I'd personally go with the L3+. It's on a relatively developed algo with established coins, things will likely go as they have in the land of Scrypt and mining rewards won't fluctuate as they might with Sia or CryptoNight coins. It's significantly less risky than the X3 or A3.
I am quite expert at GPU mining but not at ASICs and I want to understand more about these. I see that everyone link X3 to Monero only. But there are tons of Cryptonight coins. Like Sumocoin for example and many other. Even if Monero will fork, not all the others will. So the profit should still be there. It looks similar to when ppl talk about GPU profit. They only talk about ETH and similar. Last month I made VERY GOOD profit mining shitcoins like Raven and MLM. Some days I made up to 400 usd in a single day. If the same day I would have been mining ETH my profits would have been WAY less.
Isn't the same with ASCIs? L3s can do Scypt by Scrypt is not only Litecoin. X3 can do Cryptonight but Cryptonight is not only money. I am just asking. I would really appreciate some more info. Thanks!