I tried to lock this topic and report him/her to the moderator, but I think it's not enough to report him because he/she still continues the spam he/she's making.
I'm just concern with the forum and the community and in my understanding you're not able to copy paste post to different threads and sections unless if it was translated because it will result as a spam.
Moderators do get around to dealing with these problem users when they get around to it.
They have a backlog of shitty users to deal with, it is best to just take the advice as given and not expect immediate results.
Use the "report to moderator" button give an explanation in the space provided and they will deal with it accordingly. If you feel the problem goes beyond the one post mention that and they will look into it.
If it is a case of plagiarism you can also post your findings in this
thread by LoyceV
The problem with everyone creating threads like this over and over everytime there is an issue is that it gums up the board unnecessarily. If you don't notice any action then feel free to take additional steps but it usually isn't required. When I see these threads I generally just think people are looking to get Merits or recognition for something that can be done without receiving either.