titanium group production. Such project on tailing dam reprocessing will not only help to improve the ecological situation in the region, it will allow to extract reserves of the highly valuable source of titanium dioxide -ilmenite concentrate in efficient way.

So, what we have achieved so far?

Our pre-ICO campaign, which was held from November 3 to December 4 last year, completed with successful results and in accordance with founders’ expectations: 5,685,925 tokens were sold and with value of raised funds that reached 3 million USD!

In preparation for the ICO project, we have significantly elaborated the project:

- have updated the software and prepared convenient personal accounts for each investor

- expanded the range of technical partners in order to obtain independence and do not rely on a single source of raw materials

- held a series of negotiations to integrate a unique and innovative technology for the production of titanium dioxide

- clarified the composition of the processing line and selected equipment suppliers on attractive terms

- selected a site in a special economic zone for implementation of the innovative production project, with the possibility of obtaining tax incentives

- initiated the development of a legal structure by one of the Big Four consulting companies.

Building on already achieved results and updated figures, we are certain that the Titan Coin ICO will be as successful, if not, more so, and will open a broad future of possibilities for our project! Titan Coin is promising to become one of the strongest currencies on the crypto market today with a profitability that is growing confidently as the demand for titanium products in world industry grows on a daily basis.

When will open sale begin?

At the moment, the consulting company continues the process of due diligence of the project that began in January and the development of an optimal legal structure. Due to changes in legislation, this process has required more time than was initially forecast, and the open sale of tokens may lead to an unintentional violation of the law. Therefore, we open the registration in the White list and will begin open sale of the token upon the conclusions of advisors and in full compliance with the present legislation.

We will inform everyone on the start of open sale two weeks prior launch.

What is next?

During this period and before the completion of the legal framework development, we will keep working on the integration of state-of-the-art titanium dioxide production technology into the Titan Coin project.

We will disclose the technological information in a process of signing of agreements with partners and local authorities, and will inform on reaching agreements on granting the tax benefits to our project.

During March of this year, the development of the legal structure should be complete, and the start date of the tokens open sale will be announced no less than two weeks prior the launch.

There has been no alteration to duration of the ICO, which still remains at 3 calendar months.


Activity: 33
Merit: 0
The presentation of the titancoins in the byteball wallet is quite impractical. Could you also add the value in $, like Byteball did?

Thanks for your comment. We'll add required information.
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
The presentation of the titancoins in the byteball wallet is quite impractical. Could you also add the value in $, like Byteball did?
Activity: 350
Merit: 13
Byteball you say. Time to give this whitepaper a read then. I've found Byteball to be a very interesting platform
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
whitepapers are not so complete about the whole. A stable derivative based on existing assets on what industrial goods will be stable or not? and Airdrop which forcibly fills the token into byte holder. does it produce a good byteball. convey clarity about it. Cheesy

Due to our project being extended we will need some time to update and revised version of the original White Paper publication. We will advise you on the exact date as soon as possible.  We apologize for the delay but this is a necessary process with regards to expanding the business.

Unfortunatelly Airdrop is not part of  the Titan Coin scheme. However if you are intersted in ByteBall Airdrop please contact Byteball Technical support.
jr. member
Activity: 238
Merit: 2
whitepapers are not so complete about the whole. A stable derivative based on existing assets on what industrial goods will be stable or not? and Airdrop which forcibly fills the token into byte holder. does it produce a good byteball. convey clarity about it. Cheesy
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
ooo..i was expecting something like this for a long time..good luck people!

You're very welcome to take part in our project. In case you have any queries regarding our ICO, please feel free to get in touch with us on telegram chat.
hero member
Activity: 994
Merit: 504
ooo..i was expecting something like this for a long time..good luck people!
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
This is a good project, to create new assets in the cryptographic market with high return and low risk is very good, I'm sure this will be a great project

Thanks for the trust  Smiley In case you have any queries regarding our ICO, please feel free to get in touch with us on telegram chat.
full member
Activity: 420
Merit: 101
This is a good project, to create new assets in the cryptographic market with high return and low risk is very good, I'm sure this will be a great project
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
from your "one pager", I realized you are selling all tokens to the public; 9% during pre-sale and 91% a ICO. I would like to know why you are selling all unless the answer is found in the whitepaper.

Due to our project being extended we will need some time to update and revised version of the original White Paper publication. We will advise you on the exact date as soon as possible.  We apologize for the delay but this is a necessary process with regards to expanding the business.

Tokens will be distributed as follows:

10 % – Team tokens;
3% – Bounty;
6% – Tokens sold at pre-ICO;
81% – Tokens to be sold at ICO.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
tried to follow the link to the white paper and in the end - an error. The reference to white paper does not work, correct it.

We fixed the bug. Thank you.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
tried to follow the link to the white paper and in the end - an error. The reference to white paper does not work, correct it.

Try to follow this link please
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Hi everyone! Just added Titan Coin ICO to my website ConcourseQ is a collaborative due diligence community that researches and reviews ICOs. Anyone with an account can submit information to your page, so we are reaching out to this community to get you all involved in the discussion. Thanks! PS: If you have any questions about filling in the info, feel free to ask us in our discord group:

Thanks! We hope for useful cooperation.
full member
Activity: 854
Merit: 100
from your "one pager", I realized you are selling all tokens to the public; 9% during pre-sale and 91% a ICO. I would like to know why you are selling all unless the answer is found in the whitepaper.
sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 250
tried to follow the link to the white paper and in the end - an error. The reference to white paper does not work, correct it.
Yes, me too. have tried to open the white paper and the result 404 error.
Activity: 196
Merit: 46
Reserved WP/ANN German translation.

Shoot me a message if you're interested and I'll send you my portfolio.
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 128
 tried to follow the link to the white paper and in the end - an error. The reference to white paper does not work, correct it.
Activity: 182
Merit: 11
Hi everyone! Just added Titan Coin ICO to my website ConcourseQ is a collaborative due diligence community that researches and reviews ICOs. Anyone with an account can submit information to your page, so we are reaching out to this community to get you all involved in the discussion. Thanks! PS: If you have any questions about filling in the info, feel free to ask us in our discord group:
sr. member
Activity: 296
Merit: 251
This is interesting to see something based on byteball. I have not seen that before. I will have to read more before giving more opinion. I see at first glance it based on real world application, which is always good.
full member
Activity: 348
Merit: 100
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