We'll straight-up bribe them to use it... Another edge.
lol, wonder how that would work.
I can do a lot of marketing...
It's pretty simple, on all levels (word of mouth, ad banners, viral videos, whatever format) we just convey the message that there is a completely private alternative to facebook now that pays 'YOU' all the money that was going to facebook before!
"Why let Zuck get rich off of those ads beside YOUR content while sharing all of your private details with the feds? With Program X, YOU get 100% of the ad revenue generated from your content, Forever!"Or did you mean how would the mechanics of it work? Well like facebook there'd be a self-service ad platform for advertisers to buy impressions at, but instead of facebook selling them, each individual user has, in their profile, an ad preferences sub-profile that matches up to the advertiser's needs. (And where they put their bitcoin address for payment.)
...And unlike facebook, there would be no one seeing those preferences, because that kind of info would be stored per user on Mega, only seen by the user, ever. (But meta-viewed by the advertisers, of course.)