
Topic: AnonyMint; split from: Wired Magazine: The Inside Story of MtGox (Read 560 times)

Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
Since lately some people have been insinuating that I might be a anti-social, I was happy to review those traits and see I don't possess them.

I think this is the term you're looking for
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Activity: 518
Merit: 521
Great article.  Great insight into Mark Karpeles personality and strange behaviors...


What's frightening is that it's not uncommon. Operating a successful business involves doing a hell of a lot of tedious shit, more and more of it as the business gets bigger.  You can't just ignore that shit and you can only delegate so much of it to other people but the more you play the "successful entrepreneur" game the less likely it is that people will call you on your bullshit - or the more likely it is that you'll dismiss any criticism because you think you're smarter than everyone else.

A lot of people get hooked on "being a CEO" and all the trappings, which isn't the same thing as being a successful business person.

I feel bad saying this but all signs point to him being a Sociopath.

Plain and simple.


Since lately some people have been insinuating that I might be a anti-social, I was happy to review those traits and see I don't possess them.

Glibness and Superficial Charm

It is quite evident from my posts I don't do that.

Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

I prayed for the guys who gorged my right eye out, I had to fight with my ex because I wanted give my computer monitor to the artist who suffers from polio and did some of the artwork on my, etc....

Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

My sense of self mirrors my actual accomplishments. I am not entitled, I live in a small shack in a third world country and eat rice and bitter melon. I don't have any toilet paper and wash my arse with my hand and soap. I don't have any furniture at the moment because I am too busy working so I only need my foam bed and this rotten wooden table (that I discovered outside) for my desk. Cripes I am running an Athlon 2 core CPU and a single 19 monitor with a cheap keyboard.

I can't remember the last time I took a day off. Shower maybe twice a month.

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

I hate the pressure of being caught in a lie. It entangles you in an ever increasing web of lies. I'd rather deal with the mistake upfront as possible.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

I know very well the things I have done wrong in my life. And feel remorse, shame, and guilt. More importantly I do everything I can to make restitution.

Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

I love deeply+eternally and hate shallowly+ephemerally.

Incapacity for Love

I think i have too much capacity, even at 49 in June (and I mean both the physical and emotional aspects)  Wink

Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

I hate gambling. Never do it. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs, but I don't have a hang up about sex with someone who feels the same with me. If that is promiscuous so be it. But I don't have time to be promiscuous any way.

Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

I try to imagine the pain others feel. I remembered with I was hospitalized near death in 2012 with an acute peptic ulcer that was leaking acid into my body and causing my internal organs to tear and die, and I wasn't allow painkiller, that I became aware that we really don't know the pain others feel until we feel it ourselves. And I also had an idea what burning in perpetuity would feel like (and I can handle pain, I played an entire football game with a broken nose, I've been sewed and operated on without anesthesia but that burning pain is really the shit!).

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

There are sometimes I feel I am not doing a good enough job disciplining myself, but nothing extreme. All of us have to check ourselves from time-to-time.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

I had a difficult childhood but I thrived both in academics and sports and even my own hobbies and entrepreneurial pursuits at a very young age. I never let hardship stop me.

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

I feel obligated to help those who are close to me. And I do.

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.

I covered that already above. I see nothing wrong with sex between consenting adults.

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

I have demonstrated accomplishments of goals throughout my life.

Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.

My story is still the same. Now working on the next big thing.
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