It would seem that the limit of a Homo sapiens sapiens’ capacity to uniquely categorize other ones begets, in the context of the current population thereof of Earth, its extrapolation of a singular identity over, even, many millions thereof.
but you know, I try my best .
Estimates for that limit for Homo sapiens sapiens have been placed at under three hundred, large enough to accommodate "the interest" (username18333).
= guilty !
(you see, I am weak...). but this time it will be different (like they used to say every quarters since 1913).
(for my discharge I wanted to post here but it was the best, and I had only a good one )
edit: the advice is cool, but as I can't follow it, as it would make me silent, and so guilty by omission of opposing, I say that it's wrong. if one stone fall the all is weak, or false. science 101.
if I said so, in what sense does the verb of a kuffar having worked all his life to protect the interest (nice word) of those enslaving mankind should have any value before me? I am speaking of those pretending to be "judge"... lol, if there wasn't the faithful they would have called themselves god, and would have make plant of the creation illegal, rape legal (or at least lightly punishable), and authorize systemic tool to enslave all but their masters from whom they would have gotten a little... In the Joes party I am sure they were there... I am even ready to bet.
once armies are in motion the only judge standing are those there to judge the infraction to the code of conduct of the battle groups. nothing else, nothing more. And as it's war and the fog can be deep, and those being judged are backed by their peers, caring too, I can tolerate them... tolerate.